// mapstructure-to-hcl2 fills the gaps between hcl2 and mapstructure for Packer // // By generating a struct that the HCL2 ecosystem understands making use of // mapstructure tags. // // Packer heavily uses the mapstructure decoding library to load/parse user // config files. Packer now needs to move to HCL2. // // Here are a few differences/gaps betweens hcl2 and mapstructure: // // * in HCL2 all basic struct fields (string/int/struct) that are not pointers // are required ( must be set ). In mapstructure everything is optional. // // * mapstructure allows to 'squash' fields // (ex: Field CommonStructType `mapstructure:",squash"`) this allows to // decorate structs and reuse configuration code. HCL2 parsing libs don't have // anything similar. // // mapstructure-to-hcl2 will parse Packer's config files and generate the HCL2 // compliant code that will allow to not change any of the current builders in // order to softly move to HCL2. package main import ( "bytes" "flag" "fmt" "go/types" "io" "log" "os" "regexp" "sort" "strings" "github.com/fatih/structtag" "github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2/hcldec" "github.com/zclconf/go-cty/cty" "golang.org/x/tools/go/packages" "golang.org/x/tools/imports" ) const mapstructureToHCL2 = "mapstructure-to-hcl2" var ( typeNames = flag.String("type", "", "comma-separated list of type names; must be set") output = flag.String("output", "", "output file name; default srcdir/_hcl2.go") trimprefix = flag.String("trimprefix", "", "trim the `prefix` from the generated constant names") ) // Usage is a replacement usage function for the flags package. func Usage() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage of "+mapstructureToHCL2+":\n") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t"+mapstructureToHCL2+" [flags] -type T[,T...] pkg\n") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Flags:\n") flag.PrintDefaults() } func main() { log.SetFlags(0) log.SetPrefix(mapstructureToHCL2 + ": ") flag.Usage = Usage flag.Parse() if len(*typeNames) == 0 { flag.Usage() os.Exit(2) } typeNames := strings.Split(*typeNames, ",") // We accept either one directory or a list of files. Which do we have? args := flag.Args() if len(args) == 0 { // Default: process whole package in current directory. args = []string{"."} } outputPath := strings.ToLower(typeNames[0]) + ".hcl2spec.go" if goFile := os.Getenv("GOFILE"); goFile != "" { outputPath = goFile[:len(goFile)-2] + "hcl2spec.go" } log.SetPrefix(fmt.Sprintf(mapstructureToHCL2+": %s.%v: ", os.Getenv("GOPACKAGE"), typeNames)) cfg := &packages.Config{ Mode: packages.LoadSyntax, } pkgs, err := packages.Load(cfg, args...) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if len(pkgs) != 1 { log.Fatalf("error: %d packages found", len(pkgs)) } topPkg := pkgs[0] sort.Strings(typeNames) var structs []StructDef usedImports := map[NamePath]*types.Package{} for id, obj := range topPkg.TypesInfo.Defs { if obj == nil { continue } t := obj.Type() nt, isANamedType := t.(*types.Named) if !isANamedType { continue } if nt.Obj().Pkg() != topPkg.Types { // Sometimes a struct embeds another struct named the same. ex: // builder/osc/bsuvolume.BlockDevice. This makes sure the type is // defined in topPkg. continue } ut := nt.Underlying() utStruct, utOk := ut.(*types.Struct) if !utOk { continue } pos := sort.SearchStrings(typeNames, id.Name) if pos >= len(typeNames) || typeNames[pos] != id.Name { continue // not a struct we care about } // make sure each type is found once where somehow sometimes they can be found twice typeNames = append(typeNames[:pos], typeNames[pos+1:]...) flatenedStruct := getMapstructureSquashedStruct(obj.Pkg(), utStruct) flatenedStruct = addCtyTagToStruct(flatenedStruct) newStructName := "Flat" + id.Name structs = append(structs, StructDef{ OriginalStructName: id.Name, FlatStructName: newStructName, Struct: flatenedStruct, }) for k, v := range getUsedImports(flatenedStruct) { if _, found := usedImports[k]; !found { usedImports[k] = v } } } out := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) fmt.Fprintf(out, `// Code generated by "%s %s"; DO NOT EDIT.