package chroot import ( "testing" amazon "" "" "" "" ) func testImage() ec2.Image { return ec2.Image{ ImageId: aws.String("ami-abcd1234"), Name: aws.String("ami_test_name"), Architecture: aws.String("x86_64"), KernelId: aws.String("aki-abcd1234"), } } func TestStepRegisterAmi_buildRegisterOpts_pv(t *testing.T) { config := Config{} config.AMIName = "test_ami_name" config.AMIDescription = "test_ami_description" config.AMIVirtType = "paravirtual" rootDeviceName := "foo" image := testImage() blockDevices := []*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{} opts := buildRegisterOptsFromExistingImage(&config, &image, blockDevices, rootDeviceName) expected := config.AMIVirtType if *opts.VirtualizationType != expected { t.Fatalf("Unexpected VirtType value: expected %s got %s\n", expected, *opts.VirtualizationType) } expected = config.AMIName if *opts.Name != expected { t.Fatalf("Unexpected Name value: expected %s got %s\n", expected, *opts.Name) } expected = *image.KernelId if *opts.KernelId != expected { t.Fatalf("Unexpected KernelId value: expected %s got %s\n", expected, *opts.KernelId) } expected = rootDeviceName if *opts.RootDeviceName != expected { t.Fatalf("Unexpected RootDeviceName value: expected %s got %s\n", expected, *opts.RootDeviceName) } } func TestStepRegisterAmi_buildRegisterOpts_hvm(t *testing.T) { config := Config{} config.AMIName = "test_ami_name" config.AMIDescription = "test_ami_description" config.AMIVirtType = "hvm" rootDeviceName := "foo" image := testImage() blockDevices := []*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{} opts := buildRegisterOptsFromExistingImage(&config, &image, blockDevices, rootDeviceName) expected := config.AMIVirtType if *opts.VirtualizationType != expected { t.Fatalf("Unexpected VirtType value: expected %s got %s\n", expected, *opts.VirtualizationType) } expected = config.AMIName if *opts.Name != expected { t.Fatalf("Unexpected Name value: expected %s got %s\n", expected, *opts.Name) } if opts.KernelId != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected KernelId value: expected nil got %s\n", *opts.KernelId) } expected = rootDeviceName if *opts.RootDeviceName != expected { t.Fatalf("Unexpected RootDeviceName value: expected %s got %s\n", expected, *opts.RootDeviceName) } } func TestStepRegisterAmi_buildRegisterOptsFromScratch(t *testing.T) { rootDeviceName := "/dev/sda" snapshotID := "foo" config := Config{ FromScratch: true, PackerConfig: common.PackerConfig{}, AMIBlockDevices: amazon.AMIBlockDevices{ AMIMappings: []amazon.BlockDevice{ { DeviceName: rootDeviceName, }, }, }, RootDeviceName: rootDeviceName, } registerOpts := buildBaseRegisterOpts(&config, nil, 10, snapshotID) if len(registerOpts.BlockDeviceMappings) != 1 { t.Fatal("Expected block device mapping of length 1") } if *registerOpts.BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.SnapshotId != snapshotID { t.Fatalf("Snapshot ID of root disk not set to snapshot id %s", rootDeviceName) } } func TestStepRegisterAmi_buildRegisterOptFromExistingImage(t *testing.T) { rootDeviceName := "/dev/sda" snapshotID := "foo" config := Config{ FromScratch: false, PackerConfig: common.PackerConfig{}, } sourceImage := ec2.Image{ RootDeviceName: &rootDeviceName, BlockDeviceMappings: []*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{ { DeviceName: &rootDeviceName, Ebs: &ec2.EbsBlockDevice{ VolumeSize: aws.Int64(10), }, }, // Throw in an ephemeral device, it seems like all devices in the return struct in a source AMI have // a size, even if it's for ephemeral { DeviceName: aws.String("/dev/sdb"), VirtualName: aws.String("ephemeral0"), Ebs: &ec2.EbsBlockDevice{ VolumeSize: aws.Int64(0), }, }, }, } registerOpts := buildBaseRegisterOpts(&config, &sourceImage, 15, snapshotID) if len(registerOpts.BlockDeviceMappings) != 2 { t.Fatal("Expected block device mapping of length 2") } for _, dev := range registerOpts.BlockDeviceMappings { if dev.Ebs.SnapshotId != nil && *dev.Ebs.SnapshotId == snapshotID { // Even though root volume size is in config, it isn't used, instead we use the root volume size // that's derived when we build the step if *dev.Ebs.VolumeSize != 15 { t.Fatalf("Root volume size not 15 GB instead %d", *dev.Ebs.VolumeSize) } return } } t.Fatalf("Could not find device with snapshot ID %s", snapshotID) } func TestStepRegisterAmi_buildRegisterOptFromExistingImageWithBlockDeviceMappings(t *testing.T) { const ( rootDeviceName = "/dev/xvda" oldRootDevice = "/dev/sda1" ) snapshotId := "foo" config := Config{ FromScratch: false, PackerConfig: common.PackerConfig{}, AMIBlockDevices: amazon.AMIBlockDevices{ AMIMappings: []amazon.BlockDevice{ { DeviceName: rootDeviceName, }, }, }, RootDeviceName: rootDeviceName, } // Intentionally try to use a different root devicename sourceImage := ec2.Image{ RootDeviceName: aws.String(oldRootDevice), BlockDeviceMappings: []*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{ { DeviceName: aws.String(oldRootDevice), Ebs: &ec2.EbsBlockDevice{ VolumeSize: aws.Int64(10), }, }, // Throw in an ephemeral device, it seems like all devices in the return struct in a source AMI have // a size, even if it's for ephemeral { DeviceName: aws.String("/dev/sdb"), VirtualName: aws.String("ephemeral0"), Ebs: &ec2.EbsBlockDevice{ VolumeSize: aws.Int64(0), }, }, }, } registerOpts := buildBaseRegisterOpts(&config, &sourceImage, 15, snapshotId) if len(registerOpts.BlockDeviceMappings) != 1 { t.Fatal("Expected block device mapping of length 1") } if *registerOpts.BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.SnapshotId != snapshotId { t.Fatalf("Snapshot ID of root disk set to '%s' expected '%s'", *registerOpts.BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.SnapshotId, rootDeviceName) } if *registerOpts.RootDeviceName != rootDeviceName { t.Fatalf("Root device set to '%s' expected %s", *registerOpts.RootDeviceName, rootDeviceName) } if *registerOpts.BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.VolumeSize != 15 { t.Fatalf("Size of root disk not set to 15 GB, instead %d", *registerOpts.BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.VolumeSize) } }