Adrien Delorme 541c68aed5 add StackableProgressBar struct that will refresh/show dl status for multiple files
* simplified the downloader interface, and removed the total/current values from them
* downloaders use a proxy reader that will add all read bytes to progress
* removed unused const mtu
* DownloadClient doesn't need a downloader, so I removed it too
2018-09-06 15:53:59 +02:00

345 lines
7.9 KiB

package packer
import (
type UiColor uint
const (
UiColorRed UiColor = 31
UiColorGreen = 32
UiColorYellow = 33
UiColorBlue = 34
UiColorMagenta = 35
UiColorCyan = 36
// The Ui interface handles all communication for Packer with the outside
// world. This sort of control allows us to strictly control how output
// is formatted and various levels of output.
type Ui interface {
Ask(string) (string, error)
Machine(string, ...string)
ProgressBar() ProgressBar
type NoopUi struct{}
var _ Ui = new(NoopUi)
func (*NoopUi) Ask(string) (string, error) { return "", errors.New("this is a noop ui") }
func (*NoopUi) Say(string) { return }
func (*NoopUi) Message(string) { return }
func (*NoopUi) Error(string) { return }
func (*NoopUi) Machine(string, ...string) { return }
func (*NoopUi) ProgressBar() ProgressBar { return new(NoopProgressBar) }
// ColoredUi is a UI that is colored using terminal colors.
type ColoredUi struct {
Color UiColor
ErrorColor UiColor
Ui Ui
var _ Ui = new(ColoredUi)
// TargetedUI is a UI that wraps another UI implementation and modifies
// the output to indicate a specific target. Specifically, all Say output
// is prefixed with the target name. Message output is not prefixed but
// is offset by the length of the target so that output is lined up properly
// with Say output. Machine-readable output has the proper target set.
type TargetedUI struct {
Target string
Ui Ui
var _ Ui = new(TargetedUI)
// The BasicUI is a UI that reads and writes from a standard Go reader
// and writer. It is safe to be called from multiple goroutines. Machine
// readable output is simply logged for this UI.
type BasicUi struct {
Reader io.Reader
Writer io.Writer
ErrorWriter io.Writer
l sync.Mutex
interrupted bool
scanner *bufio.Scanner
var _ Ui = new(BasicUi)
func (bu *BasicUi) ProgressBar() ProgressBar {
return &bu.StackableProgressBar
// MachineReadableUi is a UI that only outputs machine-readable output
// to the given Writer.
type MachineReadableUi struct {
Writer io.Writer
var _ Ui = new(MachineReadableUi)
func (u *ColoredUi) Ask(query string) (string, error) {
return u.Ui.Ask(u.colorize(query, u.Color, true))
func (u *ColoredUi) Say(message string) {
u.Ui.Say(u.colorize(message, u.Color, true))
func (u *ColoredUi) Message(message string) {
u.Ui.Message(u.colorize(message, u.Color, false))
func (u *ColoredUi) Error(message string) {
color := u.ErrorColor
if color == 0 {
color = UiColorRed
u.Ui.Error(u.colorize(message, color, true))
func (u *ColoredUi) Machine(t string, args ...string) {
// Don't colorize machine-readable output
u.Ui.Machine(t, args...)
func (u *ColoredUi) ProgressBar() ProgressBar {
return u.Ui.ProgressBar() //TODO(adrien): color me
func (u *ColoredUi) colorize(message string, color UiColor, bold bool) string {
if !u.supportsColors() {
return message
attr := 0
if bold {
attr = 1
return fmt.Sprintf("\033[%d;%dm%s\033[0m", attr, color, message)
func (u *ColoredUi) supportsColors() bool {
// Never use colors if we have this environmental variable
if os.Getenv("PACKER_NO_COLOR") != "" {
return false
// For now, on non-Windows machine, just assume it does
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
return true
// On Windows, if we appear to be in Cygwin, then it does
cygwin := os.Getenv("CYGWIN") != "" ||
os.Getenv("OSTYPE") == "cygwin" ||
os.Getenv("TERM") == "cygwin"
return cygwin
func (u *TargetedUI) Ask(query string) (string, error) {
return u.Ui.Ask(u.prefixLines(true, query))
func (u *TargetedUI) Say(message string) {
u.Ui.Say(u.prefixLines(true, message))
func (u *TargetedUI) Message(message string) {
u.Ui.Message(u.prefixLines(false, message))
func (u *TargetedUI) Error(message string) {
u.Ui.Error(u.prefixLines(true, message))
func (u *TargetedUI) Machine(t string, args ...string) {
// Prefix in the target, then pass through
u.Ui.Machine(fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", u.Target, t), args...)
