Matthew Hooker 21812fa17f
Add volume and run tags if in us-gov/china
We can't tag on instance creation when we're in "restricted" regions,
so let's add the tags after the resources have been created.

Adds methods to AccessConfig to detect if we're in China or US Gov
regions (i.e. "restricted").

Also turns tag:tag maps into a type, and moves methods around validating
and converting them to ec2Tags to methods of the type.
2018-02-05 16:39:20 -08:00

358 lines
12 KiB

// The instance package contains a packer.Builder implementation that builds
// AMIs for Amazon EC2 backed by instance storage, as opposed to EBS storage.
package instance
import (
awscommon ""
// The unique ID for this builder
const BuilderId = ""
// Config is the configuration that is chained through the steps and
// settable from the template.
type Config struct {
common.PackerConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
awscommon.AccessConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
awscommon.AMIConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
awscommon.BlockDevices `mapstructure:",squash"`
awscommon.RunConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
AccountId string `mapstructure:"account_id"`
BundleDestination string `mapstructure:"bundle_destination"`
BundlePrefix string `mapstructure:"bundle_prefix"`
BundleUploadCommand string `mapstructure:"bundle_upload_command"`
BundleVolCommand string `mapstructure:"bundle_vol_command"`
S3Bucket string `mapstructure:"s3_bucket"`
X509CertPath string `mapstructure:"x509_cert_path"`
X509KeyPath string `mapstructure:"x509_key_path"`
X509UploadPath string `mapstructure:"x509_upload_path"`
ctx interpolate.Context
type Builder struct {
config Config
runner multistep.Runner
func (b *Builder) Prepare(raws ...interface{}) ([]string, error) {
configs := make([]interface{}, len(raws)+1)
configs[0] = map[string]interface{}{
"bundle_prefix": "image-{{timestamp}}",
copy(configs[1:], raws)
b.config.ctx.Funcs = awscommon.TemplateFuncs
err := config.Decode(&b.config, &config.DecodeOpts{
Interpolate: true,
InterpolateContext: &b.config.ctx,
InterpolateFilter: &interpolate.RenderFilter{
Exclude: []string{
}, configs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if b.config.PackerConfig.PackerForce {
b.config.AMIForceDeregister = true
if b.config.BundleDestination == "" {
b.config.BundleDestination = "/tmp"
if b.config.BundleUploadCommand == "" {
if b.config.IamInstanceProfile != "" {
b.config.BundleUploadCommand = "sudo -i -n ec2-upload-bundle " +
"-b {{.BucketName}} " +
"-m {{.ManifestPath}} " +
"-d {{.BundleDirectory}} " +
"--batch " +
"--region {{.Region}} " +
} else {
b.config.BundleUploadCommand = "sudo -i -n ec2-upload-bundle " +
"-b {{.BucketName}} " +
"-m {{.ManifestPath}} " +
"-a {{.AccessKey}} " +
"-s {{.SecretKey}} " +
"-d {{.BundleDirectory}} " +
"--batch " +
"--region {{.Region}} " +
if b.config.BundleVolCommand == "" {
b.config.BundleVolCommand = "sudo -i -n ec2-bundle-vol " +
"-k {{.KeyPath}} " +
"-u {{.AccountId}} " +
"-c {{.CertPath}} " +
"-r {{.Architecture}} " +
"-e {{.PrivatePath}}/* " +
"-d {{.Destination}} " +
"-p {{.Prefix}} " +
"--batch " +
if b.config.X509UploadPath == "" {
b.config.X509UploadPath = "/tmp"
// Accumulate any errors
var errs *packer.MultiError
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.AccessConfig.Prepare(&b.config.ctx)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.BlockDevices.Prepare(&b.config.ctx)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
b.config.AMIConfig.Prepare(&b.config.AccessConfig, &b.config.ctx)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.RunConfig.Prepare(&b.config.ctx)...)
if b.config.AccountId == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, errors.New("account_id is required"))
} else {
b.config.AccountId = strings.Replace(b.config.AccountId, "-", "", -1)
if b.config.S3Bucket == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, errors.New("s3_bucket is required"))
if b.config.X509CertPath == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, errors.New("x509_cert_path is required"))
} else if _, err := os.Stat(b.config.X509CertPath); err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("x509_cert_path points to bad file: %s", err))
if b.config.X509KeyPath == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, errors.New("x509_key_path is required"))
} else if _, err := os.Stat(b.config.X509KeyPath); err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("x509_key_path points to bad file: %s", err))
if b.config.IsSpotInstance() && (b.config.AMIENASupport || b.config.AMISriovNetSupport) {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("Spot instances do not support modification, which is required "+
"when either `ena_support` or `sriov_support` are set. Please ensure "+
"you use an AMI that already has either SR-IOV or ENA enabled."))
if errs != nil && len(errs.Errors) > 0 {
return nil, errs
