Patrick Lucas e17984face Fix race condition after launching EC2 instance
It is possible for an instance to not immediately exist after it is
launched. Previously, InstanceStateRefreshFunc would crash if this race
condition were realized.

This change takes the exact same approach of the function above,
AMIStateRefreshFunc, treating 'InvalidInstanceID.NotFound' as if there
were an empty result.
2013-10-11 14:25:18 -07:00

139 lines
3.7 KiB

package common
import (
// StateRefreshFunc is a function type used for StateChangeConf that is
// responsible for refreshing the item being watched for a state change.
// It returns three results. `result` is any object that will be returned
// as the final object after waiting for state change. This allows you to
// return the final updated object, for example an EC2 instance after refreshing
// it.
// `state` is the latest state of that object. And `err` is any error that
// may have happened while refreshing the state.
type StateRefreshFunc func() (result interface{}, state string, err error)
// StateChangeConf is the configuration struct used for `WaitForState`.
type StateChangeConf struct {
Conn *ec2.EC2
Pending []string
Refresh StateRefreshFunc
StepState multistep.StateBag
Target string
// AMIStateRefreshFunc returns a StateRefreshFunc that is used to watch
// an AMI for state changes.
func AMIStateRefreshFunc(conn *ec2.EC2, imageId string) StateRefreshFunc {
return func() (interface{}, string, error) {
resp, err := conn.Images([]string{imageId}, ec2.NewFilter())
if err != nil {
if ec2err, ok := err.(*ec2.Error); ok && ec2err.Code == "InvalidAMIID.NotFound" {
// Set this to nil as if we didn't find anything.
resp = nil
} else {
log.Printf("Error on AMIStateRefresh: %s", err)
return nil, "", err
if resp == nil || len(resp.Images) == 0 {
// Sometimes AWS has consistency issues and doesn't see the
// AMI. Return an empty state.
return nil, "", nil
i := resp.Images[0]
return i, i.State, nil
// InstanceStateRefreshFunc returns a StateRefreshFunc that is used to watch
// an EC2 instance.
func InstanceStateRefreshFunc(conn *ec2.EC2, i *ec2.Instance) StateRefreshFunc {
return func() (interface{}, string, error) {
resp, err := conn.Instances([]string{i.InstanceId}, ec2.NewFilter())
if err != nil {
if ec2err, ok := err.(*ec2.Error); ok && ec2err.Code == "InvalidInstanceID.NotFound" {
// Set this to nil as if we didn't find anything.
resp = nil
} else {
log.Printf("Error on InstanceStateRefresh: %s", err)
return nil, "", err
if resp == nil || len(resp.Reservations) == 0 || len(resp.Reservations[0].Instances) == 0 {
// Sometimes AWS just has consistency issues and doesn't see
// our instance yet. Return an empty state.
return nil, "", nil
i = &resp.Reservations[0].Instances[0]
return i, i.State.Name, nil
// WaitForState watches an object and waits for it to achieve a certain
// state.
func WaitForState(conf *StateChangeConf) (i interface{}, err error) {
log.Printf("Waiting for state to become: %s", conf.Target)
notfoundTick := 0
for {
var currentState string
i, currentState, err = conf.Refresh()
if err != nil {
if i == nil {
// If we didn't find the resource, check if we have been
// not finding it for awhile, and if so, report an error.
notfoundTick += 1
if notfoundTick > 20 {
return nil, errors.New("couldn't find resource")
} else {
// Reset the counter for when a resource isn't found
notfoundTick = 0
if currentState == conf.Target {
if conf.StepState != nil {
if _, ok := conf.StepState.GetOk(multistep.StateCancelled); ok {
return nil, errors.New("interrupted")
found := false
for _, allowed := range conf.Pending {
if currentState == allowed {
found = true
if !found {
fmt.Errorf("unexpected state '%s', wanted target '%s'", currentState, conf.Target)
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)