- `from_scratch` (bool) - When set to `true`, starts with an empty, unpartitioned disk. Defaults to `false`. - `command_wrapper` (string) - How to run shell commands. This may be useful to set environment variables or perhaps run a command with sudo or so on. This is a configuration template where the `.Command` variable is replaced with the command to be run. Defaults to `{{.Command}}`. - `pre_mount_commands` ([]string) - A series of commands to execute after attaching the root volume and before mounting the chroot. This is not required unless using `from_scratch`. If so, this should include any partitioning and filesystem creation commands. The path to the device is provided by `{{.Device}}`. - `mount_options` ([]string) - Options to supply the `mount` command when mounting devices. Each option will be prefixed with `-o` and supplied to the `mount` command ran by Packer. Because this command is ran in a shell, user discretion is advised. See this manual page for the `mount` command for valid file system specific options. - `mount_partition` (string) - The partition number containing the / partition. By default this is the first partition of the volume. - `mount_path` (string) - The path where the volume will be mounted. This is where the chroot environment will be. This defaults to `/mnt/packer-amazon-chroot-volumes/{{.Device}}`. This is a configuration template where the `.Device` variable is replaced with the name of the device where the volume is attached. - `post_mount_commands` ([]string) - As `pre_mount_commands`, but the commands are executed after mounting the root device and before the extra mount and copy steps. The device and mount path are provided by `{{.Device}}` and `{{.MountPath}}`. - `chroot_mounts` ([][]string) - This is a list of devices to mount into the chroot environment. This configuration parameter requires some additional documentation which is in the "Chroot Mounts" section below. Please read that section for more information on how to use this. - `copy_files` ([]string) - Paths to files on the running Azure instance that will be copied into the chroot environment prior to provisioning. Defaults to `/etc/resolv.conf` so that DNS lookups work. Pass an empty list to skip copying `/etc/resolv.conf`. You may need to do this if you're building an image that uses systemd. - `os_disk_size_gb` (int32) - Try to resize the OS disk to this size on the first copy. Disks can only be englarged. If not specified, the disk will keep its original size. Required when using `from_scratch` - `os_disk_storage_account_type` (string) - The [storage SKU](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/disks/createorupdate#diskstorageaccounttypes) to use for the OS Disk. Defaults to `Standard_LRS`. - `os_disk_cache_type` (string) - The [cache type](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/images/createorupdate#cachingtypes) specified in the resulting image and for attaching it to the Packer VM. Defaults to `ReadOnly` - `data_disk_storage_account_type` (string) - The [storage SKU](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/disks/createorupdate#diskstorageaccounttypes) to use for datadisks. Defaults to `Standard_LRS`. - `data_disk_cache_type` (string) - The [cache type](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/images/createorupdate#cachingtypes) specified in the resulting image and for attaching it to the Packer VM. Defaults to `ReadOnly` - `image_hyperv_generation` (string) - The [Hyper-V generation type](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/images/createorupdate#hypervgenerationtypes) for Managed Image output. Defaults to `V1`. - `temporary_os_disk_id` (string) - The id of the temporary OS disk that will be created. Will be generated if not set. - `temporary_os_disk_snapshot_id` (string) - The id of the temporary OS disk snapshot that will be created. Will be generated if not set. - `temporary_data_disk_id_prefix` (string) - The prefix for the resource ids of the temporary data disks that will be created. The disks will be suffixed with a number. Will be generated if not set. - `temporary_data_disk_snapshot_id` (string) - The prefix for the resource ids of the temporary data disk snapshots that will be created. The snapshots will be suffixed with a number. Will be generated if not set. - `skip_cleanup` (bool) - If set to `true`, leaves the temporary disks and snapshots behind in the Packer VM resource group. Defaults to `false` - `image_resource_id` (string) - The managed image to create using this build. - `shared_image_destination` (SharedImageGalleryDestination) - The shared image to create using this build.