const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const fetchPluginDocs = require("../../website/components/remote-plugin-docs/utils/fetch-plugin-docs"); const COLOR_RESET = "\x1b[0m"; const COLOR_GREEN = "\x1b[32m"; const COLOR_BLUE = "\x1b[34m"; const COLOR_RED = "\x1b[31m"; async function checkPluginDocs() { const failureMessages = []; const pluginsPath = "website/data/docs-remote-plugins.json"; const pluginsFile = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), pluginsPath)); const pluginEntries = JSON.parse(pluginsFile); const entriesCount = pluginEntries.length; console.log(`\nResolving plugin docs from ${entriesCount} repositories …`); for (var i = 0; i < entriesCount; i++) { const pluginEntry = pluginEntries[i]; const { title, repo, version } = pluginEntry; console.log(`\n${COLOR_BLUE}${repo}${COLOR_RESET} | ${title}`); console.log(`Fetching docs from release "${version}" …`); try { const undefinedProps = ["title", "repo", "version", "path"].filter( (key) => typeof pluginEntry[key] == "undefined" ); if (undefinedProps.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Failed to validate plugin docs config. Undefined configuration properties ${JSON.stringify( undefinedProps )} found for "${ title || pluginEntry.path || repo }". In "website/data/docs-remote-plugins.json", please ensure the missing properties ${JSON.stringify( undefinedProps )} are defined. Additional information on this configuration can be found in "website/".` ); } const docsMdxFiles = await fetchPluginDocs({ repo, tag: version }); const mdxFilesByComponent = docsMdxFiles.reduce((acc, mdxFile) => { const componentType = mdxFile.filePath.split("/")[1]; if (!acc[componentType]) acc[componentType] = []; acc[componentType].push(mdxFile); return acc; }, {}); console.log(`${COLOR_GREEN}Found valid docs:${COLOR_RESET}`); Object.keys(mdxFilesByComponent).forEach((component) => { const componentFiles = mdxFilesByComponent[component]; console.log(` ${component}`); componentFiles.forEach(({ filePath }) => { const pathFromComponent = filePath.split("/").slice(2).join("/"); console.log(` ├── ${pathFromComponent}`); }); }); } catch (err) { console.log(`${COLOR_RED}${err}${COLOR_RESET}`); failureMessages.push(`\n${COLOR_RED}× ${repo}: ${COLOR_RESET}${err}`); } } if (failureMessages.length === 0) { console.log( `\n---\n\n${COLOR_GREEN}Summary: Successfully resolved all plugin docs.` ); pluginEntries.forEach((e) => console.log(`${COLOR_GREEN}✓ ${e.repo}${COLOR_RESET}`) ); console.log(""); } else { console.log( `\n---\n\n${COLOR_RED}Summary: Failed to fetch docs for ${failureMessages.length} plugin(s):` ); failureMessages.forEach((err) => console.log(err)); console.log(""); process.exit(1); } } checkPluginDocs();