#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e meta_name= azure_client_id= # Derived from application after creation azure_client_name= # Application name azure_client_secret= # Application password azure_group_name= azure_storage_name= azure_subscription_id= # Derived from the account after login azure_tenant_id= # Derived from the account after login location= azure_object_id= azureversion= create_sleep=10 showhelp() { echo "azure-setup" echo "" echo " azure-setup helps you generate packer credentials for Azure" echo "" echo " The script creates a resource group, storage account, application" echo " (client), service principal, and permissions and displays a snippet" echo " for use in your packer templates." echo "" echo " For simplicity we make a lot of assumptions and choose reasonable" echo " defaults. If you want more control over what happens, please use" echo " the azure-cli directly." echo "" echo " Note that you must already have an Azure account, username," echo " password, and subscription. You can create those here:" echo "" echo " - https://account.windowsazure.com/" echo "" echo "REQUIREMENTS" echo "" echo " - azure-cli" echo " - jq" echo "" echo " Use the requirements command (below) for more info." echo "" echo "USAGE" echo "" echo " ./azure-setup.sh requirements" echo " ./azure-setup.sh setup" echo "" } requirements() { found=0 azureversion=$(azure -v) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then found=$((found + 1)) echo "Found azure-cli version: $azureversion" else echo "azure-cli is missing. Please install azure-cli from" echo "https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/xplat-cli-install/" fi jqversion=$(jq --version) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then found=$((found + 1)) echo "Found jq version: $jqversion" else echo "jq is missing. Please install jq from" echo "https://stedolan.github.io/jq/" fi if [ $found -lt 2 ]; then exit 1 fi } askSubscription() { azure account list echo "" echo "Please enter the Id of the account you wish to use. If you do not see" echo "a valid account in the list press Ctrl+C to abort and create one." echo "If you leave this blank we will use the Current account." echo -n "> " read azure_subscription_id if [ "$azure_subscription_id" != "" ]; then azure account set $azure_subscription_id else azure_subscription_id=$(azure account show --json | jq -r .[].id) fi azure_tenant_id=$(azure account show --json | jq -r .[].tenantId) echo "Using subscription_id: $azure_subscription_id" echo "Using tenant_id: $azure_tenant_id" } askName() { echo "" echo "Choose a name for your resource group, storage account and client" echo "client. This is arbitrary, but it must not already be in use by" echo "any of those resources. ALPHANUMERIC ONLY. Ex: mypackerbuild" echo -n "> " read meta_name } askSecret() { echo "" echo "Enter a secret for your application. We recommend generating one with" echo "openssl rand -base64 24. If you leave this blank we will attempt to" echo "generate one for you using openssl. THIS WILL BE SHOWN IN PLAINTEXT." echo "Ex: mypackersecret8734" echo -n "> " read azure_client_secret if [ "$azure_client_secret" = "" ]; then azure_client_secret=$(openssl rand -base64 24) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error generating secret" exit 1 fi echo "Generated client_secret: $azure_client_secret" fi } askLocation() { azure location list echo "" echo "Choose which region your resource group and storage account will be created." echo -n "> " read location } createResourceGroup() { echo "==> Creating resource group" azure group create -n $meta_name -l $location if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then azure_group_name=$meta_name else echo "Error creating resource group: $meta_name" return 1 fi } createStorageAccount() { echo "==> Creating storage account" azure storage account create -g $meta_name -l $location --sku-name LRS --kind Storage $meta_name if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then azure_storage_name=$meta_name else echo "Error creating storage account: $meta_name" return 1 fi } createApplication() { echo "==> Creating application" azure_client_id=$(azure ad app create -n $meta_name -i http://$meta_name --home-page http://$meta_name -p $azure_client_secret --json | jq -r .appId) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error creating application: $meta_name @ http://$meta_name" return 1 fi } createServicePrincipal() { echo "==> Creating service principal" # Azure CLI 0.10.2 introduced a breaking change, where appId must be supplied with the -a switch # prior version accepted appId as the only parameter without a switch newer_syntax=false IFS='.' read -ra azureversionsemver <<< "$azureversion" if [ ${azureversionsemver[0]} -ge 0 ] && [ ${azureversionsemver[1]} -ge 10 ] && [ ${azureversionsemver[2]} -ge 2 ]; then newer_syntax=true fi if [ "${newer_syntax}" = true ]; then azure_object_id=$(azure ad sp create -a $azure_client_id --json | jq -r .objectId) else azure_object_id=$(azure ad sp create $azure_client_id --json | jq -r .objectId) fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error creating service principal: $azure_client_id" return 1 fi } createPermissions() { echo "==> Creating permissions" azure role assignment create --objectId $azure_object_id -o "Owner" -c /subscriptions/$azure_subscription_id # We want to use this more conservative scope but it does not work with the # current implementation which uses temporary resource groups # azure role assignment create --spn http://$meta_name -g $azure_group_name -o "API Management Service Contributor" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error creating permissions for: http://$meta_name" return 1 fi } showConfigs() { echo "" echo "Use the following configuration for your packer template:" echo "" echo "{" echo " \"client_id\": \"$azure_client_id\"," echo " \"client_secret\": \"$azure_client_secret\"," echo " \"object_id\": \"$azure_object_id\"," echo " \"subscription_id\": \"$azure_subscription_id\"," echo " \"tenant_id\": \"$azure_tenant_id\"," echo " \"resource_group_name\": \"$azure_group_name\"," echo " \"storage_account\": \"$azure_storage_name\"," echo "}" echo "" } doSleep() { local sleep_time=${PACKER_SLEEP_TIME-$create_sleep} echo "" echo "Sleeping for ${sleep_time} seconds to wait for resources to be " echo "created. If you get an error about a resource not existing, you can " echo "try increasing the amount of time we wait after creating resources " echo "by setting PACKER_SLEEP_TIME to something higher than the default." echo "" sleep $sleep_time } retryable() { n=0 until [ $n -ge $1 ] do $2 && return 0 echo "$2 failed. Retrying..." n=$[$n+1] doSleep done echo "$2 failed after $1 tries. Exiting." exit 1 } setup() { requirements azure config mode arm azure login askSubscription askName askSecret askLocation # Some of the resources take a while to converge in the API. To make the # script more reliable we'll add a sleep after we create each resource. retryable 3 createResourceGroup retryable 3 createStorageAccount retryable 3 createApplication retryable 3 createServicePrincipal retryable 3 createPermissions showConfigs } case "$1" in requirements) requirements ;; setup) setup ;; *) showhelp ;; esac