Two new configuration options have been exposed to allow users to specify an existing virtual network: virtual_network_name and virtual_network_resource_group_name. * virtual_network_name: name of the virtual network to attach a Packer VM to. * virtual_network_resource_group_name: name of the resource group that contains the virtual network. This value is optional. If the value is not specified, the builder queries Azure for the appropriate value. If the builder cannot disambiguate the value, a value must be provided for this setting. * virtual_network_subnet_name: name of the subnet attached to the virtual network. This value is optional. If the value is not specified, the builder queries Azure for the appropriate value. If the builder cannot disambiguate the value, a value must be provided for this setting.
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in builder/azure for license information.
package arm
import (
type EndpointType int
const (
PublicEndpoint EndpointType = iota
var (
EndpointCommunicationText = map[EndpointType]string{
PublicEndpoint: "PublicEndpoint",
PrivateEndpoint: "PrivateEndpoint",
type StepGetIPAddress struct {
client *AzureClient
endpoint EndpointType
get func(resourceGroupName string, ipAddressName string, interfaceName string) (string, error)
say func(message string)
error func(e error)
func NewStepGetIPAddress(client *AzureClient, ui packer.Ui, endpoint EndpointType) *StepGetIPAddress {
var step = &StepGetIPAddress{
client: client,
endpoint: endpoint,
say: func(message string) { ui.Say(message) },
error: func(e error) { ui.Error(e.Error()) },
switch endpoint {
case PrivateEndpoint:
step.get = step.getPrivateIP
case PublicEndpoint:
step.get = step.getPublicIP
return step
func (s *StepGetIPAddress) getPrivateIP(resourceGroupName string, ipAddressName string, interfaceName string) (string, error) {
resp, err := s.client.InterfacesClient.Get(resourceGroupName, interfaceName, "")
if err != nil {
return "", err
return *(*resp.Properties.IPConfigurations)[0].Properties.PrivateIPAddress, nil
func (s *StepGetIPAddress) getPublicIP(resourceGroupName string, ipAddressName string, interfaceName string) (string, error) {
resp, err := s.client.PublicIPAddressesClient.Get(resourceGroupName, ipAddressName, "")
if err != nil {
return "", err
return *resp.Properties.IPAddress, nil
func (s *StepGetIPAddress) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
s.say("Getting the VM's IP address ...")
var resourceGroupName = state.Get(constants.ArmResourceGroupName).(string)
var ipAddressName = state.Get(constants.ArmPublicIPAddressName).(string)
var nicName = state.Get(constants.ArmNicName).(string)
s.say(fmt.Sprintf(" -> ResourceGroupName : '%s'", resourceGroupName))
s.say(fmt.Sprintf(" -> PublicIPAddressName : '%s'", ipAddressName))
s.say(fmt.Sprintf(" -> NicName : '%s'", nicName))
s.say(fmt.Sprintf(" -> Network Connection : '%s'", EndpointCommunicationText[s.endpoint]))
address, err := s.get(resourceGroupName, ipAddressName, nicName)
if err != nil {
state.Put(constants.Error, err)
return multistep.ActionHalt
state.Put(constants.SSHHost, address)
s.say(fmt.Sprintf(" -> IP Address : '%s'", address))
return multistep.ActionContinue
func (*StepGetIPAddress) Cleanup(multistep.StateBag) {