`, mapstructureToHCL2, strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ")) fmt.Fprintf(out, "\npackage %s\n", topPkg.Name) delete(usedImports, NamePath{topPkg.Name, topPkg.PkgPath}) usedImports[NamePath{"hcldec", "github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2/hcldec"}] = types.NewPackage("hcldec", "github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2/hcldec") usedImports[NamePath{"cty", "github.com/zclconf/go-cty/cty"}] = types.NewPackage("cty", "github.com/zclconf/go-cty/cty") outputImports(out, usedImports) sort.Slice(structs, func(i int, j int) bool { return structs[i].OriginalStructName < structs[j].OriginalStructName }) for _, flatenedStruct := range structs { fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n// %s is an auto-generated flat version of %s.", flatenedStruct.FlatStructName, flatenedStruct.OriginalStructName) fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n// Where the contents of a field with a `mapstructure:,squash` tag are bubbled up.") fmt.Fprintf(out, "\ntype %s struct {\n", flatenedStruct.FlatStructName) outputStructFields(out, flatenedStruct.Struct) fmt.Fprint(out, "}\n") fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n// FlatMapstructure returns a new %s.", flatenedStruct.FlatStructName) fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n// %s is an auto-generated flat version of %s.", flatenedStruct.FlatStructName, flatenedStruct.OriginalStructName) fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n// Where the contents a fields with a `mapstructure:,squash` tag are bubbled up.") fmt.Fprintf(out, "\nfunc (*%s) FlatMapstructure() interface{ HCL2Spec() map[string]hcldec.Spec } {", flatenedStruct.OriginalStructName) fmt.Fprintf(out, "\nreturn new(%s)", flatenedStruct.FlatStructName) fmt.Fprint(out, "\n}\n") fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n// HCL2Spec returns the hcl spec of a %s.", flatenedStruct.OriginalStructName) fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n// This spec is used by HCL to read the fields of %s.", flatenedStruct.OriginalStructName) fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n// The decoded values from this spec will then be applied to a %s.", flatenedStruct.FlatStructName) fmt.Fprintf(out, "\nfunc (*%s) HCL2Spec() map[string]hcldec.Spec {\n", flatenedStruct.FlatStructName) outputStructHCL2SpecBody(out, flatenedStruct.Struct) fmt.Fprint(out, "}\n") } for impt := range usedImports { if strings.ContainsAny(impt.Path, "/") { out = bytes.NewBuffer(bytes.ReplaceAll(out.Bytes(), []byte(impt.Path+"."), []byte(impt.Name+"."))) } } // avoid needing to import current pkg; there's probably a better way. out = bytes.NewBuffer(bytes.ReplaceAll(out.Bytes(), []byte(topPkg.PkgPath+"."), nil)) outputFile, err := os.Create(outputPath) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("os.Create: %v", err) } _, err = outputFile.Write(goFmt(outputFile.Name(), out.Bytes())) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to write file: %v", err) } } type StructDef struct { OriginalStructName string FlatStructName string Struct *types.Struct } // outputStructHCL2SpecBody writes the map[string]hcldec.Spec that defines the HCL spec of a // struct. Based on the layout of said struct. // If a field of s is a struct then the HCL2Spec() function of that struct will be called, otherwise a // cty.Type is outputed. func outputStructHCL2SpecBody(w io.Writer, s *types.Struct) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "s := map[string]hcldec.Spec{\n") for i := 0; i < s.NumFields(); i++ { field, tag := s.Field(i), s.Tag(i) st, _ := structtag.Parse(tag) ctyTag, _ := st.Get("cty") fmt.Fprintf(w, " \"%s\": ", ctyTag.Name) outputHCL2SpecField(w, ctyTag.Name, field.Type(), st) fmt.Fprintln(w, `,`) } fmt.Fprintln(w, `}`) fmt.Fprintln(w, `return