#!/bin/zsh LAST_RELEASE=$1 if [ -z $LAST_RELEASE ]; then echo "you need to give the previous release version. prepare_changelog.sh v" exit 1 fi # git log --merges v0.10.2...c3861d167533fb797b0fae0c380806625712e5f7 | git log --merges HEAD...${LAST_RELEASE} | grep -o "Merge pull request #\(\d\+\)" | awk -F\# '{print $2}' | while read line do grep -q "GH-${line}" CHANGELOG.md if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $line fi done | while read line do echo "https://github.com/hashicorp/packer/pull/${line}" #TODO get tags. ignore docs echo $line vared -ch ok done #TODO: just generate it automatically using PR titles and tags