
477 lines
13 KiB

package doublestar
import (
// ErrBadPattern indicates a pattern was malformed.
var ErrBadPattern = path.ErrBadPattern
// Split a path on the given separator, respecting escaping.
func splitPathOnSeparator(path string, separator rune) (ret []string) {
idx := 0
if separator == '\\' {
// if the separator is '\\', then we can just split...
ret = strings.Split(path, string(separator))
idx = len(ret)
} else {
// otherwise, we need to be careful of situations where the separator was escaped
cnt := strings.Count(path, string(separator))
if cnt == 0 {
return []string{path}
ret = make([]string, cnt+1)
pathlen := len(path)
separatorLen := utf8.RuneLen(separator)
emptyEnd := false
for start := 0; start < pathlen; {
end := indexRuneWithEscaping(path[start:], separator)
if end == -1 {
emptyEnd = false
end = pathlen
} else {
emptyEnd = true
end += start
ret[idx] = path[start:end]
start = end + separatorLen
// If the last rune is a path separator, we need to append an empty string to
// represent the last, empty path component. By default, the strings from
// make([]string, ...) will be empty, so we just need to icrement the count
if emptyEnd {
return ret[:idx]
// Find the first index of a rune in a string,
// ignoring any times the rune is escaped using "\".
func indexRuneWithEscaping(s string, r rune) int {
end := strings.IndexRune(s, r)
if end == -1 {
return -1
if end > 0 && s[end-1] == '\\' {
start := end + utf8.RuneLen(r)
end = indexRuneWithEscaping(s[start:], r)
if end != -1 {
end += start
return end
// Match returns true if name matches the shell file name pattern.
// The pattern syntax is:
// pattern:
// { term }
// term:
// '*' matches any sequence of non-path-separators
// '**' matches any sequence of characters, including
// path separators.
// '?' matches any single non-path-separator character
// '[' [ '^' ] { character-range } ']'
// character class (must be non-empty)
// '{' { term } [ ',' { term } ... ] '}'
// c matches character c (c != '*', '?', '\\', '[')
// '\\' c matches character c
// character-range:
// c matches character c (c != '\\', '-', ']')
// '\\' c matches character c
// lo '-' hi matches character c for lo <= c <= hi
// Match requires pattern to match all of name, not just a substring.
// The path-separator defaults to the '/' character. The only possible
// returned error is ErrBadPattern, when pattern is malformed.
// Note: this is meant as a drop-in replacement for path.Match() which
// always uses '/' as the path separator. If you want to support systems
// which use a different path separator (such as Windows), what you want
// is the PathMatch() function below.
func Match(pattern, name string) (bool, error) {
return matchWithSeparator(pattern, name, '/')
// PathMatch is like Match except that it uses your system's path separator.
// For most systems, this will be '/'. However, for Windows, it would be '\\'.
// Note that for systems where the path separator is '\\', escaping is
// disabled.
// Note: this is meant as a drop-in replacement for filepath.Match().
func PathMatch(pattern, name string) (bool, error) {
return matchWithSeparator(pattern, name, os.PathSeparator)
// Match returns true if name matches the shell file name pattern.
// The pattern syntax is:
// pattern:
// { term }
// term:
// '*' matches any sequence of non-path-separators
// '**' matches any sequence of characters, including
// path separators.
// '?' matches any single non-path-separator character
// '[' [ '^' ] { character-range } ']'
// character class (must be non-empty)
// '{' { term } [ ',' { term } ... ] '}'
// c matches character c (c != '*', '?', '\\', '[')
// '\\' c matches character c
// character-range:
// c matches character c (c != '\\', '-', ']')
// '\\' c matches character c, unless separator is '\\'
// lo '-' hi matches character c for lo <= c <= hi
// Match requires pattern to match all of name, not just a substring.
