- `delete_on_termination` (bool) - Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on instance termination. Default false. NOTE: If this value is not explicitly set to true and volumes are not cleaned up by an alternative method, additional volumes will accumulate after every build. - `device_name` (string) - The device name exposed to the instance (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh). Required for every device in the block device mapping. - `encrypted` (boolean) - Indicates whether or not to encrypt the volume. By default, Packer will keep the encryption setting to what it was in the source image. Setting false will result in an unencrypted device, and true will result in an encrypted one. - `iops` (int64) - The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports. See the documentation on [IOPs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_EbsBlockDevice.html) for more information - `no_device` (bool) - Suppresses the specified device included in the block device mapping of the AMI. - `snapshot_id` (string) - The ID of the snapshot. - `virtual_name` (string) - The virtual device name. See the documentation on Block Device Mapping for more information. - `volume_type` (string) - The volume type. gp2 for General Purpose (SSD) volumes, io1 for Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes, st1 for Throughput Optimized HDD, sc1 for Cold HDD, and standard for Magnetic volumes. - `volume_size` (int64) - The size of the volume, in GiB. Required if not specifying a snapshot_id. - `kms_key_id` (string) - ID, alias or ARN of the KMS key to use for boot volume encryption. This option exists for launch_block_device_mappings but not ami_block_device_mappings. The kms key id defined here only applies to the original build region; if the AMI gets copied to other regions, the volume in those regions will be encrypted by the default EBS KMS key. For valid formats see KmsKeyId in the [AWS API docs - CopyImage](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CopyImage.html) This field is validated by Packer. When using an alias, you will have to prefix kms_key_id with alias/.