- startup scripts don't run for Windows since it is isn't implemented yet. - startup scripts use instance metadata instead of serial port output to flag when they are done. - added licenses to Image data type (to check if an Image is a Windows Image). - added GetImage and GetImageFromProject to googlecompute Drivers. - changed some of the builder/googlecompute tests to use github.com/stretchr/testify/assert. Tests: - (in the Packer directory) `go test .`, `go test ./builder/googlecompute`, and `go test ./post-processor/googlecompute-export` - manual run of `packer build packer_template.json` with the following files --packer_template.json-- { "builders": [ { "type": "googlecompute", "account_file": "creds.json", "project_id": "google.com:packer-test", "source_image": "debian-8-jessie-v20160629", "zone": "us-central1-a", "startup_script_file": "startup_script.sh", "metadata": { "startup-script": "#!/bin/sh\necho \"This should be overwritten.\"", "startup-script-log-dest": "gs://packer-test.google.com.a.appspot.com/startup-script.log" }, "image_name": "test-packer-modifications", "ssh_username": "foo" } ], "post-processors": [ { "type": "googlecompute-export", "paths": [ "gs://packer-test.google.com.a.appspot.com/foo.tar.gz", "gs://packer-test.google.com.a.appspot.com/bar.tar.gz" ], "keep_input_artifact": true } ] } --startup_script.sh-- \#!/bin/sh echo "Hi, my name is Scott. I'm waiting 60 seconds!" >> /scott sleep 60 echo "I'm done waiting!" >> /scott
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package googlecompute
import (
func TestStepCreateImage_impl(t *testing.T) {
var _ multistep.Step = new(StepCreateImage)
func TestStepCreateImage(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
step := new(StepCreateImage)
defer step.Cleanup(state)
c := state.Get("config").(*Config)
d := state.Get("driver").(*DriverMock)
// These are the values of the image the driver will return.
d.CreateImageResultLicenses = []string{"test-license"}
d.CreateImageResultProjectId = "test-project"
d.CreateImageResultSizeGb = 100
// run the step
action := step.Run(state)
assert.Equal(t, action, multistep.ActionContinue, "Step did not pass.")
uncastImage, ok := state.GetOk("image")
assert.True(t, ok, "State does not have resulting image.")
image, ok := uncastImage.(*Image)
assert.True(t, ok, "Image in state is not an Image.")
// Verify created Image results.
assert.Equal(t, image.Licenses, d.CreateImageResultLicenses, "Created image licenses don't match the licenses returned by the driver.")
assert.Equal(t, image.Name, c.ImageName, "Created image does not match config name.")
assert.Equal(t, image.ProjectId, d.CreateImageResultProjectId, "Created image project does not match driver project.")
assert.Equal(t, image.SizeGb, d.CreateImageResultSizeGb, "Created image size does not match the size returned by the driver.")
// Verify proper args passed to driver.CreateImage.
assert.Equal(t, d.CreateImageName, c.ImageName, "Incorrect image name passed to driver.")
assert.Equal(t, d.CreateImageDesc, c.ImageDescription, "Incorrect image description passed to driver.")
assert.Equal(t, d.CreateImageFamily, c.ImageFamily, "Incorrect image family passed to driver.")
assert.Equal(t, d.CreateImageZone, c.Zone, "Incorrect image zone passed to driver.")
assert.Equal(t, d.CreateImageDisk, c.DiskName, "Incorrect disk passed to driver.")
func TestStepCreateImage_errorOnChannel(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
step := new(StepCreateImage)
defer step.Cleanup(state)
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
errCh <- errors.New("error")
driver := state.Get("driver").(*DriverMock)
driver.CreateImageErrCh = errCh
// run the step
action := step.Run(state)
assert.Equal(t, action, multistep.ActionHalt, "Step should not have passed.")
_, ok := state.GetOk("error")
assert.True(t, ok, "State should have an error.")
_, ok = state.GetOk("image_name")
assert.False(t, ok, "State should not have a resulting image.")