package ncloud import ( "strings" "testing" ) func testConfig() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "access_key": "access_key", "secret_key": "secret_key", "server_image_product_code": "SPSW0WINNT000016", "server_product_code": "SPSVRSSD00000011", "server_image_name": "packer-test {{timestamp}}", "server_image_description": "server description", "block_storage_size": 100, "user_data": "#!/bin/sh\nyum install -y httpd\ntouch /var/www/html/index.html\nchkconfig --level 2345 httpd on", "region": "Korea", "access_control_group_configuration_no": "33", "communicator": "ssh", "ssh_username": "root", } } func testConfigForMemberServerImage() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "access_key": "access_key", "secret_key": "secret_key", "server_product_code": "SPSVRSSD00000011", "member_server_image_no": "2440", "server_image_name": "packer-test {{timestamp}}", "server_image_description": "server description", "block_storage_size": 100, "user_data": "#!/bin/sh\nyum install -y httpd\ntouch /var/www/html/index.html\nchkconfig --level 2345 httpd on", "region": "Korea", "access_control_group_configuration_no": "33", "communicator": "ssh", "ssh_username": "root", } } func TestConfigWithServerImageProductCode(t *testing.T) { raw := testConfig() var c Config c.Prepare(raw) if c.AccessKey != "access_key" { t.Errorf("Expected 'access_key' to be set to '%s', but got '%s'.", raw["access_key"], c.AccessKey) } if c.SecretKey != "secret_key" { t.Errorf("Expected 'secret_key' to be set to '%s', but got '%s'.", raw["secret_key"], c.SecretKey) } if c.ServerImageProductCode != "SPSW0WINNT000016" { t.Errorf("Expected 'server_image_product_code' to be set to '%s', but got '%s'.", raw["server_image_product_code"], c.ServerImageProductCode) } if c.ServerProductCode != "SPSVRSSD00000011" { t.Errorf("Expected 'server_product_code' to be set to '%s', but got '%s'.", raw["server_product_code"], c.ServerProductCode) } if c.BlockStorageSize != 100 { t.Errorf("Expected 'block_storage_size' to be set to '%d', but got '%d'.", raw["block_storage_size"], c.BlockStorageSize) } if c.ServerImageDescription != "server description" { t.Errorf("Expected 'server_image_description_key' to be set to '%s', but got '%s'.", raw["server_image_description"], c.ServerImageDescription) } if c.Region != "Korea" { t.Errorf("Expected 'region' to be set to '%s', but got '%s'.", raw["server_image_description"], c.Region) } } func TestConfigWithMemberServerImageCode(t *testing.T) { raw := testConfigForMemberServerImage() var c Config c.Prepare(raw) if c.AccessKey != "access_key" { t.Errorf("Expected 'access_key' to be set to '%s', but got '%s'.", raw["access_key"], c.AccessKey) } if c.SecretKey != "secret_key" { t.Errorf("Expected 'secret_key' to be set to '%s', but got '%s'.", raw["secret_key"], c.SecretKey) } if c.MemberServerImageNo != "2440" { t.Errorf("Expected 'member_server_image_no' to be set to '%s', but got '%s'.", raw["member_server_image_no"], c.MemberServerImageNo) } if c.ServerProductCode != "SPSVRSSD00000011" { t.Errorf("Expected 'server_product_code' to be set to '%s', but got '%s'.", raw["server_product_code"], c.ServerProductCode) } if c.BlockStorageSize != 100 { t.Errorf("Expected 'block_storage_size' to be set to '%d', but got '%d'.", raw["block_storage_size"], c.BlockStorageSize) } if c.ServerImageDescription != "server description" { t.Errorf("Expected 'server_image_description_key' to be set to '%s', but got '%s'.", raw["server_image_description"], c.ServerImageDescription) } if c.Region != "Korea" { t.Errorf("Expected 'region' to be set to '%s', but got '%s'.", raw["server_image_description"], c.Region) } } func TestEmptyConfig(t *testing.T) { raw := new(map[string]interface{}) var c Config _, err := c.Prepare(raw) if err == nil { t.Error("Expected Config to require 'access_key', 'secret_key' and some mandatory fields, but it did not") } if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "access_key is required") { t.Error("Expected Config to require 'access_key', but it did not") } if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "secret_key is required") { t.Error("Expected Config to require 'secret_key', but it did not") } if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "server_image_product_code or member_server_image_no is required") { t.Error("Expected Config to require 'server_image_product_code' or 'member_server_image_no', but it did not") } } func TestExistsBothServerImageProductCodeAndMemberServerImageNoConfig(t *testing.T) { raw := map[string]interface{}{ "access_key": "access_key", "secret_key": "secret_key", "server_image_product_code": "SPSW0WINNT000016", "server_product_code": "SPSVRSSD00000011", "member_server_image_no": "2440", } var c Config _, err := c.Prepare(raw) if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Only one of server_image_product_code and member_server_image_no can be set") { t.Error("Expected Config to require Only one of 'server_image_product_code' and 'member_server_image_no' can be set, but it did not") } }