package arm import ( "strings" "testing" "" ) func TestTempNameShouldCreatePrefixedRandomNames(t *testing.T) { tempName := NewTempName("") if strings.Index(tempName.ComputeName, "pkrvm") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected ComputeName to begin with 'pkrvm', but got '%s'!", tempName.ComputeName) } if strings.Index(tempName.DeploymentName, "pkrdp") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected ComputeName to begin with 'pkrdp', but got '%s'!", tempName.ComputeName) } if strings.Index(tempName.OSDiskName, "pkros") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected OSDiskName to begin with 'pkros', but got '%s'!", tempName.OSDiskName) } if strings.Index(tempName.NicName, "pkrni") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected NicName to begin with 'pkrni', but got '%s'!", tempName.NicName) } if strings.Index(tempName.PublicIPAddressName, "pkrip") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected PublicIPAddressName to begin with 'pkrip', but got '%s'!", tempName.PublicIPAddressName) } if strings.Index(tempName.ResourceGroupName, "pkr-Resource-Group-") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected ResourceGroupName to begin with 'pkr-Resource-Group-', but got '%s'!", tempName.ResourceGroupName) } if strings.Index(tempName.SubnetName, "pkrsn") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected SubnetName to begin with 'pkrip', but got '%s'!", tempName.SubnetName) } if strings.Index(tempName.VirtualNetworkName, "pkrvn") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected VirtualNetworkName to begin with 'pkrvn', but got '%s'!", tempName.VirtualNetworkName) } if strings.Index(tempName.NsgName, "pkrsg") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected NsgName to begin with 'pkrsg', but got '%s'!", tempName.NsgName) } } func TestTempAdminPassword(t *testing.T) { tempName := NewTempName("") if !strings.ContainsAny(tempName.AdminPassword, random.PossibleNumbers) { t.Errorf("Expected AdminPassword to contain at least one of '%s'!", random.PossibleNumbers) } if !strings.ContainsAny(tempName.AdminPassword, random.PossibleLowerCase) { t.Errorf("Expected AdminPassword to contain at least one of '%s'!", random.PossibleLowerCase) } if !strings.ContainsAny(tempName.AdminPassword, random.PossibleUpperCase) { t.Errorf("Expected AdminPassword to contain at least one of '%s'!", random.PossibleUpperCase) } } func TestTempNameShouldHaveSameSuffix(t *testing.T) { tempName := NewTempName("") suffix := tempName.ComputeName[5:] if strings.HasSuffix(tempName.ComputeName, suffix) != true { t.Errorf("Expected ComputeName to end with '%s', but the value is '%s'!", suffix, tempName.ComputeName) } if strings.HasSuffix(tempName.DeploymentName, suffix) != true { t.Errorf("Expected DeploymentName to end with '%s', but the value is '%s'!", suffix, tempName.DeploymentName) } if strings.HasSuffix(tempName.OSDiskName, suffix) != true { t.Errorf("Expected OSDiskName to end with '%s', but the value is '%s'!", suffix, tempName.OSDiskName) } if strings.HasSuffix(tempName.NicName, suffix) != true { t.Errorf("Expected NicName to end with '%s', but the value is '%s'!", suffix, tempName.PublicIPAddressName) } if strings.HasSuffix(tempName.PublicIPAddressName, suffix) != true { t.Errorf("Expected PublicIPAddressName to end with '%s', but the value is '%s'!", suffix, tempName.PublicIPAddressName) } if strings.HasSuffix(tempName.ResourceGroupName, suffix) != true { t.Errorf("Expected ResourceGroupName to end with '%s', but the value is '%s'!", suffix, tempName.ResourceGroupName) } if strings.HasSuffix(tempName.SubnetName, suffix) != true { t.Errorf("Expected SubnetName to end with '%s', but the value is '%s'!", suffix, tempName.SubnetName) } if strings.HasSuffix(tempName.VirtualNetworkName, suffix) != true { t.Errorf("Expected VirtualNetworkName to end with '%s', but the value is '%s'!", suffix, tempName.VirtualNetworkName) } if strings.HasSuffix(tempName.NsgName, suffix) != true { t.Errorf("Expected NsgName to end with '%s', but the value is '%s'!", suffix, tempName.NsgName) } } func TestTempNameShouldCreateCustomPrefix(t *testing.T) { tempName := NewTempName("CustPrefix") if strings.Index(tempName.ComputeName, "CustPrefixvm") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected ComputeName to begin with 'CustPrefixvm', but got '%s'!", tempName.ComputeName) } if strings.Index(tempName.DeploymentName, "CustPrefixdp") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected ComputeName to begin with 'CustPrefixdp', but got '%s'!", tempName.ComputeName) } if strings.Index(tempName.OSDiskName, "CustPrefixos") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected OSDiskName to begin with 'CustPrefixos', but got '%s'!", tempName.OSDiskName) } if strings.Index(tempName.NicName, "CustPrefixni") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected NicName to begin with 'CustPrefixni', but got '%s'!", tempName.NicName) } if strings.Index(tempName.PublicIPAddressName, "CustPrefixip") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected PublicIPAddressName to begin with 'CustPrefixip', but got '%s'!", tempName.PublicIPAddressName) } if strings.Index(tempName.ResourceGroupName, "CustPrefix-Resource-Group-") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected ResourceGroupName to begin with 'packer-Resource-Group-', but got '%s'!", tempName.ResourceGroupName) } if strings.Index(tempName.SubnetName, "CustPrefixsn") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected SubnetName to begin with 'pkrip', but got '%s'!", tempName.SubnetName) } if strings.Index(tempName.VirtualNetworkName, "CustPrefixvn") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected VirtualNetworkName to begin with 'CustPrefixvn', but got '%s'!", tempName.VirtualNetworkName) } if strings.Index(tempName.NsgName, "CustPrefixsg") != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected NsgName to begin with 'CustPrefixsg', but got '%s'!", tempName.NsgName) } }