2014-12-16 09:49:57 -05:00

361 lines
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// This package implements a provisioner for Packer that executes
// Puppet on the remote machine, configured to apply a local manifest
// versus connecting to a Puppet master.
package puppetmasterless
import (
type Config struct {
common.PackerConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
tpl *packer.ConfigTemplate
// The command used to execute Puppet.
ExecuteCommand string `mapstructure:"execute_command"`
// Additional facts to set when executing Puppet
Facter map[string]string
// Path to a hiera configuration file to upload and use.
HieraConfigPath string `mapstructure:"hiera_config_path"`
// An array of local paths of modules to upload.
ModulePaths []string `mapstructure:"module_paths"`
// The main manifest file to apply to kick off the entire thing.
ManifestFile string `mapstructure:"manifest_file"`
// A directory of manifest files that will be uploaded to the remote
// machine.
ManifestDir string `mapstructure:"manifest_dir"`
// If true, `sudo` will NOT be used to execute Puppet.
PreventSudo bool `mapstructure:"prevent_sudo"`
// The directory where files will be uploaded. Packer requires write
// permissions in this directory.
StagingDir string `mapstructure:"staging_directory"`
type Provisioner struct {
config Config
type ExecuteTemplate struct {
FacterVars string
HieraConfigPath string
ModulePath string
ManifestFile string
ManifestDir string
Sudo bool
func (p *Provisioner) Prepare(raws ...interface{}) error {
md, err := common.DecodeConfig(&p.config, raws...)
if err != nil {
return err
p.config.tpl, err = packer.NewConfigTemplate()
if err != nil {
return err
p.config.tpl.UserVars = p.config.PackerUserVars
// Accumulate any errors
errs := common.CheckUnusedConfig(md)
// Set some defaults
if p.config.ExecuteCommand == "" {
p.config.ExecuteCommand = "{{.FacterVars}} {{if .Sudo}} sudo -E {{end}}" +
"puppet apply --verbose --modulepath='{{.ModulePath}}' " +
"{{if ne .HieraConfigPath \"\"}}--hiera_config='{{.HieraConfigPath}}' {{end}}" +
"{{if ne .ManifestDir \"\"}}--manifestdir='{{.ManifestDir}}' {{end}}" +
"--detailed-exitcodes " +
if p.config.StagingDir == "" {
p.config.StagingDir = "/tmp/packer-puppet-masterless"
// Templates
templates := map[string]*string{
"hiera_config_path": &p.config.HieraConfigPath,
"manifest_file": &p.config.ManifestFile,
"manifest_dir": &p.config.ManifestDir,
"staging_dir": &p.config.StagingDir,
for n, ptr := range templates {
var err error
*ptr, err = p.config.tpl.Process(*ptr, nil)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Error processing %s: %s", n, err))
sliceTemplates := map[string][]string{
"module_paths": p.config.ModulePaths,
for n, slice := range sliceTemplates {
for i, elem := range slice {
var err error
slice[i], err = p.config.tpl.Process(elem, nil)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Error processing %s[%d]: %s", n, i, err))
validates := map[string]*string{
"execute_command": &p.config.ExecuteCommand,
for n, ptr := range validates {
if err := p.config.tpl.Validate(*ptr); err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing %s: %s", n, err))
newFacts := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range p.config.Facter {
k, err := p.config.tpl.Process(k, nil)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("Error processing facter key %s: %s", k, err))
v, err := p.config.tpl.Process(v, nil)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("Error processing facter value '%s': %s", v, err))
newFacts[k] = v
p.config.Facter = newFacts
// Validation
if p.config.HieraConfigPath != "" {
info, err := os.Stat(p.config.HieraConfigPath)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("hiera_config_path is invalid: %s", err))
} else if info.IsDir() {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("hiera_config_path must point to a file"))
if p.config.ManifestDir != "" {
info, err := os.Stat(p.config.ManifestDir)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("manifest_dir is invalid: %s", err))
} else if !info.IsDir() {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("manifest_dir must point to a directory"))
if p.config.ManifestFile == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("A manifest_file must be specified."))
