package vagrant // Create a mock driver so that we can test Vagrant builder steps type MockVagrantDriver struct { InitCalled bool AddCalled bool UpCalled bool HaltCalled bool SuspendCalled bool SSHConfigCalled bool DestroyCalled bool PackageCalled bool VerifyCalled bool VersionCalled bool ReturnError error ReturnSSHConfig *VagrantSSHConfig GlobalID string } func (d *MockVagrantDriver) Init([]string) error { d.InitCalled = true return d.ReturnError } func (d *MockVagrantDriver) Add([]string) error { d.AddCalled = true return d.ReturnError } func (d *MockVagrantDriver) Up([]string) (string, string, error) { d.UpCalled = true return "", "", nil } func (d *MockVagrantDriver) Halt(string) error { d.HaltCalled = true return d.ReturnError } func (d *MockVagrantDriver) Suspend(string) error { d.SuspendCalled = true return d.ReturnError } func (d *MockVagrantDriver) SSHConfig(gid string) (*VagrantSSHConfig, error) { d.SSHConfigCalled = true // track the input value d.GlobalID = gid if d.ReturnSSHConfig != nil { return d.ReturnSSHConfig, nil } sshConfig := VagrantSSHConfig{ Hostname: "", User: "vagrant", Port: "2222", UserKnownHostsFile: "/dev/null", StrictHostKeyChecking: false, PasswordAuthentication: false, IdentityFile: "\"/path with spaces/insecure_private_key\"", IdentitiesOnly: true, LogLevel: "FATAL"} return &sshConfig, d.ReturnError } func (d *MockVagrantDriver) Destroy(string) error { d.DestroyCalled = true return d.ReturnError } func (d *MockVagrantDriver) Package([]string) error { d.PackageCalled = true return d.ReturnError } func (d *MockVagrantDriver) Verify() error { d.VerifyCalled = true return d.ReturnError } func (d *MockVagrantDriver) Version() (string, error) { d.VersionCalled = true return "", d.ReturnError } // End of mock definition