Matthew Hooker 7382382727
Add telemetry reporting through checkpoint
Will report builders/provisioner/post-processor types used per build,
and whether or not the build passed.

Will also report any panics we see.

You may opt out of this reporting by setting the environment variable
2017-06-15 13:21:11 -07:00

312 lines
7.9 KiB

package packer
import (
// Core is the main executor of Packer. If Packer is being used as a
// library, this is the struct you'll want to instantiate to get anything done.
type Core struct {
Template *template.Template
components ComponentFinder
variables map[string]string
builds map[string]*template.Builder
version string
// CoreConfig is the structure for initializing a new Core. Once a CoreConfig
// is used to initialize a Core, it shouldn't be re-used or modified again.
type CoreConfig struct {
Components ComponentFinder
Template *template.Template
Variables map[string]string
Version string
// The function type used to lookup Builder implementations.
type BuilderFunc func(name string) (Builder, error)
// The function type used to lookup Hook implementations.
type HookFunc func(name string) (Hook, error)
// The function type used to lookup PostProcessor implementations.
type PostProcessorFunc func(name string) (PostProcessor, error)
// The function type used to lookup Provisioner implementations.
type ProvisionerFunc func(name string) (Provisioner, error)
// ComponentFinder is a struct that contains the various function
// pointers necessary to look up components of Packer such as builders,
// commands, etc.
type ComponentFinder struct {
Builder BuilderFunc
Hook HookFunc
PostProcessor PostProcessorFunc
Provisioner ProvisionerFunc
// NewCore creates a new Core.
func NewCore(c *CoreConfig) (*Core, error) {
result := &Core{
Template: c.Template,
components: c.Components,
variables: c.Variables,
version: c.Version,
if err := result.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := result.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Go through and interpolate all the build names. We shuld be able
// to do this at this point with the variables.
result.builds = make(map[string]*template.Builder)
for _, b := range c.Template.Builders {
v, err := interpolate.Render(b.Name, result.Context())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"Error interpolating builder '%s': %s",
b.Name, err)
result.builds[v] = b
return result, nil
// BuildNames returns the builds that are available in this configured core.
func (c *Core) BuildNames() []string {
r := make([]string, 0, len(c.builds))
for n := range c.builds {
r = append(r, n)
return r
// Build returns the Build object for the given name.
func (c *Core) Build(n string) (Build, error) {
// Setup the builder
configBuilder, ok := c.builds[n]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no such build found: %s", n)
builder, err := c.components.Builder(configBuilder.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"error initializing builder '%s': %s",
configBuilder.Type, err)
if builder == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"builder type not found: %s", configBuilder.Type)
// rawName is the uninterpolated name that we use for various lookups
rawName := configBuilder.Name
// Setup the provisioners for this build
provisioners := make([]coreBuildProvisioner, 0, len(c.Template.Provisioners))
for _, rawP := range c.Template.Provisioners {
// If we're skipping this, then ignore it
if rawP.Skip(rawName) {
// Get the provisioner
provisioner, err := c.components.Provisioner(rawP.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"error initializing provisioner '%s': %s",
rawP.Type, err)
if provisioner == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"provisioner type not found: %s", rawP.Type)
// Get the configuration
config := make([]interface{}, 1, 2)
config[0] = rawP.Config
if rawP.Override != nil {
if override, ok := rawP.Override[rawName]; ok {
config = append(config, override)
// If we're pausing, we wrap the provisioner in a special pauser.
if rawP.PauseBefore > 0 {
provisioner = &PausedProvisioner{
PauseBefore: rawP.PauseBefore,
Provisioner: provisioner,
provisioners = append(provisioners, coreBuildProvisioner{
pType: rawP.Type,
provisioner: provisioner,
config: config,
// Setup the post-processors
postProcessors := make([][]coreBuildPostProcessor, 0, len(c.Template.PostProcessors))
for _, rawPs := range c.Template.PostProcessors {
current := make([]coreBuildPostProcessor, 0, len(rawPs))
for _, rawP := range rawPs {
// If we skip, ignore
if rawP.Skip(rawName) {
// Get the post-processor
postProcessor, err := c.components.PostProcessor(rawP.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"error initializing post-processor '%s': %s",
rawP.Type, err)
if postProcessor == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"post-processor type not found: %s", rawP.Type)
current = append(current, coreBuildPostProcessor{
processor: postProcessor,
processorType: rawP.Type,
config: rawP.Config,
keepInputArtifact: rawP.KeepInputArtifact,
// If we have no post-processors in this chain, just continue.
if len(current) == 0 {
postProcessors = append(postProcessors, current)
// TODO hooks one day
return &coreBuild{
name: n,
builder: builder,
builderConfig: configBuilder.Config,
builderType: configBuilder.Type,
postProcessors: postProcessors,
provisioners: provisioners,
templatePath: c.Template.Path,
variables: c.variables,
}, nil
// Context returns an interpolation context.
func (c *Core) Context() *interpolate.Context {
return &interpolate.Context{
TemplatePath: c.Template.Path,
UserVariables: c.variables,
// validate does a full validation of the template.
// This will automatically call template.validate() in addition to doing
// richer semantic checks around variables and so on.
func (c *Core) validate() error {
// First validate the template in general, we can't do anything else
// unless the template itself is valid.
if err := c.Template.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
// Validate the minimum version is satisfied
if c.Template.MinVersion != "" {
versionActual, err := version.NewVersion(c.version)
if err != nil {
// This shouldn't happen since we set it via the compiler
versionMin, err := version.NewVersion(c.Template.MinVersion)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"min_version is invalid: %s", err)
if versionActual.LessThan(versionMin) {
return fmt.Errorf(
"This template requires Packer version %s or higher; using %s",
// Validate variables are set
var err error
for n, v := range c.Template.Variables {
if v.Required {
if _, ok := c.variables[n]; !ok {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
"required variable not set: %s", n))
// TODO: validate all builders exist
// TODO: ^^ provisioner
// TODO: ^^ post-processor
return err
func (c *Core) init() error {
if c.variables == nil {
c.variables = make(map[string]string)
// Go through the variables and interpolate the environment variables
ctx := c.Context()
ctx.EnableEnv = true
ctx.UserVariables = nil
for k, v := range c.Template.Variables {
// Ignore variables that are required
if v.Required {
// Ignore variables that have a value
if _, ok := c.variables[k]; ok {
// Interpolate the default
def, err := interpolate.Render(v.Default, ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"error interpolating default value for '%s': %s",
k, err)
c.variables[k] = def
// Interpolate the push configuration
if _, err := interpolate.RenderInterface(&c.Template.Push, c.Context()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error interpolating 'push': %s", err)
return nil