package googlecompute import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "strings" "testing" ) func TestConfigPrepare(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { Key string Value interface{} Err bool }{ { "unknown_key", "bad", true, }, { "private_key_file", "/tmp/i/should/not/exist", true, }, { "project_id", nil, true, }, { "project_id", "foo", false, }, { "source_image", nil, true, }, { "source_image", "foo", false, }, { "source_image_family", nil, false, }, { "source_image_family", "foo", false, }, { "zone", nil, true, }, { "zone", "foo", false, }, { "ssh_timeout", "SO BAD", true, }, { "ssh_timeout", "5s", false, }, { "state_timeout", "SO BAD", true, }, { "state_timeout", "5s", false, }, { "use_internal_ip", nil, false, }, { "use_internal_ip", false, false, }, { "use_internal_ip", "SO VERY BAD", true, }, { "on_host_maintenance", nil, false, }, { "on_host_maintenance", "TERMINATE", false, }, { "on_host_maintenance", "SO VERY BAD", true, }, { "preemptible", nil, false, }, { "preemptible", false, false, }, { "preemptible", "SO VERY BAD", true, }, { "image_family", nil, false, }, { "image_family", "", false, }, { "image_family", "foo-bar", false, }, { "image_family", "foo bar", true, }, { // underscore is not allowed "image_name", "foo_bar", true, }, { // too long "image_name", "foobar123xyz_abc-456-one-two_three_five_nine_seventeen_eleventy-seven", true, }, { // starts with non-alphabetic character "image_name", "1boohoo", true, }, { "image_encryption_key", map[string]string{"kmsKeyName": "foo"}, false, }, { "image_encryption_key", map[string]string{"No such key": "foo"}, true, }, { "image_encryption_key", map[string]string{"kmsKeyName": "foo", "RawKey": "foo"}, false, }, { "scopes", []string{}, false, }, { "scopes", []string{"", "", "", ""}, false, }, { "scopes", []string{""}, false, }, { "disable_default_service_account", "", false, }, { "disable_default_service_account", nil, false, }, { "disable_default_service_account", false, false, }, { "disable_default_service_account", true, false, }, { "disable_default_service_account", "NOT A BOOL", true, }, } for _, tc := range cases { raw, tempfile := testConfig(t) defer os.Remove(tempfile) if tc.Value == nil { delete(raw, tc.Key) } else { raw[tc.Key] = tc.Value } var c Config warns, errs := c.Prepare(raw) if tc.Err { testConfigErr(t, warns, errs, tc.Key) } else { testConfigOk(t, warns, errs) } } } func TestConfigPrepareAccelerator(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { Keys []string Values []interface{} Err bool }{ { []string{"accelerator_count", "on_host_maintenance", "accelerator_type"}, []interface{}{1, "MIGRATE", "something_valid"}, true, }, { []string{"accelerator_count", "on_host_maintenance", "accelerator_type"}, []interface{}{1, "TERMINATE", "something_valid"}, false, }, { []string{"accelerator_count", "on_host_maintenance", "accelerator_type"}, []interface{}{1, "TERMINATE", nil}, true, }, { []string{"accelerator_count", "on_host_maintenance", "accelerator_type"}, []interface{}{1, "TERMINATE", ""}, true, }, { []string{"accelerator_count", "on_host_maintenance", "accelerator_type"}, []interface{}{1, "TERMINATE", "something_valid"}, false, }, } for _, tc := range cases { raw, tempfile := testConfig(t) defer os.Remove(tempfile) errStr := "" for k := range tc.Keys { // Create the string for error reporting // convert value to string if it can be converted errStr += fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v, ", tc.Keys[k], tc.Values[k]) if tc.Values[k] == nil { delete(raw, tc.Keys[k]) } else { raw[tc.Keys[k]] = tc.Values[k] } } var c Config warns, errs := c.Prepare(raw) if tc.Err { testConfigErr(t, warns, errs, strings.TrimRight(errStr, ", ")) } else { testConfigOk(t, warns, errs) } } } func TestConfigPrepareServiceAccount(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { Keys []string Values []interface{} Err bool }{ { []string{"disable_default_service_account", "service_account_email"}, []interface{}{true, ""}, true, }, { []string{"disable_default_service_account", "service_account_email"}, []interface{}{false, ""}, false, }, { []string{"disable_default_service_account", "service_account_email"}, []interface{}{true, ""}, false, }, } for _, tc := range cases { raw, tempfile := testConfig(t) defer os.Remove(tempfile) errStr := "" for k := range tc.Keys { // Create the