--- description: | The cloudstack Packer builder is able to create new templates for use with CloudStack. The builder takes either an ISO or an existing template as it's source, runs any provisioning necessary on the instance after launching it and then creates a new template from that instance. layout: docs page_title: 'CloudStack - Builders' sidebar_current: 'docs-builders-cloudstack' --- # CloudStack Builder Type: `cloudstack` The `cloudstack` Packer builder is able to create new templates for use with [CloudStack](https://cloudstack.apache.org/). The builder takes either an ISO or an existing template as it's source, runs any provisioning necessary on the instance after launching it and then creates a new template from that instance. The builder does *not* manage templates. Once a template is created, it is up to you to use it or delete it. ## Configuration Reference There are many configuration options available for the builder. They are segmented below into two categories: required and optional parameters. Within each category, the available configuration keys are alphabetized. In addition to the options listed here, a [communicator](/docs/templates/communicator.html) can be configured for this builder. ### Required: - `api_url` (string) - The CloudStack API endpoint we will connect to. It can also be specified via environment variable `CLOUDSTACK_API_URL`, if set. - `api_key` (string) - The API key used to sign all API requests. It can also be specified via environment variable `CLOUDSTACK_API_KEY`, if set. - `network` (string) - The name or ID of the network to connect the instance to. - `secret_key` (string) - The secret key used to sign all API requests. It can also be specified via environment variable `CLOUDSTACK_SECRET_KEY`, if set. - `service_offering` (string) - The name or ID of the service offering used for the instance. - `source_iso` (string) - The name or ID of an ISO that will be mounted before booting the instance. This option is mutually exclusive with `source_template`. When using `source_iso`, both `disk_offering` and `hypervisor` are required. - `source_template` (string) - The name or ID of the template used as base template for the instance. This option is mutually exclusive with `source_iso`. - `template_os` (string) - The name or ID of the template OS for the new template that will be created. - `zone` (string) - The name or ID of the zone where the instance will be created. ### Optional: - `async_timeout` (number) - The time duration to wait for async calls to finish. Defaults to 30m. - `cidr_list` (array) - List of CIDR's that will have access to the new instance. This is needed in order for any provisioners to be able to connect to the instance. Defaults to `[ "" ]`. Only required when `use_local_ip_address` is `false`. - `create_security_group` (boolean) - If `true` a temporary security group will be created which allows traffic towards the instance from the `cidr_list`. This option will be ignored if `security_groups` is also defined. Requires `expunge` set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. - `disk_offering` (string) - The name or ID of the disk offering used for the instance. This option is only available (and also required) when using `source_iso`. - `disk_size` (number) - The size (in GB) of the root disk of the new instance. This option is only available when using `source_template`. - `expunge` (boolean) - Set to `true` to expunge the instance when it is destroyed. Defaults to `false`. - `http_directory` (string) - Path to a directory to serve using an HTTP server. The files in this directory will be available over HTTP that will be requestable from the virtual machine. This is useful for hosting kickstart files and so on. By default this is "", which means no HTTP server will be started. The address and port of the HTTP server will be available as variables in `user_data`. This is covered in more detail below. - `http_get_only` (boolean) - Some cloud providers only allow HTTP GET calls to their CloudStack API. If using such a provider, you need to set this to `true` in order for the provider to only make GET calls and no POST calls. - `http_port_min` and `http_port_max` (number) - These are the minimum and maximum port to use for the HTTP server started to serve the `http_directory`. Because Packer often runs in parallel, Packer will choose a randomly available port in this range to run the HTTP server. If you want to force the HTTP server to be on one port, make this minimum and maximum port the same. By default the values are 8000 and 9000, respectively. - `hypervisor` (string) - The target hypervisor (e.g. `XenServer`, `KVM`) for the new template. This option is required when using `source_iso`. - `keypair` (string) - The name of the SSH key pair that will be used to access the instance. The SSH key pair is assumed to be already available within CloudStack. - `instance_name` (string) - The name of the instance. Defaults to "packer-UUID" where UUID is dynamically generated. - `project` (string) - The name or ID of the project to deploy the instance to. - `public_ip_address` (string) - The public IP address or it's ID used for connecting any provisioners to. If not provided, a temporary public IP address will be associated and released during the Packer run. - `security_groups` (array of strings) - A list of security group IDs or names to associate the instance with. - `ssh_agent_auth` (boolean) - If true, the local SSH agent will be used to authenticate connections to the source instance. No temporary keypair will be created, and the values of `ssh_password` and `ssh_private_key_file` will be ignored. To use this option with a key pair already configured in the source image, leave the `keypair` blank. To associate an existing key pair with the source instance, set the `keypair` field to the name of the key pair. - `ssl_no_verify` (boolean) - Set to `true` to skip SSL verification. Defaults to `false`. - `template_display_text` (string) - The display text of the new template. Defaults to the `template_name`. - `template_featured` (boolean) - Set to `true` to indicate that the template is featured. Defaults to `false`. - `template_name` (string) - The name of the new template. Defaults to "packer-{{timestamp}}" where timestamp will be the current time. - `template_public` (boolean) - Set to `true` to indicate that the template is available for all accounts. Defaults to `false`. - `template_password_enabled` (boolean) - Set to `true` to indicate the template should be password enabled. Defaults to `false`. - `template_requires_hvm` (boolean) - Set to `true` to indicate the template requires hardware-assisted virtualization. Defaults to `false`. - `template_scalable` (boolean) - Set to `true` to indicate that the template contains tools to support dynamic scaling of VM cpu/memory. Defaults to `false`. - `temporary_keypair_name` (string) - The name of the temporary SSH key pair to generate. By default, Packer generates a name that looks like `packer_`, where <UUID> is a 36 character unique identifier. - `user_data` (string) - User data to launch with the instance. This is a [template engine](/docs/templates/engine.html) see _User Data_ bellow for more details. - `user_data_file` (string) - Path to a file that will be used for the user data when launching the instance. This file will be parsed as a [template engine](/docs/templates/engine.html) see _User Data_ bellow for more details. - `use_local_ip_address` (boolean) - Set to `true` to indicate that the provisioners should connect to the local IP address of the instance. ## User Data The available variables are: - `HTTPIP` and `HTTPPort` - The IP and port, respectively of an HTTP server that is started serving the directory specified by the `http_directory` configuration parameter. If `http_directory` isn't specified, these will be blank. ## Basic Example Here is a basic example. ``` json { "type": "cloudstack", "api_url": "https://cloudstack.company.com/client/api", "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY", "secret_key": "YOUR_SECRET_KEY", "disk_offering": "Small - 20GB", "hypervisor": "KVM", "network": "management", "service_offering": "small", "source_iso": "CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-Minimal", "zone": "NL1", "ssh_username": "root", "template_name": "Centos7-x86_64-KVM-Packer", "template_display_text": "Centos7-x86_64 KVM Packer", "template_featured": true, "template_password_enabled": true, "template_scalable": true, "template_os": "Other PV (64-bit)" } ```