// starts resources to provision them. build { sources = [ "source.virtualbox-iso.ubuntu-1204", ] provisioner "shell" { name = "provisioner that does something" not_squashed = var.foo string = "string" int = "${41 + 1}" int64 = "${42 + 1}" bool = "true" trilean = true duration = "${9 + 1}s" map_string_string { a = "b" c = "d" } slice_string = [for s in var.availability_zone_names : lower(s)] slice_slice_string = [ ["a","b"], ["c","d"] ] nested { string = "string" int = 42 int64 = 43 bool = true trilean = true duration = "10s" map_string_string { a = "b" c = "d" } slice_string = [for s in var.availability_zone_names : lower(s)] slice_slice_string = [ ["a","b"], ["c","d"] ] } nested_slice { tag { key = "first_tag_key" value = "first_tag_value" } dynamic "tag" { for_each = local.standard_tags content { key = tag.key value = tag.value } } } } provisioner "file" { not_squashed = "${var.foo}" string = "string" int = 42 int64 = 43 bool = true trilean = true duration = "10s" map_string_string { a = "b" c = "d" } slice_string = local.abc_map[*].id slice_slice_string = [ ["a","b"], ["c","d"] ] nested { string = "string" int = 42 int64 = 43 bool = true trilean = true duration = "10s" map_string_string { a = "b" c = "d" } slice_string = [ "a", "b", "c", ] slice_slice_string = [ ["a","b"], ["c","d"] ] } nested_slice { tag { key = "first_tag_key" value = "first_tag_value" } dynamic "tag" { for_each = local.standard_tags content { key = tag.key value = tag.value } } } } post-processor "amazon-import" { name = "something" string = "string" int = 42 int64 = 43 bool = true trilean = true duration = "10s" map_string_string { a = "b" c = "d" } slice_string = [ "a", "b", "c", ] slice_slice_string = [ ["a","b"], ["c","d"] ] nested { string = "string" int = 42 int64 = 43 bool = true trilean = true duration = "10s" map_string_string { a = "b" c = "d" } slice_string = [ "a", "b", "c", ] slice_slice_string = [ ["a","b"], ["c","d"] ] } nested_slice { } } post-processor "amazon-import" { string = "string" int = 42 int64 = 43 bool = true trilean = true duration = "10s" map_string_string { a = "b" c = "d" } slice_string = [ "a", "b", "c", ] slice_slice_string = [ ["a","b"], ["c","d"] ] nested { string = "string" int = 42 int64 = 43 bool = true trilean = true duration = "10s" map_string_string { a = "b" c = "d" } slice_string = [ "a", "b", "c", ] slice_slice_string = [ ["a","b"], ["c","d"] ] } nested_slice { } } }