string for error reporting // convert value to string if it can be converted errStr += fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v, ", tc.Keys[k], tc.Values[k]) if tc.Values[k] == nil { delete(raw, tc.Keys[k]) } else { raw[tc.Keys[k]] = tc.Values[k] } } var c Config warns, errs := c.Prepare(raw) if tc.Err { testConfigErr(t, warns, errs, strings.TrimRight(errStr, ", ")) } else { testConfigOk(t, warns, errs) } } } func TestConfigPrepareStartupScriptFile(t *testing.T) { config := map[string]interface{}{ "project_id": "project", "source_image": "foo", "ssh_username": "packer", "startup_script_file": "no-such-file", "zone": "us-central1-a", } var c Config _, errs := c.Prepare(config) if errs == nil || !strings.Contains(errs.Error(), "startup_script_file") { t.Fatalf("should error: startup_script_file") } } func TestConfigDefaults(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { Read func(c *Config) interface{} Value interface{} }{ { func(c *Config) interface{} { return c.Comm.Type }, "ssh", }, { func(c *Config) interface{} { return c.Comm.SSHPort }, 22, }, } for _, tc := range cases { raw, tempfile := testConfig(t) defer os.Remove(tempfile) var c Config warns, errs := c.Prepare(raw) testConfigOk(t, warns, errs) actual := tc.Read(&c) if actual != tc.Value { t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", actual) } } } func TestImageName(t *testing.T) { raw, tempfile := testConfig(t) defer os.Remove(tempfile) var c Config c.Prepare(raw) if !strings.HasPrefix(c.ImageName, "packer-") { t.Fatalf("ImageName should have 'packer-' prefix, found %s", c.ImageName) } if strings.Contains(c.ImageName, "{{timestamp}}") { t.Errorf("ImageName should be interpolated; found %s", c.ImageName) } } func TestRegion(t *testing.T) { raw, tempfile := testConfig(t) defer os.Remove(tempfile) var c Config c.Prepare(raw) if c.Region != "us-east1" { t.Fatalf("Region should be 'us-east1' given Zone of 'us-east1-a', but is %s", c.Region) } } // Helper stuff below func testConfig(t *testing.T) (config map[string]interface{}, tempAccountFile string) { tempAccountFile = testAccountFile(t) config = map[string]interface{}{ "account_file": tempAccountFile, "project_id": "hashicorp", "source_image": "foo", "ssh_username": "root", "image_family": "bar", "image_labels": map[string]string{ "label-1": "value-1", "label-2": "value-2", }, "image_licenses": []string{ "test-license", }, "metadata_files": map[string]string{}, "zone": "us-east1-a", } return config, tempAccountFile } func testConfigStruct(t *testing.T) *Config { raw, tempfile := testConfig(t) defer os.Remove(tempfile) var c Config warns, errs := c.Prepare(raw) if len(warns) > 0 { t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", len(warns)) } if errs != nil { t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", errs) } return &c } func testConfigErr(t *testing.T, warns []string, err error, extra string) { if len(warns) > 0 { t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", warns) } if err == nil { t.Fatalf("should error: %s", extra) } } func testConfigOk(t *testing.T, warns []string, err error) { if len(warns) > 0 { t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", warns) } if err != nil { t.Fatalf("bad: %s", err) } } func testAccountFile(t *testing.T) string { tf, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "packer") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("err: %s", err) } defer tf.Close() if _, err := tf.Write([]byte(testAccountContent)); err != nil { t.Fatalf("err: %s", err) } return tf.Name() } const testMetadataFileContent = `testMetadata` func testMetadataFile(t *testing.T) string { tf, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "packer") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("err: %s", err) } defer tf.Close() if _, err := tf.Write([]byte(testMetadataFileContent)); err != nil { t.Fatalf("err: %s", err) } return tf.Name() } // This is just some dummy data that doesn't actually work const testAccountContent = `{ "type": "service_account", "project_id": "test-project-123456789", "private_key_id": "bananaphone", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nring_ring_ring_ring_ring_ring_ring_BANANAPHONE\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email": "", "client_id": "1234567890", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "" }`