log.Println(common.ScrubConfig(b.config, b.config.AccessKey, b.config.SecretKey, b.config.Token))
return nil, nil
func (b *Builder) Run(ui packer.Ui, hook packer.Hook, cache packer.Cache) (packer.Artifact, error) {
session, err := b.config.Session()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ec2conn := ec2.New(session)
// If the subnet is specified but not the VpcId or AZ, try to determine them automatically
if b.config.SubnetId != "" && (b.config.AvailabilityZone == "" || b.config.VpcId == "") {
log.Printf("[INFO] Finding AZ and VpcId for the given subnet '%s'", b.config.SubnetId)
resp, err := ec2conn.DescribeSubnets(&ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput{SubnetIds: []*string{&b.config.SubnetId}})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if b.config.AvailabilityZone == "" {
b.config.AvailabilityZone = *resp.Subnets[0].AvailabilityZone
log.Printf("[INFO] AvailabilityZone found: '%s'", b.config.AvailabilityZone)
if b.config.VpcId == "" {
b.config.VpcId = *resp.Subnets[0].VpcId
log.Printf("[INFO] VpcId found: '%s'", b.config.VpcId)
// Setup the state bag and initial state for the steps
state := new(multistep.BasicStateBag)
state.Put("config", &b.config)
state.Put("ec2", ec2conn)
state.Put("awsSession", session)
state.Put("hook", hook)
state.Put("ui", ui)
var instanceStep multistep.Step
if b.config.IsSpotInstance() {
instanceStep = &awscommon.StepRunSpotInstance{
AssociatePublicIpAddress: b.config.AssociatePublicIpAddress,
AvailabilityZone: b.config.AvailabilityZone,
BlockDevices: b.config.BlockDevices,
Ctx: b.config.ctx,
Debug: b.config.PackerDebug,
EbsOptimized: b.config.EbsOptimized,
IamInstanceProfile: b.config.IamInstanceProfile,
InstanceType: b.config.InstanceType,
SourceAMI: b.config.SourceAmi,
SpotPrice: b.config.SpotPrice,
SpotPriceProduct: b.config.SpotPriceAutoProduct,
SubnetId: b.config.SubnetId,
Tags: b.config.RunTags,
UserData: b.config.UserData,
UserDataFile: b.config.UserDataFile,
} else {
instanceStep = &awscommon.StepRunSourceInstance{
AssociatePublicIpAddress: b.config.AssociatePublicIpAddress,
AvailabilityZone: b.config.AvailabilityZone,
BlockDevices: b.config.BlockDevices,
Ctx: b.config.ctx,
Debug: b.config.PackerDebug,
EbsOptimized: b.config.EbsOptimized,
IamInstanceProfile: b.config.IamInstanceProfile,
InstanceType: b.config.InstanceType,
IsRestricted: b.config.IsChinaCloud() || b.config.IsGovCloud(),
SourceAMI: b.config.SourceAmi,
SubnetId: b.config.SubnetId,
Tags: b.config.RunTags,
UserData: b.config.UserData,
UserDataFile: b.config.UserDataFile,
// Build the steps
steps := []multistep.Step{
DestAmiName: b.config.AMIName,
ForceDeregister: b.config.AMIForceDeregister,
SourceAmi: b.config.SourceAmi,
EnableAMISriovNetSupport: b.config.AMISriovNetSupport,
EnableAMIENASupport: b.config.AMIENASupport,
AmiFilters: b.config.SourceAmiFilter,
Debug: b.config.PackerDebug,
SSHAgentAuth: b.config.Comm.SSHAgentAuth,
DebugKeyPath: fmt.Sprintf("ec2_%s.pem", b.config.PackerBuildName),
KeyPairName: b.config.SSHKeyPairName,
PrivateKeyFile: b.config.RunConfig.Comm.SSHPrivateKey,
TemporaryKeyPairName: b.config.TemporaryKeyPairName,
CommConfig: &b.config.RunConfig.Comm,
SecurityGroupIds: b.config.SecurityGroupIds,
VpcId: b.config.VpcId,
TemporarySGSourceCidr: b.config.TemporarySGSourceCidr,
Debug: b.config.PackerDebug,
Comm: &b.config.RunConfig.Comm,
Timeout: b.config.WindowsPasswordTimeout,
Config: &b.config.RunConfig.Comm,
Host: awscommon.SSHHost(
SSHConfig: awscommon.SSHConfig(
Debug: b.config.PackerDebug,
Debug: b.config.PackerDebug,
AccessConfig: &b.config.AccessConfig,
ForceDeregister: b.config.AMIForceDeregister,
ForceDeleteSnapshot: b.config.AMIForceDeleteSnapshot,
AMIName: b.config.AMIName,
Regions: b.config.AMIRegions,
EnableAMISriovNetSupport: b.config.AMISriovNetSupport,
EnableAMIENASupport: b.config.AMIENASupport,
AccessConfig: &b.config.AccessConfig,
Regions: b.config.AMIRegions,
RegionKeyIds: b.config.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs,
EncryptBootVolume: b.config.AMIEncryptBootVolume,
Name: b.config.AMIName,
Description: b.config.AMIDescription,
Users: b.config.AMIUsers,
Groups: b.config.AMIGroups,
ProductCodes: b.config.AMIProductCodes,
SnapshotUsers: b.config.SnapshotUsers,
SnapshotGroups: b.config.SnapshotGroups,
Ctx: b.config.ctx,
Tags: b.config.AMITags,
SnapshotTags: b.config.SnapshotTags,
Ctx: b.config.ctx,
// Run!
b.runner = common.NewRunner(steps, b.config.PackerConfig, ui)
// If there was an error, return that
if rawErr, ok := state.GetOk("error"); ok {
return nil, rawErr.(error)
// If there are no AMIs, then just return
if _, ok := state.GetOk("amis"); !ok {
return nil, nil
// Build the artifact and return it
artifact := &awscommon.Artifact{
Amis: state.Get("amis").(map[string]string),
BuilderIdValue: BuilderId,
Session: session,
return artifact, nil
func (b *Builder) Cancel() {
if b.runner != nil {
log.Println("Cancelling the step runner...")