2021-04-15 16:25:31 -07:00

870 lines
18 KiB

Copyright (c) 2014-2018 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package soap
import (
type HasFault interface {
Fault() *Fault
type RoundTripper interface {
RoundTrip(ctx context.Context, req, res HasFault) error
const (
SessionCookieName = "vmware_soap_session"
type Client struct {
u *url.URL
k bool // Named after curl's -k flag
d *debugContainer
t *http.Transport
hostsMu sync.Mutex
hosts map[string]string
Namespace string // Vim namespace
Version string // Vim version
Types types.Func
UserAgent string
cookie string
insecureCookies bool
var schemeMatch = regexp.MustCompile(`^\w+://`)
type errInvalidCACertificate struct {
File string
func (e errInvalidCACertificate) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"invalid certificate '%s', cannot be used as a trusted CA certificate",
// ParseURL is wrapper around url.Parse, where Scheme defaults to "https" and Path defaults to "/sdk"
func ParseURL(s string) (*url.URL, error) {
var err error
var u *url.URL
if s != "" {
// Default the scheme to https
if !schemeMatch.MatchString(s) {
s = "https://" + s
u, err = url.Parse(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Default the path to /sdk
if u.Path == "" {
u.Path = "/sdk"
if u.User == nil {
u.User = url.UserPassword("", "")
return u, nil
func NewClient(u *url.URL, insecure bool) *Client {
c := Client{
u: u,
k: insecure,
d: newDebug(),
Types: types.TypeFunc(),
// Initialize http.RoundTripper on client, so we can customize it below
if t, ok := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport); ok {
c.t = &http.Transport{
Proxy: t.Proxy,
DialContext: t.DialContext,
MaxIdleConns: t.MaxIdleConns,
IdleConnTimeout: t.IdleConnTimeout,
TLSHandshakeTimeout: t.TLSHandshakeTimeout,
ExpectContinueTimeout: t.ExpectContinueTimeout,
} else {
c.t = new(http.Transport)
c.hosts = make(map[string]string)
c.t.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: c.k}
// Don't bother setting DialTLS if InsecureSkipVerify=true
if !c.k {
c.t.DialTLS = c.dialTLS
c.Client.Transport = c.t
c.Client.Jar, _ = cookiejar.New(nil)
// Remove user information from a copy of the URL
c.u = c.URL()
c.u.User = nil
if c.u.Scheme == "http" {
c.insecureCookies = os.Getenv("GOVMOMI_INSECURE_COOKIES") == "true"
return &c
func (c *Client) DefaultTransport() *http.Transport {
return c.t
// NewServiceClient creates a NewClient with the given URL.Path and namespace.
func (c *Client) NewServiceClient(path string, namespace string) *Client {
vc := c.URL()
u, err := url.Parse(path)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("url.Parse(%q): %s", path, err)
if u.Host == "" {
u.Scheme = vc.Scheme
u.Host = vc.Host
client := NewClient(u, c.k)
client.Namespace = "urn:" + namespace
client.DefaultTransport().TLSClientConfig = c.DefaultTransport().TLSClientConfig
if cert := c.Certificate(); cert != nil {
// Copy the trusted thumbprints
for k, v := range c.hosts {
client.hosts[k] = v
// Copy the cookies
client.Client.Jar.SetCookies(u, c.Client.Jar.Cookies(u))
// Set SOAP Header cookie
for _, cookie := range client.Jar.Cookies(u) {
if cookie.Name == SessionCookieName {
client.cookie = cookie.Value
// Copy any query params (e.g. GOVMOMI_TUNNEL_PROXY_PORT used in testing)
client.u.RawQuery = vc.RawQuery
client.UserAgent = c.UserAgent
vimTypes := c.Types
client.Types = func(name string) (reflect.Type, bool) {
kind, ok := vimTypes(name)
if ok {
return kind, ok
// vim25/xml typeToString() does not have an option to include namespace prefix.
// Workaround this by re-trying the lookup with the namespace prefix.
return vimTypes(namespace + ":" + name)
return client
// SetRootCAs defines the set of root certificate authorities
// that clients use when verifying server certificates.
// By default TLS uses the host's root CA set.
