
163 lines
6.0 KiB

// This file is automatically generated by scripts/generate-plugins.go -- Do not edit!
package command
import (
packersdk ""
azurearmbuilder ""
azurechrootbuilder ""
azuredtlbuilder ""
filebuilder ""
nullbuilder ""
oneandonebuilder ""
profitbricksbuilder ""
yandexbuilder ""
artificepostprocessor ""
checksumpostprocessor ""
compresspostprocessor ""
manifestpostprocessor ""
shelllocalpostprocessor ""
yandexexportpostprocessor ""
yandeximportpostprocessor ""
azuredtlartifactprovisioner ""
breakpointprovisioner ""
fileprovisioner ""
inspecprovisioner ""
powershellprovisioner ""
saltmasterlessprovisioner ""
shellprovisioner ""
shelllocalprovisioner ""
sleepprovisioner ""
windowsrestartprovisioner ""
windowsshellprovisioner ""
type PluginCommand struct {
var Builders = map[string]packersdk.Builder{
"azure-arm": new(azurearmbuilder.Builder),
"azure-chroot": new(azurechrootbuilder.Builder),
"azure-dtl": new(azuredtlbuilder.Builder),
"file": new(filebuilder.Builder),
"null": new(nullbuilder.Builder),
"oneandone": new(oneandonebuilder.Builder),
"profitbricks": new(profitbricksbuilder.Builder),
"yandex": new(yandexbuilder.Builder),
var Provisioners = map[string]packersdk.Provisioner{
"azure-dtlartifact": new(azuredtlartifactprovisioner.Provisioner),
"breakpoint": new(breakpointprovisioner.Provisioner),
"file": new(fileprovisioner.Provisioner),
"inspec": new(inspecprovisioner.Provisioner),
"powershell": new(powershellprovisioner.Provisioner),
"salt-masterless": new(saltmasterlessprovisioner.Provisioner),
"shell": new(shellprovisioner.Provisioner),
"shell-local": new(shelllocalprovisioner.Provisioner),
"sleep": new(sleepprovisioner.Provisioner),
"windows-restart": new(windowsrestartprovisioner.Provisioner),
"windows-shell": new(windowsshellprovisioner.Provisioner),
var PostProcessors = map[string]packersdk.PostProcessor{
"artifice": new(artificepostprocessor.PostProcessor),
"checksum": new(checksumpostprocessor.PostProcessor),
"compress": new(compresspostprocessor.PostProcessor),
"manifest": new(manifestpostprocessor.PostProcessor),
"shell-local": new(shelllocalpostprocessor.PostProcessor),
"yandex-export": new(yandexexportpostprocessor.PostProcessor),
"yandex-import": new(yandeximportpostprocessor.PostProcessor),
var Datasources = map[string]packersdk.Datasource{}
var pluginRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("packer-(builder|post-processor|provisioner|datasource)-(.+)")
func (c *PluginCommand) Run(args []string) int {
// This is an internal call (users should not call this directly) so we're
// not going to do much input validation. If there's a problem we'll often
// just crash. Error handling should be added to facilitate debugging.
log.Printf("args: %#v", args)
if len(args) != 1 {
c.Ui.Error("Wrong number of args")
return 1
// Plugin will match something like "packer-builder-amazon-ebs"
parts := pluginRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(args[0])
if len(parts) != 3 {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing plugin argument [DEBUG]: %#v", parts))
return 1
pluginType := parts[1] // capture group 1 (builder|post-processor|provisioner)
pluginName := parts[2] // capture group 2 (.+)
server, err := plugin.Server()
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error starting plugin server: %s", err))
return 1
switch pluginType {
case "builder":
builder, found := Builders[pluginName]
if !found {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not load builder: %s", pluginName))
return 1
case "provisioner":
provisioner, found := Provisioners[pluginName]
if !found {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not load provisioner: %s", pluginName))
return 1
case "post-processor":
postProcessor, found := PostProcessors[pluginName]
if !found {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not load post-processor: %s", pluginName))
return 1
case "datasource":
datasource, found := Datasources[pluginName]
if !found {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not load datasource: %s", pluginName))
return 1
return 0
func (*PluginCommand) Help() string {
helpText := `
Usage: packer plugin PLUGIN
Runs an internally-compiled version of a plugin from the packer binary.
NOTE: this is an internal command and you should not call it yourself.
return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)
func (c *PluginCommand) Synopsis() string {
return "internal plugin command"