s`) } // outputHCL2SpecField is called on each field of a struct. // outputHCL2SpecField writes the values of the `map[string]hcldec.Spec` map // supposed to define the HCL spec of a struct. func outputHCL2SpecField(w io.Writer, accessor string, fieldType types.Type, tag *structtag.Tags) { if m2h, err := tag.Get(mapstructureToHCL2); err == nil && m2h.HasOption("self-defined") { fmt.Fprintf(w, `(&%s{}).HCL2Spec()`, fieldType.String()) return } spec, _ := goFieldToCtyType(accessor, fieldType) switch spec := spec.(type) { case string: fmt.Fprintf(w, spec) default: fmt.Fprintf(w, `%#v`, spec) } } // goFieldToCtyType is a recursive method that returns a cty.Type (or a string) based on the fieldType. // goFieldToCtyType returns the values of the `map[string]hcldec.Spec` map // supposed to define the HCL spec of a struct. // To allow it to be recursive, the method returns two values: an interface that can either be // a cty.Type or a string. The second argument is used for recursion and is the // type that will be used by the parent. For example when fieldType is a []string; a // recursive goFieldToCtyType call will return a cty.String. func goFieldToCtyType(accessor string, fieldType types.Type) (interface{}, cty.Type) { switch f := fieldType.(type) { case *types.Pointer: return goFieldToCtyType(accessor, f.Elem()) case *types.Basic: ctyType := basicKindToCtyType(f.Kind()) return &hcldec.AttrSpec{ Name: accessor, Type: ctyType, Required: false, }, ctyType case *types.Map: return &hcldec.AttrSpec{ Name: accessor, Type: cty.Map(cty.String), // for now everything can be simplified to a map[string]string }, cty.Map(cty.String) case *types.Named: // Named is the relative type when of a field with a struct. // E.g. SourceAmiFilter *common.FlatAmiFilterOptions // SourceAmiFilter will become a block with nested elements from the struct itself. underlyingType := f.Underlying() switch underlyingType.(type) { case *types.Struct: // A struct returns NilType because its HCL2Spec is written in the related file // and we don't need to write it again. return fmt.Sprintf(`&hcldec.BlockSpec{TypeName: "%s",`+ ` Nested: hcldec.ObjectSpec((*%s)(nil).HCL2Spec())}`, accessor, f.String()), cty.NilType default: return goFieldToCtyType(accessor, underlyingType) } case *types.Slice: elem := f.Elem() if ptr, isPtr := elem.(*types.Pointer); isPtr { elem = ptr.Elem() } switch elem := elem.(type) { case *types.Named: // A Slice of Named is the relative type of a filed with a slice of structs. // E.g. LaunchMappings []common.FlatBlockDevice // LaunchMappings will validate more than one block with nested elements. b := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) underlyingType := elem.Underlying() switch underlyingType.(type) { case *types.Struct: fmt.Fprintf(b, `hcldec.ObjectSpec((*%s)(nil).HCL2Spec())`, elem.String()) } return fmt.Sprintf(`&hcldec.BlockListSpec{TypeName: "%s", Nested: %s}`, accessor, b.String()), cty.NilType default: _, specType := goFieldToCtyType(accessor, elem) if specType == cty.NilType { return goFieldToCtyType(accessor, elem.Underlying()) } return &hcldec.AttrSpec{ Name: accessor, Type: cty.List(specType), Required: false, }, cty.List(specType) } } b := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) fmt.Fprintf(b, `%#v`, &hcldec.AttrSpec{ Name: accessor, Type: basicKindToCtyType(types.Bool), Required: false, }) fmt.Fprintf(b, `/* TODO(azr): could not find type */`) return b.String(), cty.NilType } func basicKindToCtyType(kind types.BasicKind) cty.Type { switch kind { case types.Bool: return cty.Bool case types.String: return cty.String case types.Int, types.Int8, types.Int16, types.Int32, types.Int64, types.Uint, types.Uint8, types.Uint16, types.Uint32, types.Uint64, types.Float32, types.Float64, types.Complex64, types.Complex128: return cty.Number case types.Invalid: return cty.String // TODO(azr): fix that beforehand ? default: log.Printf("Un handled basic kind: %d", kind) return cty.String } } func outputStructFields(w io.Writer, s *types.Struct) { for i := 0; i < s.NumFields(); i++ { field, tag := s.Field(i), s.Tag(i) fieldNameStr := field.String() fieldNameStr = strings.Replace(fieldNameStr, "field ", "", 1) fmt.Fprintf(w, " %s `%s`\n", fieldNameStr, tag) } } type NamePath struct { Name, Path string } func outputImports(w io.Writer, imports map[NamePath]*types.Package) { if len(imports) == 0 { return } // naive implementation pkgs := []NamePath{} for k := range imports { pkgs = append(pkgs, k) } sort.Slice(pkgs, func(i int, j int) bool { return pkgs[i].Path < pkgs[j].Path }) fmt.Fprint(w, "import (\n") for _, pkg := range pkgs { if pkg.Name == pkg.Path || strings.HasSuffix(pkg.Path, "/"+pkg.Name) { fmt.Fprintf(w, " \"%s\"\n", pkg.Path) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w, " %s \"%s\"\n", pkg.Name, pkg.Path) } } fmt.Fprint(w, ")\n") } func getUsedImports(s *types.Struct) map[NamePath]*types.Package { res := map[NamePath]*types.Package{} for i := 0; i < s.NumFields(); i++ { fieldType := s.Field(i).Type() if p, ok := fieldType.(*types.Pointer); ok { fieldType = p.Elem() } if p, ok := fieldType.(*types.Slice); ok { fieldType = p.Elem() } namedType, ok := fieldType.(*types.Named) if !ok { continue } pkg := namedType.Obj().Pkg() if pkg == nil { continue } res[NamePath{pkg.Name(), pkg.Path()}] = pkg } return res } func addCtyTagToStruct(s *types.Struct) *types.Struct { vars, tags := structFields(s) for i := range tags { field, tag := vars[i], tags[i] ctyAccessor := ToSnakeCase(field.Name()) st, err := structtag.Parse(tag) if err == nil { if ms, err := st.Get("mapstructure"); err == nil && ms.Name != "" { ctyAccessor = ms.Name } } st.Set(&structtag.Tag{Key: "cty", Name: ctyAccessor}) _ = st.Set(&structtag.Tag{Key: "hcl", Name: ctyAccessor}) tags[i] = st.String() } return types.NewStruct(uniqueTags("cty", vars, tags)) } func uniqueTags(tagName string, fields []*types.Var, tags []string) ([]*types.Var, []string) { outVars := []*types.Var{} outTags := []string{} uniqueTags := map[string]bool{} for i := range fields { field, tag := fields[i], tags[i] structtag, _ := structtag.Parse(tag) h, err := structtag.Get(tagName) if err == nil { if uniqueTags[h.Name] { log.Printf("skipping field %s ( duplicate `%s` %s tag )", field.Name(), h.Name, tagName) continue } uniqueTags[h.Name] = true } outVars = append(outVars, field) outTags = append(outTags, tag) } return outVars, outTags } // getMapstructureSquashedStruct will return the same struct but embedded // fields with a `mapstructure:",squash"` tag will be un-nested. func getMapstructureSquashedStruct(topPkg *types.Package, utStruct *types.Struct) *types.Struct { res := &types.Struct{} for i := 0; i < utStruct.NumFields(); i++ { field, tag := utStruct.Field(i), utStruct.Tag(i) if !field.Exported() { continue } if _, ok := field.Type().(*types.Signature); ok { continue // ignore funcs } structtag, err := structtag.Parse(tag) if err != nil { log.Printf("could not parse field tag %s of : %v", tag, err) continue } // Contains mapstructure-to-hcl2 tag if ms, err := structtag.Get("mapstructure-to-hcl2"); err == nil { // Stop if is telling to skip it if ms.HasOption("skip") { continue } } // Contains mapstructure tag if ms, err := structtag.Get("mapstructure"); err == nil { // Squash structs if ms.HasOption("squash") { ot := field.Type() uot := ot.Underlying() utStruct, utOk := uot.(*types.Struct) if !utOk { continue } res = squashStructs(res, getMapstructureSquashedStruct(topPkg, utStruct)) continue } } if field.Pkg() != topPkg { field = types.NewField(field.Pos(), topPkg, field.Name(), field.Type(), field.Embedded()) } if p, isPointer := field.Type().(*types.Pointer); isPointer { // in order to make the following switch simpler we 'unwrap' this // pointer all structs are going to be made pointers anyways. field = types.NewField(field.Pos(), field.Pkg(), field.Name(), p.Elem(), field.Embedded()) } switch f := field.Type().