// See: http.Client.Transport.TLSClientConfig.RootCAs
func (c *Client) SetRootCAs(file string) error {
pool := x509.NewCertPool()
for _, name := range filepath.SplitList(file) {
pem, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Clean(name))
if err != nil {
return err
if ok := pool.AppendCertsFromPEM(pem); !ok {
return errInvalidCACertificate{
File: name,
c.t.TLSClientConfig.RootCAs = pool
return nil
// Add default https port if missing
func hostAddr(addr string) string {
_, port := splitHostPort(addr)
if port == "" {
return addr + ":443"
return addr
// SetThumbprint sets the known certificate thumbprint for the given host.
// A custom DialTLS function is used to support thumbprint based verification.
// We first try tls.Dial with the default tls.Config, only falling back to thumbprint verification
// if it fails with an x509.UnknownAuthorityError or x509.HostnameError
// See: http.Client.Transport.DialTLS
func (c *Client) SetThumbprint(host string, thumbprint string) {
host = hostAddr(host)
if thumbprint == "" {
delete(c.hosts, host)
} else {
c.hosts[host] = thumbprint
// Thumbprint returns the certificate thumbprint for the given host if known to this client.
func (c *Client) Thumbprint(host string) string {
host = hostAddr(host)
defer c.hostsMu.Unlock()
return c.hosts[host]
// LoadThumbprints from file with the give name.
// If name is empty or name does not exist this function will return nil.
func (c *Client) LoadThumbprints(file string) error {
if file == "" {
return nil
for _, name := range filepath.SplitList(file) {
err := c.loadThumbprints(name)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Client) loadThumbprints(name string) error {
f, err := os.Open(filepath.Clean(name))
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
return err
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scanner.Scan() {
e := strings.SplitN(scanner.Text(), " ", 2)
if len(e) != 2 {
c.SetThumbprint(e[0], e[1])
_ = f.Close()
return scanner.Err()
// ThumbprintSHA1 returns the thumbprint of the given cert in the same format used by the SDK and Client.SetThumbprint.
// See: SSLVerifyFault.Thumbprint, SessionManagerGenericServiceTicket.Thumbprint, HostConnectSpec.SslThumbprint
func ThumbprintSHA1(cert *x509.Certificate) string {
sum := sha1.Sum(cert.Raw)
hex := make([]string, len(sum))
for i, b := range sum {
hex[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%02X", b)
return strings.Join(hex, ":")
func (c *Client) dialTLS(network string, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
// Would be nice if there was a tls.Config.Verify func,
// see tls.clientHandshakeState.doFullHandshake
conn, err := tls.Dial(network, addr, c.t.TLSClientConfig)
if err == nil {
return conn, nil
switch err.(type) {
case x509.UnknownAuthorityError:
case x509.HostnameError:
return nil, err
thumbprint := c.Thumbprint(addr)
if thumbprint == "" {
return nil, err
config := &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
conn, err = tls.Dial(network, addr, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cert := conn.ConnectionState().PeerCertificates[0]
peer := ThumbprintSHA1(cert)
if thumbprint != peer {
_ = conn.Close()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("host %q thumbprint does not match %q", addr, thumbprint)
return conn, nil
// splitHostPort is similar to net.SplitHostPort,
// but rather than return error if there isn't a ':port',
// return an empty string for the port.
func splitHostPort(host string) (string, string) {
ix := strings.LastIndex(host, ":")
if ix <= strings.LastIndex(host, "]") {
return host, ""
name := host[:ix]
port := host[ix+1:]
return name, port
const sdkTunnel = "sdkTunnel:8089"
func (c *Client) Certificate() *tls.Certificate {
certs := c.t.TLSClientConfig.Certificates
if len(certs) == 0 {
return nil
return &certs[0]
func (c *Client) SetCertificate(cert tls.Certificate) {
t := c.Client.Transport.(*http.Transport)
// Extension or HoK certificate
t.TLSClientConfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert}
// Tunnel returns a Client configured to proxy requests through vCenter's http port 80,
// to the SDK tunnel virtual host. Use of the SDK tunnel is required by LoginExtensionByCertificate()
// and optional for other methods.