// The only possible returned error is ErrBadPattern, when pattern
// is malformed.
func matchWithSeparator(pattern, name string, separator rune) (bool, error) {
patternComponents := splitPathOnSeparator(pattern, separator)
nameComponents := splitPathOnSeparator(name, separator)
return doMatching(patternComponents, nameComponents)
func doMatching(patternComponents, nameComponents []string) (matched bool, err error) {
// check for some base-cases
patternLen, nameLen := len(patternComponents), len(nameComponents)
if patternLen == 0 && nameLen == 0 {
return true, nil
if patternLen == 0 || nameLen == 0 {
return false, nil
patIdx, nameIdx := 0, 0
for patIdx < patternLen && nameIdx < nameLen {
if patternComponents[patIdx] == "**" {
// if our last pattern component is a doublestar, we're done -
// doublestar will match any remaining name components, if any.
if patIdx++; patIdx >= patternLen {
return true, nil
// otherwise, try matching remaining components
for ; nameIdx < nameLen; nameIdx++ {
if m, _ := doMatching(patternComponents[patIdx:], nameComponents[nameIdx:]); m {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// try matching components
matched, err = matchComponent(patternComponents[patIdx], nameComponents[nameIdx])
if !matched || err != nil {
return patIdx >= patternLen && nameIdx >= nameLen, nil
// Glob returns the names of all files matching pattern or nil
// if there is no matching file. The syntax of pattern is the same
// as in Match. The pattern may describe hierarchical names such as
// /usr/*/bin/ed (assuming the Separator is '/').
// Glob ignores file system errors such as I/O errors reading directories.
// The only possible returned error is ErrBadPattern, when pattern
// is malformed.
// Your system path separator is automatically used. This means on
// systems where the separator is '\\' (Windows), escaping will be
// disabled.
// Note: this is meant as a drop-in replacement for filepath.Glob().
func Glob(pattern string) (matches []string, err error) {
patternComponents := splitPathOnSeparator(filepath.ToSlash(pattern), '/')
if len(patternComponents) == 0 {
return nil, nil
// On Windows systems, this will return the drive name ('C:') for filesystem
// paths, or \\<server>\<share> for UNC paths. On other systems, it will
// return an empty string. Since absolute paths on non-Windows systems start
// with a slash, patternComponent[0] == volumeName will return true for both
// absolute Windows paths and absolute non-Windows paths, but we need a
// separate check for UNC paths.
volumeName := filepath.VolumeName(pattern)
isWindowsUNC := strings.HasPrefix(pattern, `\\`)
if isWindowsUNC || patternComponents[0] == volumeName {
startComponentIndex := 1
if isWindowsUNC {
startComponentIndex = 4
return doGlob(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", volumeName, string(os.PathSeparator)), patternComponents[startComponentIndex:], matches)
// otherwise, it's a relative pattern
return doGlob(".", patternComponents, matches)
// Perform a glob
func doGlob(basedir string, components, matches []string) (m []string, e error) {
m = matches
e = nil
// figure out how many components we don't need to glob because they're
// just names without patterns - we'll use os.Lstat below to check if that
// path actually exists
patLen := len(components)
patIdx := 0
for ; patIdx < patLen; patIdx++ {
if strings.IndexAny(components[patIdx], "*?[{\\") >= 0 {
if patIdx > 0 {
basedir = filepath.Join(basedir, filepath.Join(components[0:patIdx]...))
// Lstat will return an error if the file/directory doesn't exist
fi, err := os.Lstat(basedir)
if err != nil {
// if there are no more components, we've found a match
if patIdx >= patLen {
m = append(m, basedir)
// otherwise, we need to check each item in the directory...
// first, if basedir is a symlink, follow it...
if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 {
fi, err = os.Stat(basedir)
if err != nil {
// confirm it's a directory...
