// The root folder for this documentation category is `pages/docs` // // - A string refers to the name of a file // - A "category" value refers to the name of a directory // - All directories must have an "index.mdx" file to serve as // the landing page for the category export default [ { category: 'from-1.5', content: [ 'variables', 'locals', 'syntax', 'expressions', 'syntax-json', { category: 'functions', content: [ { category: 'numeric', content: [ 'abs', 'ceil', 'floor', 'log', 'max', 'min', 'parseint', 'pow', 'signum' ] }, { category: 'string', content: [ 'chomp', 'format', 'formatlist', 'indent', 'join', 'lower', 'replace', 'regexreplace', 'split', 'strrev', 'substr', 'title', 'trim', 'trimprefix', 'trimsuffix', 'trimspace', 'upper' ] }, { category: 'collection', content: [ 'chunklist', 'coalesce', 'coalescelist', 'compact', 'concat', 'contains', 'distinct', 'element', 'flatten', 'keys', 'length', 'lookup', 'merge', 'range', 'reverse', 'setintersection', 'setproduct', 'setunion', 'slice', 'sort', 'values', 'zipmap' ] }, { category: 'encoding', content: [ 'base64decode', 'base64encode', 'csvdecode', 'jsondecode', 'jsonencode', 'urlencode', 'yamldecode', 'yamlencode' ] }, { category: 'file', content: [ 'abspath', 'basename', 'dirname', 'file', 'fileexists', 'fileset', 'pathexpand' ] }, { category: 'datetime', content: ['formatdate', 'timeadd', 'timestamp'] }, { category: 'crypto', content: ['bcrypt', 'md5', 'rsadecrypt', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'sha512'] }, { category: 'uuid', content: ['uuidv4', 'uuidv5'] }, { category: 'ipnet', content: ['cidrhost', 'cidrnetmask', 'cidrsubnet'] }, { category: 'conversion', content: ['can', 'convert', 'try'] } ] } ] }, '--------', 'terminology', { category: 'commands', content: ['build', 'console', 'fix', 'inspect', 'validate'] }, { category: 'templates', content: [ 'builders', 'communicator', 'engine', 'post-processors', 'provisioners', 'user-variables' ] }, '----------', { category: 'communicators', content: ['ssh', 'winrm'] }, { category: 'builders', content: [ 'alicloud-ecs', 'amazon', 'amazon-chroot', 'amazon-ebs', 'amazon-ebssurrogate', 'amazon-ebsvolume', 'amazon-instance', 'azure', 'azure-arm', 'azure-chroot', 'cloudstack', 'digitalocean', 'docker', 'file', 'googlecompute', 'hetzner-cloud', 'hyperone', 'hyperv', 'hyperv-iso', 'hyperv-vmcx', 'linode', 'lxc', 'lxd', 'ncloud', 'null', 'oneandone', 'openstack', 'oracle', 'oracle-classic', 'oracle-oci', 'outscale', 'osc-chroot', 'osc-bsu', 'osc-bsusurrogate', 'osc-bsuvolume', 'parallels', 'parallels-iso', 'parallels-pvm', 'profitbricks', 'proxmox', 'qemu', 'scaleway', 'tencentcloud-cvm', 'jdcloud', 'triton', 'ucloud-uhost', 'vagrant', 'virtualbox', 'virtualbox-iso', 'virtualbox-ovf', 'virtualbox-vm', 'vmware', 'vmware-iso', 'vmware-vmx', 'vsphere-iso', 'vsphere-clone', 'yandex', 'custom', 'community-supported' ] }, { category: 'provisioners', content: [ 'ansible-local', 'ansible', 'breakpoint', 'chef-client', 'chef-solo', 'converge', 'file', 'inspec', 'powershell', 'puppet-masterless', 'puppet-server', 'salt-masterless', 'shell', 'shell-local', 'windows-shell', 'windows-restart', 'custom', 'community-supported' ] }, { category: 'post-processors', content: [ 'alicloud-import', 'amazon-import', 'artifice', 'compress', 'checksum', 'digitalocean-import', 'docker-import', 'docker-push', 'docker-save', 'docker-tag', 'exoscale-import', 'googlecompute-export', 'googlecompute-import', 'manifest', 'shell-local', 'ucloud-import', 'vagrant', 'vagrant-cloud', 'vsphere', 'vsphere-template' ] }, '----------', 'install', '----------', { category: 'extending', content: [ 'plugins', 'custom-builders', 'custom-post-processors', 'custom-provisioners' ] }, '---------', 'environment-variables', 'core-configuration', 'debugging' ]