func (c *Client) Tunnel() *Client {
tunnel := c.NewServiceClient(c.u.Path, c.Namespace)
t := tunnel.Client.Transport.(*http.Transport)
// Proxy to vCenter host on port 80
host := tunnel.u.Hostname()
// Should be no reason to change the default port other than testing
port := tunnel.URL().Query().Get(key)
if port == "" {
port = os.Getenv(key)
if port != "" {
host += ":" + port
t.Proxy = http.ProxyURL(&url.URL{
Scheme: "http",
Host: host,
// Rewrite url Host to use the sdk tunnel, required for a certificate request.
tunnel.u.Host = sdkTunnel
return tunnel
func (c *Client) URL() *url.URL {
urlCopy := *c.u
return &urlCopy
type marshaledClient struct {
Cookies []*http.Cookie
URL *url.URL
Insecure bool
Version string
func (c *Client) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
m := marshaledClient{
Cookies: c.Jar.Cookies(c.u),
URL: c.u,
Insecure: c.k,
Version: c.Version,
return json.Marshal(m)
func (c *Client) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var m marshaledClient
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &m)
if err != nil {
return err
*c = *NewClient(m.URL, m.Insecure)
c.Version = m.Version
c.Jar.SetCookies(m.URL, m.Cookies)
return nil
type kindContext struct{}
func (c *Client) setInsecureCookies(res *http.Response) {
cookies := res.Cookies()
if len(cookies) != 0 {
for _, cookie := range cookies {
cookie.Secure = false
c.Jar.SetCookies(c.u, cookies)
func (c *Client) Do(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request, f func(*http.Response) error) error {
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
// Create debugging context for this round trip
d := c.d.newRoundTrip()
if d.enabled() {
defer d.done()
if c.UserAgent != "" {
req.Header.Set(`User-Agent`, c.UserAgent)
ext := ""
if d.enabled() {
ext = d.debugRequest(req)
tstart := time.Now()
res, err := c.Client.Do(req.WithContext(ctx))
tstop := time.Now()
if d.enabled() {
var name string
if kind, ok := ctx.Value(kindContext{}).(HasFault); ok {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%T", kind)
} else {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", req.Method, req.URL)
d.logf("%6dms (%s)", tstop.Sub(tstart)/time.Millisecond, name)
if err != nil {
return err
defer res.Body.Close()
if d.enabled() {
d.debugResponse(res, ext)
if c.insecureCookies {
return f(res)
// Signer can be implemented by soap.Header.Security to sign requests.
// If the soap.Header.Security field is set to an implementation of Signer via WithHeader(),
// then Client.RoundTrip will call Sign() to marshal the SOAP request.
type Signer interface {
Sign(Envelope) ([]byte, error)
type headerContext struct{}
// WithHeader can be used to modify the outgoing request soap.Header fields.
func (c *Client) WithHeader(ctx context.Context, header Header) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, headerContext{}, header)
type statusError struct {
res *http.Response
// Temporary returns true for HTTP response codes that can be retried
// See vim25.IsTemporaryNetworkError
func (e *statusError) Temporary() bool {
switch e.res.StatusCode {
case http.StatusBadGateway:
return true
return false
func (e *statusError) Error() string {
return e.res.Status
func newStatusError(res *http.Response) error {
return &url.Error{
Op: res.Request.Method,
URL: res.Request.URL.Path,
Err: &statusError{res},
func (c *Client) RoundTrip(ctx context.Context, reqBody, resBody HasFault) error {
var err error
var b []byte
reqEnv := Envelope{Body: reqBody}
resEnv := Envelope{Body: resBody}
h, ok := ctx.Value(headerContext{}).(Header)
if !ok {
h = Header{}
// We added support for OperationID before soap.Header was exported.
