LINTIGNOREDOT='awstesting/integration.+should not use dot imports' LINTIGNOREDOC='service/[^/]+/(api|service|waiters)\.go:.+(comment on exported|should have comment or be unexported)' LINTIGNORECONST='service/[^/]+/(api|service|waiters)\.go:.+(type|struct field|const|func) ([^ ]+) should be ([^ ]+)' LINTIGNORESTUTTER='service/[^/]+/(api|service)\.go:.+(and that stutters)' LINTIGNOREINFLECT='service/[^/]+/(api|errors|service)\.go:.+(method|const) .+ should be ' LINTIGNOREINFLECTS3UPLOAD='service/s3/s3manager/upload\.go:.+struct field SSEKMSKeyId should be ' LINTIGNOREENDPOINTS='aws/endpoints/defaults.go:.+(method|const) .+ should be ' LINTIGNOREDEPS='vendor/.+\.go' LINTIGNOREPKGCOMMENT='service/[^/]+/doc_custom.go:.+package comment should be of the form' UNIT_TEST_TAGS="example codegen awsinclude" SDK_WITH_VENDOR_PKGS=$(shell go list -tags ${UNIT_TEST_TAGS} ./... | grep -v "/vendor/src") SDK_ONLY_PKGS=$(shell go list ./... | grep -v "/vendor/") SDK_UNIT_TEST_ONLY_PKGS=$(shell go list -tags ${UNIT_TEST_TAGS} ./... | grep -v "/vendor/") SDK_GO_1_4=$(shell go version | grep "go1.4") SDK_GO_1_5=$(shell go version | grep "go1.5") SDK_GO_1_6=$(shell go version | grep "go1.6") SDK_GO_VERSION=$(shell go version | awk '''{print $$3}''' | tr -d '''\n''') all: get-deps generate unit help: @echo "Please use \`make ' where is one of" @echo " api_info to print a list of services and versions" @echo " docs to build SDK documentation" @echo " build to go build the SDK" @echo " unit to run unit tests" @echo " integration to run integration tests" @echo " performance to run performance tests" @echo " verify to verify tests" @echo " lint to lint the SDK" @echo " vet to vet the SDK" @echo " generate to go generate and make services" @echo " gen-test to generate protocol tests" @echo " gen-services to generate services" @echo " get-deps to go get the SDK dependencies" @echo " get-deps-tests to get the SDK's test dependencies" @echo " get-deps-verify to get the SDK's verification dependencies" generate: cleanup-models gen-test gen-endpoints gen-services gen-test: gen-protocol-test gen-codegen-test gen-codegen-test: go generate ./private/model/api/codegentest/service gen-services: go generate ./service gen-protocol-test: go generate ./private/protocol/... gen-endpoints: go generate ./models/endpoints/ cleanup-models: @echo "Cleaning up stale model versions" @./ build: @echo "go build SDK and vendor packages" @go build ${SDK_ONLY_PKGS} unit: get-deps-tests build verify @echo "go test SDK and vendor packages" @go test -tags ${UNIT_TEST_TAGS} $(SDK_UNIT_TEST_ONLY_PKGS) unit-with-race-cover: get-deps-tests build verify @echo "go test SDK and vendor packages" @go test -tags ${UNIT_TEST_TAGS} -race -cpu=1,2,4 $(SDK_UNIT_TEST_ONLY_PKGS) ci-test: ci-test-generate unit-with-race-cover ci-test-generate-validate ci-test-generate: get-deps @echo "CI test generated code" @if [ \( -z "${SDK_GO_1_6}" \) -a \( -z "${SDK_GO_1_5}" \) ]; then make generate; else echo "skipping generate"; fi ci-test-generate-validate: @echo "CI test validate no generated code changes" @git add . -A @gitstatus=`if [ \( -z "${SDK_GO_1_6}" \) -a \( -z "${SDK_GO_1_5}" \) ]; then git diff --cached --ignore-space-change; else echo "skipping validation"; fi`; \ echo "$$gitstatus"; \ if [ "$$gitstatus" != "" ] && [ "$$gitstatus" != "skipping validation" ]; then echo "$$gitstatus"; exit 1; fi integration: get-deps-tests integ-custom smoke-tests performance integ-custom: go test -tags "integration" -v ./awstesting/integration/customizations/... cleanup-integ: go run -tags "integration" ./awstesting/cmd/bucket_cleanup/main.go "aws-sdk-go-integration" smoke-tests: get-deps-tests gucumber -go-tags "integration" ./awstesting/integration/smoke performance: get-deps-tests AWS_TESTING_LOG_RESULTS=${log-detailed} AWS_TESTING_REGION=$(region) AWS_TESTING_DB_TABLE=$(table) gucumber -go-tags "integration" ./awstesting/performance sandbox-tests: sandbox-test-go15 sandbox-test-go15-novendorexp sandbox-test-go16 sandbox-test-go17 sandbox-test-go18 sandbox-test-go19 sandbox-test-gotip sandbox-build-go15: docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.5 -t "aws-sdk-go-1.5" . sandbox-go15: sandbox-build-go15 docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.5 bash sandbox-test-go15: sandbox-build-go15 docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.5 sandbox-build-go15-novendorexp: docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.5-novendorexp -t "aws-sdk-go-1.5-novendorexp" . sandbox-go15-novendorexp: sandbox-build-go15-novendorexp docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.5-novendorexp bash sandbox-test-go15-novendorexp: sandbox-build-go15-novendorexp docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.5-novendorexp sandbox-build-go16: docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.6 -t "aws-sdk-go-1.6" . sandbox-go16: sandbox-build-go16 docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.6 bash sandbox-test-go16: sandbox-build-go16 docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.6 sandbox-build-go17: docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.7 -t "aws-sdk-go-1.7" . sandbox-go17: sandbox-build-go17 docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.7 bash sandbox-test-go17: sandbox-build-go17 docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.7 sandbox-build-go18: docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.8 -t "aws-sdk-go-1.8" . sandbox-go18: sandbox-build-go18 docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.8 bash sandbox-test-go18: sandbox-build-go18 docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.8 sandbox-build-go19: docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.9 -t "aws-sdk-go-1.9" . sandbox-go19: sandbox-build-go19 docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.9 bash sandbox-test-go19: sandbox-build-go19 docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.9 sandbox-build-go110: docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.10 -t "aws-sdk-go-1.10" . sandbox-go110: sandbox-build-go110 docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.10 bash sandbox-test-go110: sandbox-build-go110 docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.10 sandbox-build-go111: docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.11 -t "aws-sdk-go-1.11" . sandbox-go111: sandbox-build-go111 docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.11 bash sandbox-test-go111: sandbox-build-go111 docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.11 sandbox-build-gotip: @echo "Run make update-aws-golang-tip, if this test fails because missing aws-golang:tip container" docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.gotip -t "aws-sdk-go-tip" . sandbox-gotip: sandbox-build-gotip docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-tip bash sandbox-test-gotip: sandbox-build-gotip docker run -t aws-sdk-go-tip update-aws-golang-tip: docker build --no-cache=true -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.golang-tip -t "aws-golang:tip" . verify: get-deps-verify lint vet lint: @echo "go lint SDK and vendor packages" @lint=`if [ \( -z "${SDK_GO_1_4}" \) -a \( -z "${SDK_GO_1_5}" \) ]; then golint ./...; else echo "skipping golint"; fi`; \ lint=`echo "$$lint" | grep -E -v -e ${LINTIGNOREDOT} -e ${LINTIGNOREDOC} -e ${LINTIGNORECONST} -e ${LINTIGNORESTUTTER} -e ${LINTIGNOREINFLECT} -e ${LINTIGNOREDEPS} -e ${LINTIGNOREINFLECTS3UPLOAD} -e ${LINTIGNOREPKGCOMMENT} -e ${LINTIGNOREENDPOINTS}`; \ echo "$$lint"; \ if [ "$$lint" != "" ] && [ "$$lint" != "skipping golint" ]; then exit 1; fi SDK_BASE_FOLDERS=$(shell ls -d */ | grep -v vendor | grep -v awsmigrate) ifneq (,$(findstring go1.4, ${SDK_GO_VERSION})) GO_VET_CMD=echo skipping go vet, ${SDK_GO_VERSION} else ifneq (,$(findstring go1.6, ${SDK_GO_VERSION})) GO_VET_CMD=go tool vet --all -shadow -example=false else GO_VET_CMD=go tool vet --all -shadow endif vet: ${GO_VET_CMD} ${SDK_BASE_FOLDERS} get-deps: get-deps-tests get-deps-verify @echo "go get SDK dependencies" @go get -v $(SDK_ONLY_PKGS) get-deps-tests: @echo "go get SDK testing dependencies" go get go get go get go get go get get-deps-verify: @echo "go get SDK verification utilities" @if [ \( -z "${SDK_GO_1_4}" \) -a \( -z "${SDK_GO_1_5}" \) ]; then go get; else echo "skipped getting golint"; fi bench: @echo "go bench SDK packages" @go test -run NONE -bench . -benchmem -tags 'bench' $(SDK_ONLY_PKGS) bench-protocol: @echo "go bench SDK protocol marshallers" @go test -run NONE -bench . -benchmem -tags 'bench' ./private/protocol/... docs: @echo "generate SDK docs" @# This env variable, DOCS, is for internal use @if [ -z ${AWS_DOC_GEN_TOOL} ]; then\ rm -rf doc && bundle install && bundle exec yard;\ else\ $(AWS_DOC_GEN_TOOL) `pwd`;\ fi api_info: @go run private/model/cli/api-info/api-info.go