require "net/http" raise "PACKER_VERSION must be set." if !ENV["PACKER_VERSION"] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Download the list of Packer downloads #------------------------------------------------------------------------- $packer_files = {} $packer_os = [] if !ENV["PACKER_DISABLE_DOWNLOAD_FETCH"] raise "BINTRAY_API_KEY must be set." if !ENV["BINTRAY_API_KEY"] http ="", 80) req ="/mitchellh/packer/") req.basic_auth "mitchellh", ENV["BINTRAY_API_KEY"] response = http.request(req) response.body.split("\n").each do |line| next if line !~ /\/mitchellh\/packer\/(#{Regexp.quote(ENV["PACKER_VERSION"])}.+?)'/ filename = $1.to_s os = filename.split("_")[1] next if os == "SHA256SUMS" $packer_files[os] ||= [] $packer_files[os] << filename end $packer_os = ["darwin", "linux", "windows"] & $packer_files.keys $packer_os += $packer_files.keys $packer_os.uniq! $packer_files.each do |key, value| value.sort! end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configure Middleman #------------------------------------------------------------------------- set :css_dir, 'stylesheets' set :js_dir, 'javascripts' set :images_dir, 'images' # Use the RedCarpet Markdown engine set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet set :markdown, :fenced_code_blocks => true, :with_toc_data => true # Build-specific configuration configure :build do activate :asset_hash activate :minify_css activate :minify_html activate :minify_javascript end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helpers #------------------------------------------------------------------------- helpers do def download_arch(file) parts = file.split("_") return "" if parts.length != 3 parts[2].split(".")[0] end def download_os_human(os) if os == "darwin" return "Mac OS X" elsif os == "freebsd" return "FreeBSD" elsif os == "openbsd" return "OpenBSD" elsif os == "Linux" return "Linux" elsif os == "windows" return "Windows" else return os end end def download_url(file) "{file}" end def latest_version ENV["PACKER_VERSION"] end end