if id, ok := ctx.Value(types.ID{}).(string); ok {
h.ID = id
h.Cookie = c.cookie
if h.Cookie != "" || h.ID != "" || h.Security != nil {
reqEnv.Header = &h // XML marshal header only if a field is set
if signer, ok := h.Security.(Signer); ok {
b, err = signer.Sign(reqEnv)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
b, err = xml.Marshal(reqEnv)
if err != nil {
rawReqBody := io.MultiReader(strings.NewReader(xml.Header), bytes.NewReader(b))
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", c.u.String(), rawReqBody)
if err != nil {
req.Header.Set(`Content-Type`, `text/xml; charset="utf-8"`)
action := h.Action
if action == "" {
action = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.Namespace, c.Version)
req.Header.Set(`SOAPAction`, action)
return c.Do(context.WithValue(ctx, kindContext{}, resBody), req, func(res *http.Response) error {
switch res.StatusCode {
case http.StatusOK:
// OK
case http.StatusInternalServerError:
// Error, but typically includes a body explaining the error
return newStatusError(res)
dec := xml.NewDecoder(res.Body)
dec.TypeFunc = c.Types
err = dec.Decode(&resEnv)
if err != nil {
return err
if f := resBody.Fault(); f != nil {
return WrapSoapFault(f)
return err
func (c *Client) CloseIdleConnections() {
// ParseURL wraps url.Parse to rewrite the URL.Host field
// In the case of VM guest uploads or NFC lease URLs, a Host
// field with a value of "*" is rewritten to the Client's URL.Host.
func (c *Client) ParseURL(urlStr string) (*url.URL, error) {
u, err := url.Parse(urlStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
host, _ := splitHostPort(u.Host)
if host == "*" {
// Also use Client's port, to support port forwarding
u.Host = c.URL().Host
return u, nil
type Upload struct {
Type string
Method string
ContentLength int64
Headers map[string]string
Ticket *http.Cookie
Progress progress.Sinker
var DefaultUpload = Upload{
Type: "application/octet-stream",
Method: "PUT",
// Upload PUTs the local file to the given URL
func (c *Client) Upload(ctx context.Context, f io.Reader, u *url.URL, param *Upload) error {
var err error
if param.Progress != nil {
pr := progress.NewReader(ctx, param.Progress, f, param.ContentLength)
f = pr
// Mark progress reader as done when returning from this function.
defer func() {
req, err := http.NewRequest(param.Method, u.String(), f)
if err != nil {
return err
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
req.ContentLength = param.ContentLength
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", param.Type)
for k, v := range param.Headers {
req.Header.Add(k, v)
if param.Ticket != nil {
res, err := c.Client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
defer res.Body.Close()
switch res.StatusCode {
case http.StatusOK:
case http.StatusCreated:
err = errors.New(res.Status)
return err
// UploadFile PUTs the local file to the given URL
func (c *Client) UploadFile(ctx context.Context, file string, u *url.URL, param *Upload) error {
if param == nil {
p := DefaultUpload // Copy since we set ContentLength
param = &p
s, err := os.Stat(file)
if err != nil {
return err
f, err := os.Open(filepath.Clean(file))
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
param.ContentLength = s.Size()
return c.Upload(ctx, f, u, param)
type Download struct {
Method string
Headers map[string]string
Ticket *http.Cookie
Progress progress.Sinker
Writer io.Writer
var DefaultDownload = Download{
Method: "GET",
// DownloadRequest wraps http.Client.Do, returning the http.Response without checking its StatusCode
func (c *Client) DownloadRequest(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL, param *Download) (*http.Response, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequest(param.Method, u.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
for k, v := range param.Headers {
req.Header.Add(k, v)
if param.Ticket != nil {
return c.Client.Do(req)
// Download GETs the remote file from the given URL
func (c *Client) Download(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL, param *Download) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error) {
res, err := c.DownloadRequest(ctx, u, param)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
switch res.StatusCode {
case http.StatusOK:
err = fmt.Errorf("download(%s): %s", u, res.Status)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
r := res.Body
return r, res.ContentLength, nil
func (c *Client) WriteFile(ctx context.Context, file string, src io.Reader, size int64, s progress.Sinker, w io.Writer) error {
var err error
r := src
fh, err := os.Create(file)
if err != nil {
return err
if s != nil {
pr := progress.NewReader(ctx, s, src, size)
src = pr
// Mark progress reader as done when returning from this function.
defer func() {
if w == nil {
w = fh
} else {
w = io.MultiWriter(w, fh)
_, err = io.Copy(w, r)
cerr := fh.Close()
if err == nil {
err = cerr
return err
// DownloadFile GETs the given URL to a local file
func (c *Client) DownloadFile(ctx context.Context, file string, u *url.URL, param *Download) error {
var err error
if param == nil {
param = &DefaultDownload
rc, contentLength, err := c.Download(ctx, u, param)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.WriteFile(ctx, file, rc, contentLength, param.Progress, param.Writer)