(type) { case *types.Named: switch f.String() { case "time.Duration": field = types.NewField(field.Pos(), field.Pkg(), field.Name(), types.NewPointer(types.Typ[types.String]), field.Embedded()) case "github.com/hashicorp/packer/packer-plugin-sdk/template/config.Trilean": // TODO(azr): unhack this situation field = types.NewField(field.Pos(), field.Pkg(), field.Name(), types.NewPointer(types.Typ[types.Bool]), field.Embedded()) case "github.com/hashicorp/packer/provisioner/powershell.ExecutionPolicy": // TODO(azr): unhack this situation field = types.NewField(field.Pos(), field.Pkg(), field.Name(), types.NewPointer(types.Typ[types.String]), field.Embedded()) default: if str, isStruct := f.Underlying().(*types.Struct); isStruct { obj := flattenNamed(f, str) field = types.NewField(field.Pos(), field.Pkg(), field.Name(), obj, field.Embedded()) field = makePointer(field) } if slice, isSlice := f.Underlying().(*types.Slice); isSlice { if f, fNamed := slice.Elem().(*types.Named); fNamed { if str, isStruct := f.Underlying().(*types.Struct); isStruct { // this is a slice of named structs; we want to change // the struct ref to a 'FlatStruct'. obj := flattenNamed(f, str) slice := types.NewSlice(obj) field = types.NewField(field.Pos(), field.Pkg(), field.Name(), slice, field.Embedded()) } } } if _, isBasic := f.Underlying().(*types.Basic); isBasic { field = makePointer(field) } } case *types.Slice: if f, fNamed := f.Elem().(*types.Named); fNamed { if str, isStruct := f.Underlying().(*types.Struct); isStruct { obj := flattenNamed(f, str) field = types.NewField(field.Pos(), field.Pkg(), field.Name(), types.NewSlice(obj), field.Embedded()) } } case *types.Basic: // since everything is optional, everything must be a pointer // non optional fields should be non pointers. field = makePointer(field) } res = addFieldToStruct(res, field, tag) } return res } func flattenNamed(f *types.Named, underlying types.Type) *types.Named { obj := f.Obj() obj = types.NewTypeName(obj.Pos(), obj.Pkg(), "Flat"+obj.Name(), obj.Type()) return types.NewNamed(obj, underlying, nil) } func makePointer(field *types.Var) *types.Var { return types.NewField(field.Pos(), field.Pkg(), field.Name(), types.NewPointer(field.Type()), field.Embedded()) } func addFieldToStruct(s *types.Struct, field *types.Var, tag string) *types.Struct { sf, st := structFields(s) return types.NewStruct(uniqueFields(append(sf, field), append(st, tag))) } func squashStructs(a, b *types.Struct) *types.Struct { va, ta := structFields(a) vb, tb := structFields(b) return types.NewStruct(uniqueFields(append(va, vb...), append(ta, tb...))) } func uniqueFields(fields []*types.Var, tags []string) ([]*types.Var, []string) { outVars := []*types.Var{} outTags := []string{} fieldNames := map[string]bool{} for i := range fields { field, tag := fields[i], tags[i] if fieldNames[field.Name()] { log.Printf("skipping duplicate %s field", field.Name()) continue } fieldNames[field.Name()] = true outVars = append(outVars, field) outTags = append(outTags, tag) } return outVars, outTags } func structFields(s *types.Struct) (vars []*types.Var, tags []string) { for i := 0; i < s.NumFields(); i++ { field, tag := s.Field(i), s.Tag(i) vars = append(vars, field) tags = append(tags, tag) } return vars, tags } var matchFirstCap = regexp.MustCompile("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)") var matchAllCap = regexp.MustCompile("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])") func ToSnakeCase(str string) string { snake := matchFirstCap.ReplaceAllString(str, "${1}_${2}") snake = matchAllCap.ReplaceAllString(snake, "${1}_${2}") return strings.ToLower(snake) } func goFmt(filename string, b []byte) []byte { fb, err := imports.Process(filename, b, nil) if err != nil { log.Printf("formatting err: %v", err) return b } return fb }