func (u *TargetedUI) ProgressBar() ProgressBar {
return u.Ui.ProgressBar()
func (u *TargetedUI) prefixLines(arrow bool, message string) string {
arrowText := "==>"
if !arrow {
arrowText = strings.Repeat(" ", len(arrowText))
var result bytes.Buffer
for _, line := range strings.Split(message, "\n") {
result.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: %s\n", arrowText, u.Target, line))
return strings.TrimRightFunc(result.String(), unicode.IsSpace)
func (rw *BasicUi) Ask(query string) (string, error) {
defer rw.l.Unlock()
if rw.interrupted {
return "", errors.New("interrupted")
if rw.scanner == nil {
rw.scanner = bufio.NewScanner(rw.Reader)
sigCh := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
defer signal.Stop(sigCh)
log.Printf("ui: ask: %s", query)
if query != "" {
if _, err := fmt.Fprint(rw.Writer, query+" "); err != nil {
return "", err
result := make(chan string, 1)
go func() {
var line string
if rw.scanner.Scan() {
line = rw.scanner.Text()
if err := rw.scanner.Err(); err != nil {
log.Printf("ui: scan err: %s", err)
result <- line
select {
case line := <-result:
return line, nil
case <-sigCh:
// Print a newline so that any further output starts properly
// on a new line.
// Mark that we were interrupted so future Ask calls fail.
rw.interrupted = true
return "", errors.New("interrupted")
func (rw *BasicUi) Say(message string) {
defer rw.l.Unlock()
log.Printf("ui: %s", message)
_, err := fmt.Fprint(rw.Writer, message+"\n")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERR] Failed to write to UI: %s", err)
func (rw *BasicUi) Message(message string) {
defer rw.l.Unlock()
log.Printf("ui: %s", message)
_, err := fmt.Fprint(rw.Writer, message+"\n")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERR] Failed to write to UI: %s", err)
func (rw *BasicUi) Error(message string) {
defer rw.l.Unlock()
writer := rw.ErrorWriter
if writer == nil {
writer = rw.Writer
log.Printf("ui error: %s", message)
_, err := fmt.Fprint(writer, message+"\n")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERR] Failed to write to UI: %s", err)
func (rw *BasicUi) Machine(t string, args ...string) {
log.Printf("machine readable: %s %#v", t, args)
func (u *MachineReadableUi) Ask(query string) (string, error) {
return "", errors.New("machine-readable UI can't ask")
func (u *MachineReadableUi) Say(message string) {
u.Machine("ui", "say", message)
func (u *MachineReadableUi) Message(message string) {
u.Machine("ui", "message", message)
func (u *MachineReadableUi) Error(message string) {
u.Machine("ui", "error", message)
func (u *MachineReadableUi) Machine(category string, args ...string) {
now := time.Now().UTC()
// Determine if we have a target, and set it
target := ""
commaIdx := strings.Index(category, ",")
if commaIdx > -1 {
target = category[0:commaIdx]
category = category[commaIdx+1:]
// Prepare the args
for i, v := range args {
args[i] = strings.Replace(v, ",", "%!(PACKER_COMMA)", -1)
args[i] = strings.Replace(args[i], "\r", "\\r", -1)
args[i] = strings.Replace(args[i], "\n", "\\n", -1)
argsString := strings.Join(args, ",")
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(u.Writer, "%d,%s,%s,%s\n", now.Unix(), target, category, argsString)
if err != nil {
if err == syscall.EPIPE || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "broken pipe") {
// Ignore epipe errors because that just means that the file
// is probably closed or going to /dev/null or something.
} else {
func (u *MachineReadableUi) ProgressBar() ProgressBar {
return new(NoopProgressBar)