package yandexexport var CloudInitScript string = `#!/usr/bin/env bash GetMetadata () { echo "$(curl -f -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"$1 2> /dev/null)" } GetInstanceId () { echo "$(curl -f -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" 2> /dev/null)" } GetServiceAccountId () { yc compute instance get ${INSTANCE_ID} | grep service_account | cut -f2 -d' ' } InstallYc () { curl -s | sudo bash -s -- -n -i /usr/local } InstallAwsCli () { curl "" -o "" unzip -o > /dev/null sudo ./aws/install } InstallPackages () { sudo apt-get update -qq && sudo apt-get install -y unzip jq qemu-utils } InstallTools () { InstallPackages InstallYc InstallAwsCli } IMAGE_ID=$(GetMetadata image_id) INSTANCE_ID=$(GetInstanceId) DISKNAME=${INSTANCE_ID}-toexport PATHS=$(GetMetadata paths) ZONE=$(GetMetadata zone) Exit () { for i in ${PATHS}; do LOGDEST="${i}.exporter.log" echo "Uploading exporter log to ${LOGDEST}..." aws s3 --region ru-central1 --endpoint-url= cp /var/log/syslog ${LOGDEST} done echo "Delete static access key..." if ! yc iam access-key delete ${YC_SK_ID} ; then echo "Failed to delete static access key." FAIL=1 fi if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then echo "Set metadata key 'cloud-init-status' to 'cloud-init-error' value" if ! yc compute instance update ${INSTANCE_ID} --metadata cloud-init-status=cloud-init-error ; then echo "Failed to update metadata key 'cloud-init-status'." exit 111 fi fi exit $1 } InstallTools echo "####### Export configuration #######" echo "Image ID - ${IMAGE_ID}" echo "Instance ID - ${INSTANCE_ID}" echo "Instance zone - ${ZONE}" echo "Disk name - ${DISKNAME}" echo "Export paths - ${PATHS}" echo "####################################" echo "Detect Service Account ID..." SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID=$(GetServiceAccountId) echo "Use Service Account ID: ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID}" echo "Create static access key..." SEC_json=$(yc iam access-key create --service-account-id ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID} \ --description "this key is for export image to storage" --format json) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to create static access key." Exit 1 fi echo "Setup env variables to access storage..." eval "$(jq -r '@sh "export YC_SK_ID=\(; export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\(.access_key.key_id); export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=\(.secret)"' <<<${SEC_json} )" for i in ${PATHS}; do bucket=$(echo ${i} | sed 's/\(s3:\/\/[^\/]*\).*/\1/') echo "Check access to storage: '${bucket}'..." if ! aws s3 --region ru-central1 --endpoint-url= ls ${bucket} > /dev/null ; then echo "Failed to access storage: '${bucket}'." Exit 1 fi done echo "Creating disk from image to be exported..." if ! yc compute disk create --name ${DISKNAME} --source-image-id ${IMAGE_ID} --zone ${ZONE}; then echo "Failed to create disk." Exit 1 fi echo "Attaching disk..." if ! yc compute instance attach-disk ${INSTANCE_ID} --disk-name ${DISKNAME} --device-name doexport --auto-delete ; then echo "Failed to attach disk." Exit 1 fi echo "Dumping disk..." if ! qemu-img convert -O qcow2 -o cluster_size=2M /dev/disk/by-id/virtio-doexport disk.qcow2 ; then echo "Failed to dump disk to qcow2 image." Exit 1 fi echo "Detaching disk..." if ! yc compute instance detach-disk ${INSTANCE_ID} --disk-name ${DISKNAME} ; then echo "Failed to detach disk." fi FAIL=0 echo "Deleting disk..." if ! yc compute disk delete --name ${DISKNAME} ; then echo "Failed to delete disk." FAIL=1 fi for i in ${PATHS}; do echo "Uploading qcow2 disk image to ${i}..." if ! aws s3 --region ru-central1 --endpoint-url= cp disk.qcow2 ${i}; then echo "Failed to upload image to ${i}." FAIL=1 fi done echo "Set metadata key 'cloud-init-status' to 'cloud-init-done' value" if ! yc compute instance update ${INSTANCE_ID} --metadata cloud-init-status=cloud-init-done ; then echo "Failed to update metadata key to 'cloud-init-status'." Exit 1 fi Exit ${FAIL}`