2018-08-22 18:16:25 +02:00

295 lines
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package communicator
import (
packerssh "github.com/hashicorp/packer/communicator/ssh"
// Config is the common configuration that communicators allow within
// a builder.
type Config struct {
Type string `mapstructure:"communicator"`
// SSH
SSHHost string `mapstructure:"ssh_host"`
SSHPort int `mapstructure:"ssh_port"`
SSHUsername string `mapstructure:"ssh_username"`
SSHPassword string `mapstructure:"ssh_password"`
SSHPrivateKey string `mapstructure:"ssh_private_key_file"`
SSHPty bool `mapstructure:"ssh_pty"`
SSHTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"ssh_timeout"`
SSHAgentAuth bool `mapstructure:"ssh_agent_auth"`
SSHDisableAgentForwarding bool `mapstructure:"ssh_disable_agent_forwarding"`
SSHHandshakeAttempts int `mapstructure:"ssh_handshake_attempts"`
SSHBastionHost string `mapstructure:"ssh_bastion_host"`
SSHBastionPort int `mapstructure:"ssh_bastion_port"`
SSHBastionAgentAuth bool `mapstructure:"ssh_bastion_agent_auth"`
SSHBastionUsername string `mapstructure:"ssh_bastion_username"`
SSHBastionPassword string `mapstructure:"ssh_bastion_password"`
SSHBastionPrivateKey string `mapstructure:"ssh_bastion_private_key_file"`
SSHFileTransferMethod string `mapstructure:"ssh_file_transfer_method"`
SSHProxyHost string `mapstructure:"ssh_proxy_host"`
SSHProxyPort int `mapstructure:"ssh_proxy_port"`
SSHProxyUsername string `mapstructure:"ssh_proxy_username"`
SSHProxyPassword string `mapstructure:"ssh_proxy_password"`
SSHKeepAliveInterval time.Duration `mapstructure:"ssh_keep_alive_interval"`
SSHReadWriteTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"ssh_read_write_timeout"`
// WinRM
WinRMUser string `mapstructure:"winrm_username"`
WinRMPassword string `mapstructure:"winrm_password"`
WinRMHost string `mapstructure:"winrm_host"`
WinRMPort int `mapstructure:"winrm_port"`
WinRMTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"winrm_timeout"`
WinRMUseSSL bool `mapstructure:"winrm_use_ssl"`
WinRMInsecure bool `mapstructure:"winrm_insecure"`
WinRMUseNTLM bool `mapstructure:"winrm_use_ntlm"`
WinRMTransportDecorator func() winrm.Transporter
// SSHConfigFunc returns a function that can be used for the SSH communicator
// config for connecting to the instance created over SSH using the private key
// or password.
func (c *Config) SSHConfigFunc() func(multistep.StateBag) (*ssh.ClientConfig, error) {
return func(state multistep.StateBag) (*ssh.ClientConfig, error) {
sshConfig := &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: c.SSHUsername,
HostKeyCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey(),
if c.SSHAgentAuth {
authSock := os.Getenv("SSH_AUTH_SOCK")
if authSock == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not set")
sshAgent, err := net.Dial("unix", authSock)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot connect to SSH Agent socket %q: %s", authSock, err)
sshConfig.Auth = append(sshConfig.Auth, ssh.PublicKeysCallback(agent.NewClient(sshAgent).Signers))
var privateKeys [][]byte
if c.SSHPrivateKey != "" {
// key based auth
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.SSHPrivateKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error setting up SSH config: %s", err)
privateKeys = append(privateKeys, bytes)
// aws,alicloud,cloudstack,digitalOcean,oneAndOne,openstack,oracle & profitbricks key
if iKey, hasKey := state.GetOk("privateKey"); hasKey {
privateKeys = append(privateKeys, []byte(iKey.(string)))
// gcp key
if iKey, hasKey := state.GetOk("ssh_private_key"); hasKey {
privateKeys = append(privateKeys, []byte(iKey.(string)))
//scaleway key
if iKey, hasKey := state.GetOk("private_key"); hasKey {
privateKeys = append(privateKeys, []byte(iKey.(string)))
for _, key := range privateKeys {
signer, err := ssh.ParsePrivateKey(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error setting up SSH config: %s", err)
sshConfig.Auth = append(sshConfig.Auth, ssh.PublicKeys(signer))
if c.SSHPassword != "" {
sshConfig.Auth = append(sshConfig.Auth,
return sshConfig, nil
// Port returns the port that will be used for access based on config.
