package packer

import (

const (
	// This is the key in configurations that is set to the name of the
	// build.
	BuildNameConfigKey = "packer_build_name"

	// This is the key in the configuration that is set to the type
	// of the builder that is run. This is useful for provisioners and
	// such who want to make use of this.
	BuilderTypeConfigKey = "packer_builder_type"

	// This is the key in configurations that is set to "true" when Packer
	// debugging is enabled.
	DebugConfigKey = "packer_debug"

	// This is the key in configurations that is set to "true" when Packer
	// force build is enabled.
	ForceConfigKey = "packer_force"

	// This key contains a map[string]string of the user variables for
	// template processing.
	UserVariablesConfigKey = "packer_user_variables"

// A Build represents a single job within Packer that is responsible for
// building some machine image artifact. Builds are meant to be parallelized.
type Build interface {
	// Name is the name of the build. This is unique across a single template,
	// but not absolutely unique. This is meant more to describe to the user
	// what is being built rather than being a unique identifier.
	Name() string

	// Prepare configures the various components of this build and reports
	// any errors in doing so (such as syntax errors, validation errors, etc.)
	Prepare(v map[string]string) error

	// Run runs the actual builder, returning an artifact implementation
	// of what is built. If anything goes wrong, an error is returned.
	Run(Ui, Cache) ([]Artifact, error)

	// Cancel will cancel a running build. This will block until the build
	// is actually completely cancelled.

	// SetDebug will enable/disable debug mode. Debug mode is always
	// enabled by adding the additional key "packer_debug" to boolean
	// true in the configuration of the various components. This must
	// be called prior to Prepare.
	// When SetDebug is set to true, parallelism between builds is
	// strictly prohibited.

	// SetForce will enable/disable forcing a build when artifacts exist.
	// When SetForce is set to true, existing artifacts from the build are
	// deleted prior to the build.

// A build struct represents a single build job, the result of which should
// be a single machine image artifact. This artifact may be comprised of
// multiple files, of course, but it should be for only a single provider
// (such as VirtualBox, EC2, etc.).
type coreBuild struct {
	name           string
	builder        Builder
	builderConfig  interface{}
	builderType    string
	hooks          map[string][]Hook
	postProcessors [][]coreBuildPostProcessor
	provisioners   []coreBuildProvisioner
	variables      map[string]coreBuildVariable

	debug         bool
	force         bool
	l             sync.Mutex
	prepareCalled bool

// Keeps track of the post-processor and the configuration of the
// post-processor used within a build.
type coreBuildPostProcessor struct {
	processor         PostProcessor
	processorType     string
	config            map[string]interface{}
	keepInputArtifact bool

// Keeps track of the provisioner and the configuration of the provisioner
// within the build.
type coreBuildProvisioner struct {
	provisioner Provisioner
	config      []interface{}

// A user-variable that is part of a single build.
type coreBuildVariable struct {
	Default  string
	Required bool

// Returns the name of the build.
func (b *coreBuild) Name() string {

// Prepare prepares the build by doing some initialization for the builder
// and any hooks. This _must_ be called prior to Run. The parameter is the
// overrides for the variables within the template (if any).
func (b *coreBuild) Prepare(userVars map[string]string) (err error) {
	defer b.l.Unlock()

	if b.prepareCalled {
		panic("prepare already called")

	b.prepareCalled = true

	// Compile the variables
	varErrs := make([]error, 0)
	variables := make(map[string]string)
	for k, v := range b.variables {
		variables[k] = v.Default

		if v.Required {
			if _, ok := userVars[k]; !ok {
				varErrs = append(varErrs,
					fmt.Errorf("Required user variable '%s' not set", k))

	if userVars != nil {
		for k, v := range userVars {
			if _, ok := variables[k]; !ok {
				varErrs = append(
					varErrs, fmt.Errorf("Unknown user variable: %s", k))

			variables[k] = v

	// If there were any problem with variables, return an error right
	// away because we can't be certain anything else will actually work.
	if len(varErrs) > 0 {
		return &MultiError{
			Errors: varErrs,

	packerConfig := map[string]interface{}{
		BuilderTypeConfigKey:   b.builderType,
		DebugConfigKey:         b.debug,
		ForceConfigKey:         b.force,
		UserVariablesConfigKey: variables,

	// Prepare the builder
	err = b.builder.Prepare(b.builderConfig, packerConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Build '%s' prepare failure: %s\n",, err)

