- `api_url` (string) - Custom API endpoint URL, compatible with HyperOne. It can also be specified via environment variable HYPERONE_API_URL. - `token_login` (string) - Login (an e-mail) on HyperOne platform. Set this if you want to fetch the token by SSH authentication. - `state_timeout` (duration string | ex: "1h5m2s") - Timeout for waiting on the API to complete a request. Defaults to 5m. - `image_name` (string) - The name of the resulting image. Defaults to `packer-{{timestamp}}` (see configuration templates for more info). - `image_description` (string) - The description of the resulting image. - `image_tags` (map[string]string) - Key/value pair tags to add to the created image. - `image_tag` ([]{name string, value string}) - Same as [`image_tags`](#image_tags) but defined as a singular repeatable block containing a `name` and a `value` field. In HCL2 mode the [`dynamic_block`](/docs/configuration/from-1.5/expressions#dynamic-blocks) will allow you to create those programatically. - `image_service` (string) - The service of the resulting image. - `vm_name` (string) - The name of the created server. - `vm_tags` (map[string]string) - Key/value pair tags to add to the created server. - `vm_tag` ([]{name string, value string}) - Same as [`vm_tags`](#vm_tags) but defined as a singular repeatable block containing a `name` and a `value` field. In HCL2 mode the [`dynamic_block`](/docs/configuration/from-1.5/expressions#dynamic-blocks) will allow you to create those programatically. - `disk_name` (string) - The name of the created disk. - `disk_type` (string) - The type of the created disk. Defaults to ssd. - `network` (string) - The ID of the network to attach to the created server. - `private_ip` (string) - The ID of the private IP within chosen network that should be assigned to the created server. - `public_ip` (string) - The ID of the public IP that should be assigned to the created server. If network is chosen, the public IP will be associated with server's private IP. - `public_netadp_service` (string) - Custom service of public network adapter. Can be useful when using custom api_url. Defaults to public. - `chroot_disk` (bool) - Chroot Disk - `chroot_disk_size` (float32) - Chroot Disk Size - `chroot_disk_type` (string) - Chroot Disk Type - `chroot_mount_path` (string) - Chroot Mount Path - `chroot_mounts` ([][]string) - Chroot Mounts - `chroot_copy_files` ([]string) - Chroot Copy Files - `chroot_command_wrapper` (string) - How to run shell commands. This defaults to `{{.Command}}`. This may be useful to set if you want to set environmental variables or perhaps run it with sudo or so on. This is a configuration template where the .Command variable is replaced with the command to be run. Defaults to `{{.Command}}`. - `mount_options` ([]string) - Mount Options - `mount_partition` (string) - Mount Partition - `pre_mount_commands` ([]string) - A series of commands to execute after attaching the root volume and before mounting the chroot. This is not required unless using from_scratch. If so, this should include any partitioning and filesystem creation commands. The path to the device is provided by `{{.Device}}`. - `post_mount_commands` ([]string) - As pre_mount_commands, but the commands are executed after mounting the root device and before the extra mount and copy steps. The device and mount path are provided by `{{.Device}}` and `{{.MountPath}}`. - `ssh_keys` ([]string) - List of SSH keys by name or id to be added to the server on launch. - `user_data` (string) - User data to launch with the server. Packer will not automatically wait for a user script to finish before shutting down the instance, this must be handled in a provisioner.