package vagrant import ( "bytes" "text/template" "" ) type googleVagrantfileTemplate struct { Image string "" } type GoogleProvider struct{} func (p *GoogleProvider) KeepInputArtifact() bool { return true } func (p *GoogleProvider) Process(ui packer.Ui, artifact packer.Artifact, dir string) (vagrantfile string, metadata map[string]interface{}, err error) { // Create the metadata metadata = map[string]interface{}{"provider": "google"} // Build up the template data to build our Vagrantfile tplData := &googleVagrantfileTemplate{} tplData.Image = artifact.Id() // Build up the Vagrantfile var contents bytes.Buffer t := template.Must(template.New("vf").Parse(defaultGoogleVagrantfile)) err = t.Execute(&contents, tplData) vagrantfile = contents.String() return } var defaultGoogleVagrantfile = ` Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.provider :google do |google| google.image = "{{ .Image }}" end end `