	// Prepare the provisioners
	for _, coreProv := range b.provisioners {
		configs := make([]interface{}, len(coreProv.config), len(coreProv.config)+1)
		copy(configs, coreProv.config)
		configs = append(configs, packerConfig)

		if err = coreProv.provisioner.Prepare(configs...); err != nil {

	// Prepare the post-processors
	for _, ppSeq := range b.postProcessors {
		for _, corePP := range ppSeq {
			err = corePP.processor.Configure(corePP.config, packerConfig)
			if err != nil {


// Runs the actual build. Prepare must be called prior to running this.
func (b *coreBuild) Run(originalUi Ui, cache Cache) ([]Artifact, error) {
	if !b.prepareCalled {
		panic("Prepare must be called first")

	// Copy the hooks
	hooks := make(map[string][]Hook)
	for hookName, hookList := range b.hooks {
		hooks[hookName] = make([]Hook, len(hookList))
		copy(hooks[hookName], hookList)

	// Add a hook for the provisioners if we have provisioners
	if len(b.provisioners) > 0 {
		provisioners := make([]Provisioner, len(b.provisioners))
		for i, p := range b.provisioners {
			provisioners[i] = p.provisioner

		if _, ok := hooks[HookProvision]; !ok {
			hooks[HookProvision] = make([]Hook, 0, 1)

		hooks[HookProvision] = append(hooks[HookProvision], &ProvisionHook{
			Provisioners: provisioners,

	hook := &DispatchHook{Mapping: hooks}
	artifacts := make([]Artifact, 0, 1)

	// The builder just has a normal Ui, but targetted
	builderUi := &TargettedUi{
		Target: b.Name(),
		Ui:     originalUi,

	log.Printf("Running builder: %s", b.builderType)
	builderArtifact, err := b.builder.Run(builderUi, hook, cache)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// If there was no result, don't worry about running post-processors
	// because there is nothing they can do, just return.
	if builderArtifact == nil {
		return nil, nil

	errors := make([]error, 0)
	keepOriginalArtifact := len(b.postProcessors) == 0

	// Run the post-processors
	for _, ppSeq := range b.postProcessors {
		priorArtifact := builderArtifact
		for i, corePP := range ppSeq {
			ppUi := &TargettedUi{
				Target: fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", b.Name(), corePP.processorType),
				Ui:     originalUi,

			builderUi.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Running post-processor: %s", corePP.processorType))
			artifact, keep, err := corePP.processor.PostProcess(ppUi, priorArtifact)
			if err != nil {
				errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("Post-processor failed: %s", err))
				continue PostProcessorRunSeqLoop

			if artifact == nil {
				log.Println("Nil artifact, halting post-processor chain.")
				continue PostProcessorRunSeqLoop

			keep = keep || corePP.keepInputArtifact
			if i == 0 {
				// This is the first post-processor. We handle deleting
				// previous artifacts a bit different because multiple
				// post-processors may be using the original and need it.
				if !keepOriginalArtifact && keep {
						"Flagging to keep original artifact from post-processor '%s'",
					keepOriginalArtifact = true
			} else {
				// We have a prior artifact. If we want to keep it, we append
				// it to the results list. Otherwise, we destroy it.
				if keep {
					artifacts = append(artifacts, priorArtifact)
				} else {
					log.Printf("Deleting prior artifact from post-processor '%s'", corePP.processorType)
					if err := priorArtifact.Destroy(); err != nil {
						errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("Failed cleaning up prior artifact: %s", err))

			priorArtifact = artifact

		// Add on the last artifact to the results
		if priorArtifact != nil {
			artifacts = append(artifacts, priorArtifact)

	if keepOriginalArtifact {
		artifacts = append(artifacts, nil)
		copy(artifacts[1:], artifacts)
		artifacts[0] = builderArtifact
	} else {
		log.Printf("Deleting original artifact for build '%s'",
		if err := builderArtifact.Destroy(); err != nil {
			errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("Error destroying builder artifact: %s", err))

	if len(errors) > 0 {
		err = &MultiError{errors}

	return artifacts, err

func (b *coreBuild) SetDebug(val bool) {
	if b.prepareCalled {
		panic("prepare has already been called")

	b.debug = val

func (b *coreBuild) SetForce(val bool) {
	if b.prepareCalled {
		panic("prepare has already been called")

	b.force = val

// Cancels the build if it is running.
func (b *coreBuild) Cancel() {