package ecs import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "time" ) type ClientWrapper struct { *ecs.Client } const ( InstanceStatusRunning = "Running" InstanceStatusStarting = "Starting" InstanceStatusStopped = "Stopped" InstanceStatusStopping = "Stopping" ) const ( ImageStatusWaiting = "Waiting" ImageStatusCreating = "Creating" ImageStatusCreateFailed = "CreateFailed" ImageStatusAvailable = "Available" ) var ImageStatusQueried = fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s,%s,%s", ImageStatusWaiting, ImageStatusCreating, ImageStatusCreateFailed, ImageStatusAvailable) const ( SnapshotStatusAll = "all" SnapshotStatusProgressing = "progressing" SnapshotStatusAccomplished = "accomplished" SnapshotStatusFailed = "failed" ) const ( DiskStatusInUse = "In_use" DiskStatusAvailable = "Available" DiskStatusAttaching = "Attaching" DiskStatusDetaching = "Detaching" DiskStatusCreating = "Creating" DiskStatusReIniting = "ReIniting" ) const ( VpcStatusPending = "Pending" VpcStatusAvailable = "Available" ) const ( VSwitchStatusPending = "Pending" VSwitchStatusAvailable = "Available" ) const ( EipStatusAssociating = "Associating" EipStatusUnassociating = "Unassociating" EipStatusInUse = "InUse" EipStatusAvailable = "Available" ) const ( ImageOwnerSystem = "system" ImageOwnerSelf = "self" ImageOwnerOthers = "others" ImageOwnerMarketplace = "marketplace" ) const ( IOOptimizedNone = "none" IOOptimizedOptimized = "optimized" ) const ( InstanceNetworkClassic = "classic" InstanceNetworkVpc = "vpc" ) const ( DiskTypeSystem = "system" DiskTypeData = "data" ) const ( TagResourceImage = "image" TagResourceInstance = "instance" TagResourceSnapshot = "snapshot" TagResourceDisk = "disk" ) const ( IpProtocolAll = "all" IpProtocolTCP = "tcp" IpProtocolUDP = "udp" IpProtocolICMP = "icmp" IpProtocolGRE = "gre" ) const ( NicTypeInternet = "internet" NicTypeIntranet = "intranet" ) const ( DefaultPortRange = "-1/-1" DefaultCidrIp = "" DefaultCidrBlock = "" ) const ( defaultRetryInterval = 5 * time.Second defaultRetryTimes = 12 shortRetryTimes = 36 mediumRetryTimes = 360 longRetryTimes = 720 ) type WaitForExpectEvalResult struct { evalPass bool stopRetry bool } var ( WaitForExpectSuccess = WaitForExpectEvalResult{ evalPass: true, stopRetry: true, } WaitForExpectToRetry = WaitForExpectEvalResult{ evalPass: false, stopRetry: false, } WaitForExpectFailToStop = WaitForExpectEvalResult{ evalPass: false, stopRetry: true, } ) type WaitForExpectArgs struct { RequestFunc func() (responses.AcsResponse, error) EvalFunc func(response responses.AcsResponse, err error) WaitForExpectEvalResult RetryInterval time.Duration RetryTimes int RetryTimeout time.Duration } func (c *ClientWrapper) WaitForExpected(args *WaitForExpectArgs) (responses.AcsResponse, error) { if args.RetryInterval <= 0 { args.RetryInterval = defaultRetryInterval } if args.RetryTimes <= 0 { args.RetryTimes = defaultRetryTimes } var timeoutPoint time.Time if args.RetryTimeout > 0 { timeoutPoint = time.Now().Add(args.RetryTimeout) } var lastError error for i := 0; ; i++ { if args.RetryTimeout > 0 && time.Now().After(timeoutPoint) { break } if args.RetryTimeout <= 0 && i >= args.RetryTimes { break } response, err := args.RequestFunc() lastError = err evalResult := args.EvalFunc(response, err) if evalResult.evalPass { return response, nil } if evalResult.stopRetry { return nil, err } time.Sleep(args.RetryInterval) } if args.RetryTimeout > 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("evaluate failed after %d seconds timeout with %d seconds retry interval: %s", int(args.RetryTimeout.Seconds()), int(args.RetryInterval.Seconds()), lastError) } return nil, fmt.Errorf("evaluate failed after %d times retry with %d seconds retry interval: %s", args.RetryTimes, int(args.RetryInterval.Seconds()), lastError) } func (c *ClientWrapper) WaitForInstanceStatus(regionId string, instanceId string, expectedStatus string) (responses.AcsResponse, error) { return c.WaitForExpected(&WaitForExpectArgs{ RequestFunc: func() (responses.AcsResponse, error) { request := ecs.CreateDescribeInstancesRequest() request.RegionId = regionId request.InstanceIds = fmt.Sprintf("[\"%s\"]", instanceId) return c.DescribeInstances(request) }, EvalFunc: func(response responses.AcsResponse, err error) WaitForExpectEvalResult { if err != nil { return WaitForExpectToRetry } instancesResponse := response.(*ecs.DescribeInstancesResponse) instances := instancesResponse.Instances.Instance for _, instance := range instances { if instance.Status == expectedStatus { return WaitForExpectSuccess } } return WaitForExpectToRetry }, RetryTimes: mediumRetryTimes, }) } func (c *ClientWrapper) WaitForImageStatus(regionId string, imageId string, expectedStatus string, timeout time.Duration) (responses.AcsResponse, error) { return c.WaitForExpected(&WaitForExpectArgs{ RequestFunc: func() (responses.AcsResponse, error) { request := ecs.CreateDescribeImagesRequest() request.RegionId = regionId request.ImageId = imageId request.Status = ImageStatusQueried return c.DescribeImages(request) }, EvalFunc: func(response responses.AcsResponse, err error) WaitForExpectEvalResult { if err != nil { return WaitForExpectToRetry } imagesResponse := response.(*ecs.DescribeImagesResponse) images := imagesResponse.Images.Image for _, image := range images { if image.Status == expectedStatus { return WaitForExpectSuccess } } return WaitForExpectToRetry }, RetryTimeout: timeout, }) } type EvalErrorType bool const ( EvalRetryErrorType = EvalErrorType(true) EvalNotRetryErrorType = EvalErrorType(false) ) func (c *ClientWrapper) EvalCouldRetryResponse(evalErrors []string, evalErrorType EvalErrorType) func(response responses.AcsResponse, err error) WaitForExpectEvalResult { return func(response responses.AcsResponse, err error) WaitForExpectEvalResult { if err == nil { return WaitForExpectSuccess } e, ok := err.(errors.Error) if !ok { return WaitForExpectToRetry } if evalErrorType == EvalRetryErrorType && !ContainsInArray(evalErrors, e.ErrorCode()) { return WaitForExpectFailToStop } if evalErrorType == EvalNotRetryErrorType && ContainsInArray(evalErrors, e.ErrorCode()) { return WaitForExpectFailToStop } return WaitForExpectToRetry } }