if !fi.IsDir() {
// read directory
dir, err := os.Open(basedir)
if err != nil {
defer dir.Close()
files, _ := dir.Readdir(-1)
lastComponent := (patIdx + 1) >= patLen
if components[patIdx] == "**" {
// if the current component is a doublestar, we'll try depth-first
for _, file := range files {
// if symlink, we may want to follow
if (file.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 {
file, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(basedir, file.Name()))
if err != nil {
if file.IsDir() {
// recurse into directories
if lastComponent {
m = append(m, filepath.Join(basedir, file.Name()))
m, e = doGlob(filepath.Join(basedir, file.Name()), components[patIdx:], m)
} else if lastComponent {
// if the pattern's last component is a doublestar, we match filenames, too
m = append(m, filepath.Join(basedir, file.Name()))
if lastComponent {
return // we're done
lastComponent = (patIdx + 1) >= patLen
// check items in current directory and recurse
var match bool
for _, file := range files {
match, e = matchComponent(components[patIdx], file.Name())
if e != nil {
if match {
if lastComponent {
m = append(m, filepath.Join(basedir, file.Name()))
} else {
m, e = doGlob(filepath.Join(basedir, file.Name()), components[patIdx+1:], m)
// Attempt to match a single pattern component with a path component
func matchComponent(pattern, name string) (bool, error) {
// check some base cases
patternLen, nameLen := len(pattern), len(name)
if patternLen == 0 && nameLen == 0 {
return true, nil
if patternLen == 0 {
return false, nil
if nameLen == 0 && pattern != "*" {
return false, nil
// check for matches one rune at a time
patIdx, nameIdx := 0, 0
for patIdx < patternLen && nameIdx < nameLen {
patRune, patAdj := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(pattern[patIdx:])
nameRune, nameAdj := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name[nameIdx:])
if patRune == '\\' {
// handle escaped runes
patIdx += patAdj
patRune, patAdj = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(pattern[patIdx:])
if patRune == utf8.RuneError {
return false, ErrBadPattern
} else if patRune == nameRune {
patIdx += patAdj
nameIdx += nameAdj
} else {
return false, nil
} else if patRune == '*' {
// handle stars
if patIdx += patAdj; patIdx >= patternLen {
// a star at the end of a pattern will always
// match the rest of the path
return true, nil
// check if we can make any matches
for ; nameIdx < nameLen; nameIdx += nameAdj {
if m, _ := matchComponent(pattern[patIdx:], name[nameIdx:]); m {
return true, nil
return false, nil
} else if patRune == '[' {
// handle character sets
patIdx += patAdj
endClass := indexRuneWithEscaping(pattern[patIdx:], ']')
if endClass == -1 {
return false, ErrBadPattern
endClass += patIdx
classRunes := []rune(pattern[patIdx:endClass])
classRunesLen := len(classRunes)
if classRunesLen > 0 {
classIdx := 0
matchClass := false
if classRunes[0] == '^' {
for classIdx < classRunesLen {
low := classRunes[classIdx]
if low == '-' {
return false, ErrBadPattern
if low == '\\' {
if classIdx < classRunesLen {
low = classRunes[classIdx]
} else {
return false, ErrBadPattern
high := low
if classIdx < classRunesLen && classRunes[classIdx] == '-' {
// we have a range of runes
if classIdx++; classIdx >= classRunesLen {
return false, ErrBadPattern
high = classRunes[classIdx]
if high == '-' {
return false, ErrBadPattern
if high == '\\' {
if classIdx < classRunesLen {
high = classRunes[classIdx]
} else {
return false, ErrBadPattern
if low <= nameRune && nameRune <= high {
matchClass = true
if matchClass == (classRunes[0] == '^') {
return false, nil
} else {
return false, ErrBadPattern
patIdx = endClass + 1
nameIdx += nameAdj
} else if patRune == '{' {
// handle alternatives such as {alt1,alt2,...}
patIdx += patAdj
endOptions := indexRuneWithEscaping(pattern[patIdx:], '}')
if endOptions == -1 {
return false, ErrBadPattern
endOptions += patIdx
options := splitPathOnSeparator(pattern[patIdx:endOptions], ',')
patIdx = endOptions + 1
for _, o := range options {
m, e := matchComponent(o+pattern[patIdx:], name[nameIdx:])
if e != nil {
return false, e
if m {
return true, nil
return false, nil
} else if patRune == '?' || patRune == nameRune {
// handle single-rune wildcard
patIdx += patAdj
nameIdx += nameAdj
} else {
return false, nil
if patIdx >= patternLen && nameIdx >= nameLen {
return true, nil
if nameIdx >= nameLen && pattern[patIdx:] == "*" || pattern[patIdx:] == "**" {
return true, nil
return false, nil