} else {
_, err := os.Stat(p.config.ManifestFile)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("manifest_file is invalid: %s", err))
for i, path := range p.config.ModulePaths {
info, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("module_path[%d] is invalid: %s", i, err))
} else if !info.IsDir() {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("module_path[%d] must point to a directory"))
if errs != nil && len(errs.Errors) > 0 {
return errs
return nil
func (p *Provisioner) Provision(ui packer.Ui, comm packer.Communicator) error {
ui.Say("Provisioning with Puppet...")
ui.Message("Creating Puppet staging directory...")
if err := p.createDir(ui, comm, p.config.StagingDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating staging directory: %s", err)
// Upload hiera config if set
remoteHieraConfigPath := ""
if p.config.HieraConfigPath != "" {
var err error
remoteHieraConfigPath, err = p.uploadHieraConfig(ui, comm)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error uploading hiera config: %s", err)
// Upload manifest dir if set
remoteManifestDir := ""
if p.config.ManifestDir != "" {
"Uploading manifest directory from: %s", p.config.ManifestDir))
remoteManifestDir = fmt.Sprintf("%s/manifests", p.config.StagingDir)
err := p.uploadDirectory(ui, comm, remoteManifestDir, p.config.ManifestDir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error uploading manifest dir: %s", err)
// Upload all modules
modulePaths := make([]string, 0, len(p.config.ModulePaths))
for i, path := range p.config.ModulePaths {
ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Uploading local modules from: %s", path))
targetPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/module-%d", p.config.StagingDir, i)
if err := p.uploadDirectory(ui, comm, targetPath, path); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error uploading modules: %s", err)
modulePaths = append(modulePaths, targetPath)
// Upload manifests
remoteManifestFile, err := p.uploadManifests(ui, comm)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error uploading manifests: %s", err)
// Compile the facter variables
facterVars := make([]string, 0, len(p.config.Facter))
for k, v := range p.config.Facter {
facterVars = append(facterVars, fmt.Sprintf("FACTER_%s='%s'", k, v))
// Execute Puppet
command, err := p.config.tpl.Process(p.config.ExecuteCommand, &ExecuteTemplate{
FacterVars: strings.Join(facterVars, " "),
HieraConfigPath: remoteHieraConfigPath,
ManifestDir: remoteManifestDir,
ManifestFile: remoteManifestFile,
ModulePath: strings.Join(modulePaths, ":"),
Sudo: !p.config.PreventSudo,
if err != nil {
return err
cmd := &packer.RemoteCmd{
Command: command,
ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Running Puppet: %s", command))
if err := cmd.StartWithUi(comm, ui); err != nil {
return err
if cmd.ExitStatus != 0 && cmd.ExitStatus != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("Puppet exited with a non-zero exit status: %d", cmd.ExitStatus)
return nil
func (p *Provisioner) Cancel() {
// Just hard quit. It isn't a big deal if what we're doing keeps
// running on the other side.
func (p *Provisioner) uploadHieraConfig(ui packer.Ui, comm packer.Communicator) (string, error) {
ui.Message("Uploading hiera configuration...")
f, err := os.Open(p.config.HieraConfigPath)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer f.Close()
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/hiera.yaml", p.config.StagingDir)
if err := comm.Upload(path, f, nil); err != nil {
return "", err
return path, nil
func (p *Provisioner) uploadManifests(ui packer.Ui, comm packer.Communicator) (string, error) {
// Create the remote manifests directory...
ui.Message("Uploading manifests...")
remoteManifestsPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/manifests", p.config.StagingDir)
if err := p.createDir(ui, comm, remoteManifestsPath); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Error creating manifests directory: %s", err)
// Upload the main manifest
f, err := os.Open(p.config.ManifestFile)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer f.Close()
manifestFilename := filepath.Base(p.config.ManifestFile)
remoteManifestFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", remoteManifestsPath, manifestFilename)
if err := comm.Upload(remoteManifestFile, f, nil); err != nil {
return "", err
return remoteManifestFile, nil
func (p *Provisioner) createDir(ui packer.Ui, comm packer.Communicator, dir string) error {
cmd := &packer.RemoteCmd{
Command: fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p '%s'", dir),
if err := cmd.StartWithUi(comm, ui); err != nil {
return err
if cmd.ExitStatus != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Non-zero exit status.")
return nil
func (p *Provisioner) uploadDirectory(ui packer.Ui, comm packer.Communicator, dst string, src string) error {
if err := p.createDir(ui, comm, dst); err != nil {
return err
// Make sure there is a trailing "/" so that the directory isn't
// created on the other side.
if src[len(src)-1] != '/' {
src = src + "/"
return comm.UploadDir(dst, src, nil)