
254 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2015 Scaleway. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the file.
// scw helpers
// Package utils contains helpers
package utils
import (
log ""
// SpawnRedirection is used to redirects the fluxes
type SpawnRedirection struct {
Stdin io.Reader
Stdout io.Writer
Stderr io.Writer
// SSHExec executes a command over SSH and redirects file-descriptors
func SSHExec(publicIPAddress, privateIPAddress, user string, port int, command []string, checkConnection bool, gateway string, enableSSHKeyForwarding bool) error {
gatewayUser := "root"
gatewayIPAddress := gateway
if strings.Contains(gateway, "@") {
parts := strings.Split(gatewayIPAddress, "@")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("gateway: must be like root@IP")
gatewayUser = parts[0]
gatewayIPAddress = parts[1]
gateway = gatewayUser + "@" + gatewayIPAddress
if publicIPAddress == "" && gatewayIPAddress == "" {
return errors.New("server does not have public IP")
if privateIPAddress == "" && gatewayIPAddress != "" {
return errors.New("server does not have private IP")
if checkConnection {
useGateway := gatewayIPAddress != ""
if useGateway && !IsTCPPortOpen(fmt.Sprintf("%s:22", gatewayIPAddress)) {
return errors.New("gateway is not available, try again later")
if !useGateway && !IsTCPPortOpen(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", publicIPAddress, port)) {
return errors.New("server is not ready, try again later")
sshCommand := NewSSHExecCmd(publicIPAddress, privateIPAddress, user, port, isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdin.Fd()), command, gateway, enableSSHKeyForwarding)
log.Debugf("Executing: %s", sshCommand)
spawn := exec.Command("ssh", sshCommand.Slice()[1:]...)
spawn.Stdout = os.Stdout
spawn.Stdin = os.Stdin
spawn.Stderr = os.Stderr
return spawn.Run()
// NewSSHExecCmd computes execve compatible arguments to run a command via ssh
func NewSSHExecCmd(publicIPAddress, privateIPAddress, user string, port int, allocateTTY bool, command []string, gatewayIPAddress string, enableSSHKeyForwarding bool) *sshcommand.Command {
quiet := os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "1"
secureExec := os.Getenv("SCW_SECURE_EXEC") == "1"
sshCommand := &sshcommand.Command{
AllocateTTY: allocateTTY,
Command: command,
Host: publicIPAddress,
Quiet: quiet,
SkipHostKeyChecking: !secureExec,
User: user,
NoEscapeCommand: true,
Port: port,
EnableSSHKeyForwarding: enableSSHKeyForwarding,
if gatewayIPAddress != "" {
sshCommand.Host = privateIPAddress
sshCommand.Gateway = &sshcommand.Command{
Host: gatewayIPAddress,
SkipHostKeyChecking: !secureExec,
AllocateTTY: allocateTTY,
Quiet: quiet,
User: user,
Port: port,
return sshCommand
// GeneratingAnSSHKey generates an SSH key
func GeneratingAnSSHKey(cfg SpawnRedirection, path string, name string) (string, error) {
args := []string{
filepath.Join(path, name),
log.Infof("Executing commands %v", args)
spawn := exec.Command("ssh-keygen", args...)
spawn.Stdout = cfg.Stdout
spawn.Stdin = cfg.Stdin
spawn.Stderr = cfg.Stderr
return args[5], spawn.Run()
// WaitForTCPPortOpen calls IsTCPPortOpen in a loop
func WaitForTCPPortOpen(dest string) error {
for {
if IsTCPPortOpen(dest) {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
return nil
// IsTCPPortOpen returns true if a TCP communication with "host:port" can be initialized
func IsTCPPortOpen(dest string) bool {
conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", dest, time.Duration(2000)*time.Millisecond)
if err == nil {
defer conn.Close()
return err == nil
// TruncIf ensures the input string does not exceed max size if cond is met
func TruncIf(str string, max int, cond bool) string {
if cond && len(str) > max {
return str[:max]
return str
// Wordify convert complex name to a single word without special shell characters
func Wordify(str string) string {
str = regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9-]`).ReplaceAllString(str, "_")
str = regexp.MustCompile(`__+`).ReplaceAllString(str, "_")
str = strings.Trim(str, "_")
return str
// PathToTARPathparts returns the two parts of a unix path
func PathToTARPathparts(fullPath string) (string, string) {
fullPath = strings.TrimRight(fullPath, "/")
return path.Dir(fullPath), path.Base(fullPath)
// RemoveDuplicates transforms an array into a unique array
func RemoveDuplicates(elements []string) []string {
encountered := map[string]bool{}
// Create a map of all unique elements.
for v := range elements {
encountered[elements[v]] = true
// Place all keys from the map into a slice.
result := []string{}
for key := range encountered {
result = append(result, key)
return result
// AttachToSerial tries to connect to server serial using 'gotty-client' and fallback with a help message
func AttachToSerial(serverID, apiToken, url string) (*gottyclient.Client, chan bool, error) {
gottyURL := os.Getenv("SCW_GOTTY_URL")
if gottyURL == "" {
gottyURL = url
URL := fmt.Sprintf("%s?arg=%s&arg=%s", gottyURL, apiToken, serverID)
logrus.Debug("Connection to ", URL)
gottycli, err := gottyclient.NewClient(URL)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if os.Getenv("SCW_TLSVERIFY") == "0" {
gottycli.SkipTLSVerify = true
gottycli.UseProxyFromEnv = true
if err = gottycli.Connect(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
done := make(chan bool)
fmt.Println("You are connected, type 'Ctrl+q' to quit.")
go func() {
done <- true
return gottycli, done, nil
func rfc4716hex(data []byte) string {
fingerprint := ""
for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
fingerprint = fmt.Sprintf("%s%0.2x", fingerprint, data[i])
if i != len(data)-1 {
fingerprint = fingerprint + ":"
return fingerprint
// SSHGetFingerprint returns the fingerprint of an SSH key
func SSHGetFingerprint(key []byte) (string, error) {
publicKey, comment, _, _, err := ssh.ParseAuthorizedKey(key)
if err != nil {
return "", err
switch reflect.TypeOf(publicKey).String() {
case "*ssh.rsaPublicKey", "*ssh.dsaPublicKey", "*ssh.ecdsaPublicKey":
md5sum := md5.Sum(publicKey.Marshal())
return publicKey.Type() + " " + rfc4716hex(md5sum[:]) + " " + comment, nil
return "", errors.New("Can't handle this key")