
159 lines
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package xmltree
import (
//ParseOptions is a set of methods and function pointers that alter
//the way the XML decoder works and the Node types that are created.
//Options that are not set will default to what is set in internal/defoverride.go
type ParseOptions struct {
Strict bool
XMLRoot func() xmlbuilder.XMLBuilder
//DirectiveParser is an optional interface extended from XMLBuilder that handles
//XML directives.
type DirectiveParser interface {
Directive(xml.Directive, *xml.Decoder)
//ParseSettings is a function for setting the ParseOptions you want when
//parsing an XML tree.
type ParseSettings func(s *ParseOptions)
//MustParseXML is like ParseXML, but panics instead of returning an error.
func MustParseXML(r io.Reader, op ...ParseSettings) tree.Node {
ret, err := ParseXML(r, op...)
if err != nil {
return ret
//ParseXML creates an XMLTree structure from an io.Reader.
func ParseXML(r io.Reader, op ...ParseSettings) (tree.Node, error) {
ov := ParseOptions{
Strict: true,
XMLRoot: xmlele.Root,
for _, i := range op {
dec := xml.NewDecoder(r)
dec.CharsetReader = charset.NewReaderLabel
dec.Strict = ov.Strict
ordrPos := 1
xmlTree := ov.XMLRoot()
t, err := dec.Token()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if head, ok := t.(xml.ProcInst); ok && head.Target == "xml" {
t, err = dec.Token()
opts := xmlbuilder.BuilderOpts{
Dec: dec,
for err == nil {
switch xt := t.(type) {
case xml.StartElement:
setEle(&opts, xmlTree, xt, &ordrPos)
xmlTree = xmlTree.CreateNode(&opts)
case xml.CharData:
setNode(&opts, xmlTree, xt, tree.NtChd, &ordrPos)
xmlTree = xmlTree.CreateNode(&opts)
case xml.Comment:
setNode(&opts, xmlTree, xt, tree.NtComm, &ordrPos)
xmlTree = xmlTree.CreateNode(&opts)
case xml.ProcInst:
setNode(&opts, xmlTree, xt, tree.NtPi, &ordrPos)
xmlTree = xmlTree.CreateNode(&opts)
case xml.EndElement:
xmlTree = xmlTree.EndElem()
case xml.Directive:
if dp, ok := xmlTree.(DirectiveParser); ok {
dp.Directive(xt.Copy(), dec)
t, err = dec.Token()
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
return xmlTree, err
func setEle(opts *xmlbuilder.BuilderOpts, xmlTree xmlbuilder.XMLBuilder, ele xml.StartElement, ordrPos *int) {
opts.NodePos = *ordrPos
opts.Tok = ele
opts.Attrs = opts.Attrs[0:0:cap(opts.Attrs)]
opts.NS = make(map[xml.Name]string)
opts.NodeType = tree.NtElem
for i := range ele.Attr {
attr := ele.Attr[i].Name
val := ele.Attr[i].Value
if (attr.Local == "xmlns" && attr.Space == "") || attr.Space == "xmlns" {
opts.NS[attr] = val
} else {
opts.Attrs = append(opts.Attrs, &ele.Attr[i])
if nstree, ok := xmlTree.(tree.NSElem); ok {
ns := make(map[xml.Name]string)
for _, i := range tree.BuildNS(nstree) {
ns[i.Name] = i.Value
for k, v := range opts.NS {
ns[k] = v
if ns[xml.Name{Local: "xmlns"}] == "" {
delete(ns, xml.Name{Local: "xmlns"})
for k, v := range ns {
opts.NS[k] = v
if xmlTree.GetNodeType() == tree.NtRoot {
opts.NS[xml.Name{Space: "xmlns", Local: "xml"}] = tree.XMLSpace
opts.AttrStartPos = len(opts.NS) + len(opts.Attrs) + *ordrPos
*ordrPos = opts.AttrStartPos + 1
func setNode(opts *xmlbuilder.BuilderOpts, xmlTree xmlbuilder.XMLBuilder, tok xml.Token, nt tree.NodeType, ordrPos *int) {
opts.Tok = xml.CopyToken(tok)
opts.NodeType = nt
opts.NodePos = *ordrPos