# Packer Website This subdirectory contains the entire source for the [Packer website](http://www.packer.io). This is a [Middleman](http://middlemanapp.com) project, which builds a static site from these source files. ## Contributions Welcome! If you find a typo or you feel like you can improve the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, we welcome contributions. Feel free to open issues or pull requests like any normal GitHub project, and we'll merge it in. ## Running the Site Locally Running the site locally is simple. Clone this repo and run the following commands: ``` make dev ``` Then open up `localhost:4567`. Note that some URLs you may need to append ".html" to make them work (in the navigation and such). ## Keeping Tidy To keep the source code nicely formatted, there is a `make format` target. This runs `htmlbeautify` and `pandoc` to reformat the source code so it's nicely formatted. make format Note that you will need to install pandoc yourself. `make format` will skip it if you don't have it installed.