208 lines
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208 lines
6.1 KiB
package ecs
import (
packersdk "github.com/hashicorp/packer-plugin-sdk/packer"
type stepConfigAlicloudVSwitch struct {
VSwitchId string
ZoneId string
isCreate bool
CidrBlock string
VSwitchName string
var createVSwitchRetryErrors = []string{
var deleteVSwitchRetryErrors = []string{
func (s *stepConfigAlicloudVSwitch) Run(ctx context.Context, state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
client := state.Get("client").(*ClientWrapper)
ui := state.Get("ui").(packersdk.Ui)
vpcId := state.Get("vpcid").(string)
config := state.Get("config").(*Config)
if len(s.VSwitchId) != 0 {
describeVSwitchesRequest := ecs.CreateDescribeVSwitchesRequest()
describeVSwitchesRequest.VpcId = vpcId
describeVSwitchesRequest.VSwitchId = s.VSwitchId
describeVSwitchesRequest.ZoneId = s.ZoneId
vswitchesResponse, err := client.DescribeVSwitches(describeVSwitchesRequest)
if err != nil {
return halt(state, err, "Failed querying vswitch")
vswitch := vswitchesResponse.VSwitches.VSwitch
if len(vswitch) > 0 {
state.Put("vswitchid", vswitch[0].VSwitchId)
s.isCreate = false
return multistep.ActionContinue
s.isCreate = false
return halt(state, fmt.Errorf("The specified vswitch {%s} doesn't exist.", s.VSwitchId), "")
if s.ZoneId == "" {
describeZonesRequest := ecs.CreateDescribeZonesRequest()
describeZonesRequest.RegionId = config.AlicloudRegion
zonesResponse, err := client.DescribeZones(describeZonesRequest)
if err != nil {
return halt(state, err, "Query for available zones failed")
var instanceTypes []string
zones := zonesResponse.Zones.Zone
for _, zone := range zones {
isVSwitchSupported := false
for _, resourceType := range zone.AvailableResourceCreation.ResourceTypes {
if resourceType == "VSwitch" {
isVSwitchSupported = true
if isVSwitchSupported {
for _, instanceType := range zone.AvailableInstanceTypes.InstanceTypes {
if instanceType == config.InstanceType {
s.ZoneId = zone.ZoneId
instanceTypes = append(instanceTypes, instanceType)
if s.ZoneId == "" {
if len(instanceTypes) > 0 {
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("The instance type %s isn't available in this region."+
"\n You can either change the instance to one of following: %v \n"+
"or choose another region.", config.InstanceType, instanceTypes))
state.Put("error", fmt.Errorf("The instance type %s isn't available in this region."+
"\n You can either change the instance to one of following: %v \n"+
"or choose another region.", config.InstanceType, instanceTypes))
return multistep.ActionHalt
} else {
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("The instance type %s isn't available in this region."+
"\n You can change to other regions.", config.InstanceType))
state.Put("error", fmt.Errorf("The instance type %s isn't available in this region."+
"\n You can change to other regions.", config.InstanceType))
return multistep.ActionHalt
if config.CidrBlock == "" {
s.CidrBlock = DefaultCidrBlock //use the default CirdBlock
ui.Say("Creating vswitch...")
createVSwitchRequest := s.buildCreateVSwitchRequest(state)
createVSwitchResponse, err := client.WaitForExpected(&WaitForExpectArgs{
RequestFunc: func() (responses.AcsResponse, error) {
return client.CreateVSwitch(createVSwitchRequest)
EvalFunc: client.EvalCouldRetryResponse(createVSwitchRetryErrors, EvalRetryErrorType),
if err != nil {
return halt(state, err, "Error Creating vswitch")
vSwitchId := createVSwitchResponse.(*ecs.CreateVSwitchResponse).VSwitchId
describeVSwitchesRequest := ecs.CreateDescribeVSwitchesRequest()
describeVSwitchesRequest.VpcId = vpcId
describeVSwitchesRequest.VSwitchId = vSwitchId
_, err = client.WaitForExpected(&WaitForExpectArgs{
RequestFunc: func() (responses.AcsResponse, error) {
return client.DescribeVSwitches(describeVSwitchesRequest)
EvalFunc: func(response responses.AcsResponse, err error) WaitForExpectEvalResult {
if err != nil {
return WaitForExpectToRetry
vSwitchesResponse := response.(*ecs.DescribeVSwitchesResponse)
vSwitches := vSwitchesResponse.VSwitches.VSwitch
if len(vSwitches) > 0 {
for _, vSwitch := range vSwitches {
if vSwitch.Status == VSwitchStatusAvailable {
return WaitForExpectSuccess
return WaitForExpectToRetry
RetryTimes: shortRetryTimes,
if err != nil {
return halt(state, err, "Timeout waiting for vswitch to become available")
ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Created vswitch: %s", vSwitchId))
state.Put("vswitchid", vSwitchId)
s.isCreate = true
s.VSwitchId = vSwitchId
return multistep.ActionContinue
func (s *stepConfigAlicloudVSwitch) Cleanup(state multistep.StateBag) {
if !s.isCreate {
cleanUpMessage(state, "vSwitch")
client := state.Get("client").(*ClientWrapper)
ui := state.Get("ui").(packersdk.Ui)
_, err := client.WaitForExpected(&WaitForExpectArgs{
RequestFunc: func() (responses.AcsResponse, error) {
request := ecs.CreateDeleteVSwitchRequest()
request.VSwitchId = s.VSwitchId
return client.DeleteVSwitch(request)
EvalFunc: client.EvalCouldRetryResponse(deleteVSwitchRetryErrors, EvalRetryErrorType),
RetryTimes: shortRetryTimes,
if err != nil {
ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error deleting vswitch, it may still be around: %s", err))
func (s *stepConfigAlicloudVSwitch) buildCreateVSwitchRequest(state multistep.StateBag) *ecs.CreateVSwitchRequest {
vpcId := state.Get("vpcid").(string)
request := ecs.CreateCreateVSwitchRequest()
request.ClientToken = uuid.TimeOrderedUUID()
request.CidrBlock = s.CidrBlock
request.ZoneId = s.ZoneId
request.VpcId = vpcId
request.VSwitchName = s.VSwitchName
return request