func (c *Config) Port() int {
switch c.Type {
case "ssh":
return c.SSHPort
case "winrm":
return c.WinRMPort
return 0
// Host returns the port that will be used for access based on config.
func (c *Config) Host() string {
switch c.Type {
case "ssh":
return c.SSHHost
case "winrm":
return c.WinRMHost
return ""
// User returns the port that will be used for access based on config.
func (c *Config) User() string {
switch c.Type {
case "ssh":
return c.SSHUsername
case "winrm":
return c.WinRMUser
return ""
// Password returns the port that will be used for access based on config.
func (c *Config) Password() string {
switch c.Type {
case "ssh":
return c.SSHPassword
case "winrm":
return c.WinRMPassword
return ""
func (c *Config) Prepare(ctx *interpolate.Context) []error {
if c.Type == "" {
c.Type = "ssh"
var errs []error
switch c.Type {
case "ssh":
if es := c.prepareSSH(ctx); len(es) > 0 {
errs = append(errs, es...)
case "winrm":
if es := c.prepareWinRM(ctx); len(es) > 0 {
errs = append(errs, es...)
case "docker", "none":
return []error{fmt.Errorf("Communicator type %s is invalid", c.Type)}
return errs
func (c *Config) prepareSSH(ctx *interpolate.Context) []error {
if c.SSHPort == 0 {
c.SSHPort = 22
if c.SSHTimeout == 0 {
c.SSHTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
if c.SSHKeepAliveInterval == 0 {
c.SSHKeepAliveInterval = 5 * time.Second
if c.SSHHandshakeAttempts == 0 {
c.SSHHandshakeAttempts = 10
if c.SSHBastionHost != "" {
if c.SSHBastionPort == 0 {
c.SSHBastionPort = 22
if c.SSHBastionPrivateKey == "" && c.SSHPrivateKey != "" {
c.SSHBastionPrivateKey = c.SSHPrivateKey
if c.SSHProxyHost != "" {
if c.SSHProxyPort == 0 {
c.SSHProxyPort = 1080
if c.SSHFileTransferMethod == "" {
c.SSHFileTransferMethod = "scp"
// Validation
var errs []error
if c.SSHUsername == "" {
errs = append(errs, errors.New("An ssh_username must be specified\n Note: some builders used to default ssh_username to \"root\"."))
if c.SSHPrivateKey != "" {
if _, err := os.Stat(c.SSHPrivateKey); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf(
"ssh_private_key_file is invalid: %s", err))
} else if _, err := SSHFileSigner(c.SSHPrivateKey); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf(
"ssh_private_key_file is invalid: %s", err))
if c.SSHBastionHost != "" && !c.SSHBastionAgentAuth {
if c.SSHBastionPassword == "" && c.SSHBastionPrivateKey == "" {
errs = append(errs, errors.New(
"ssh_bastion_password or ssh_bastion_private_key_file must be specified"))
if c.SSHFileTransferMethod != "scp" && c.SSHFileTransferMethod != "sftp" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf(
"ssh_file_transfer_method ('%s') is invalid, valid methods: sftp, scp",
if c.SSHBastionHost != "" && c.SSHProxyHost != "" {
errs = append(errs, errors.New("please specify either ssh_bastion_host or ssh_proxy_host, not both"))
return errs
func (c *Config) prepareWinRM(ctx *interpolate.Context) []error {
if c.WinRMPort == 0 && c.WinRMUseSSL {
c.WinRMPort = 5986
} else if c.WinRMPort == 0 {
c.WinRMPort = 5985
if c.WinRMTimeout == 0 {
c.WinRMTimeout = 30 * time.Minute
if c.WinRMUseNTLM == true {
c.WinRMTransportDecorator = func() winrm.Transporter { return &winrm.ClientNTLM{} }
var errs []error
if c.WinRMUser == "" {
errs = append(errs, errors.New("winrm_username must be specified."))
return errs