package packer

import ""

type GetBuildsOptions struct {
	// Get builds except the ones that match with except and with only the ones
	// that match with Only. When those are empty everything matches.
	Except, Only []string
	Debug, Force bool
	OnError      string

type BuildGetter interface {
	// GetBuilds return all possible builds for a config. It also starts all
	// builders.
	// TODO(azr): rename to builder starter ?
	GetBuilds(GetBuildsOptions) ([]Build, hcl.Diagnostics)

type Evaluator interface {
	// EvaluateExpression is meant to be used in the `packer console` command.
	// It parses the input string and returns what needs to be displayed. In
	// case of an error the error should be displayed.
	EvaluateExpression(expr string) (output string, exit bool, diags hcl.Diagnostics)

// The packer.Handler handles all Packer things.
type Handler interface {
	Initialize() hcl.Diagnostics

//go:generate enumer -type FixConfigMode
type FixConfigMode int

const (
	// Stdout will make FixConfig simply print what the config should be; it
	// will only work when a single file is passed.
	Stdout FixConfigMode = iota
	// Inplace fixes your files on the spot.
	// Diff shows a full diff.

type FixConfigOptions struct {
	Mode FixConfigMode

type ConfigFixer interface {
	// FixConfig will output the config in a fixed manner.
	FixConfig(FixConfigOptions) hcl.Diagnostics

type InspectConfigOptions struct {

type ConfigInspector interface {
	// Inspect will output self inspection for a configuration
	InspectConfig(InspectConfigOptions) (ret int)