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// Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Jeevanandam M (, All rights reserved.
// resty source code and usage is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package resty
import (
// DefaultClient of resty
var DefaultClient *Client
// New method creates a new go-resty client.
func New() *Client {
cookieJar, _ := cookiejar.New(&cookiejar.Options{PublicSuffixList: publicsuffix.List})
return createClient(&http.Client{Jar: cookieJar})
// NewWithClient method create a new go-resty client with given `http.Client`.
func NewWithClient(hc *http.Client) *Client {
return createClient(hc)
// R creates a new resty request object, it is used form a HTTP/RESTful request
func R() *Request {
return DefaultClient.R()
// NewRequest is an alias for R(). Creates a new resty request object, it is used form a HTTP/RESTful request
func NewRequest() *Request {
return R()
// SetHostURL sets Host URL. See `Client.SetHostURL for more information.
func SetHostURL(url string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetHostURL(url)
// SetHeader sets single header. See `Client.SetHeader` for more information.
func SetHeader(header, value string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetHeader(header, value)
// SetHeaders sets multiple headers. See `Client.SetHeaders` for more information.
func SetHeaders(headers map[string]string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetHeaders(headers)
// SetCookieJar sets custom http.CookieJar. See `Client.SetCookieJar` for more information.
func SetCookieJar(jar http.CookieJar) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetCookieJar(jar)
// SetCookie sets single cookie object. See `Client.SetCookie` for more information.
func SetCookie(hc *http.Cookie) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetCookie(hc)
// SetCookies sets multiple cookie object. See `Client.SetCookies` for more information.
func SetCookies(cs []*http.Cookie) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetCookies(cs)
// SetQueryParam method sets single parameter and its value. See `Client.SetQueryParam` for more information.
func SetQueryParam(param, value string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetQueryParam(param, value)
// SetQueryParams method sets multiple parameters and its value. See `Client.SetQueryParams` for more information.
func SetQueryParams(params map[string]string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetQueryParams(params)
// SetFormData method sets Form parameters and its values. See `Client.SetFormData` for more information.
func SetFormData(data map[string]string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetFormData(data)
// SetBasicAuth method sets the basic authentication header. See `Client.SetBasicAuth` for more information.
func SetBasicAuth(username, password string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetBasicAuth(username, password)
// SetAuthToken method sets bearer auth token header. See `Client.SetAuthToken` for more information.
func SetAuthToken(token string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetAuthToken(token)
// OnBeforeRequest method sets request middleware. See `Client.OnBeforeRequest` for more information.
func OnBeforeRequest(m func(*Client, *Request) error) *Client {
return DefaultClient.OnBeforeRequest(m)
// OnAfterResponse method sets response middleware. See `Client.OnAfterResponse` for more information.
func OnAfterResponse(m func(*Client, *Response) error) *Client {
return DefaultClient.OnAfterResponse(m)
// SetPreRequestHook method sets the pre-request hook. See `Client.SetPreRequestHook` for more information.
func SetPreRequestHook(h func(*Client, *Request) error) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetPreRequestHook(h)
// SetDebug method enables the debug mode. See `Client.SetDebug` for more information.
func SetDebug(d bool) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetDebug(d)
// SetDebugBodyLimit method sets the response body limit for debug mode. See `Client.SetDebugBodyLimit` for more information.
func SetDebugBodyLimit(sl int64) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetDebugBodyLimit(sl)
// SetAllowGetMethodPayload method allows the GET method with payload. See `Client.SetAllowGetMethodPayload` for more information.
func SetAllowGetMethodPayload(a bool) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetAllowGetMethodPayload(a)
// SetRetryCount method sets the retry count. See `Client.SetRetryCount` for more information.
func SetRetryCount(count int) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetRetryCount(count)
// SetRetryWaitTime method sets the retry wait time. See `Client.SetRetryWaitTime` for more information.
func SetRetryWaitTime(waitTime time.Duration) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetRetryWaitTime(waitTime)
// SetRetryMaxWaitTime method sets the retry max wait time. See `Client.SetRetryMaxWaitTime` for more information.
func SetRetryMaxWaitTime(maxWaitTime time.Duration) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetRetryMaxWaitTime(maxWaitTime)
// AddRetryCondition method appends check function for retry. See `Client.AddRetryCondition` for more information.
func AddRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Client {
return DefaultClient.AddRetryCondition(condition)
// SetDisableWarn method disables warning comes from `go-resty` client. See `Client.SetDisableWarn` for more information.
func SetDisableWarn(d bool) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetDisableWarn(d)
// SetLogger method sets given writer for logging. See `Client.SetLogger` for more information.
func SetLogger(w io.Writer) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetLogger(w)
// SetContentLength method enables `Content-Length` value. See `Client.SetContentLength` for more information.
func SetContentLength(l bool) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetContentLength(l)
// SetError method is to register the global or client common `Error` object. See `Client.SetError` for more information.
func SetError(err interface{}) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetError(err)
// SetRedirectPolicy method sets the client redirect poilicy. See `Client.SetRedirectPolicy` for more information.
func SetRedirectPolicy(policies ...interface{}) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetRedirectPolicy(policies...)
// SetHTTPMode method sets go-resty mode into HTTP. See `Client.SetMode` for more information.
func SetHTTPMode() *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetHTTPMode()
// SetRESTMode method sets go-resty mode into RESTful. See `Client.SetMode` for more information.
func SetRESTMode() *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetRESTMode()
// Mode method returns the current client mode. See `Client.Mode` for more information.
func Mode() string {
return DefaultClient.Mode()
// SetTLSClientConfig method sets TLSClientConfig for underling client Transport. See `Client.SetTLSClientConfig` for more information.
func SetTLSClientConfig(config *tls.Config) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetTLSClientConfig(config)
// SetTimeout method sets timeout for request. See `Client.SetTimeout` for more information.
func SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetTimeout(timeout)
// SetProxy method sets Proxy for request. See `Client.SetProxy` for more information.
func SetProxy(proxyURL string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetProxy(proxyURL)
// RemoveProxy method removes the proxy configuration. See `Client.RemoveProxy` for more information.
func RemoveProxy() *Client {
return DefaultClient.RemoveProxy()
// SetCertificates method helps to set client certificates into resty conveniently.
// See `Client.SetCertificates` for more information and example.
func SetCertificates(certs ...tls.Certificate) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetCertificates(certs...)
// SetRootCertificate method helps to add one or more root certificates into resty client.
// See `Client.SetRootCertificate` for more information.
func SetRootCertificate(pemFilePath string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetRootCertificate(pemFilePath)
// SetOutputDirectory method sets output directory. See `Client.SetOutputDirectory` for more information.
func SetOutputDirectory(dirPath string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetOutputDirectory(dirPath)
// SetTransport method sets custom `*http.Transport` or any `http.RoundTripper`
// compatible interface implementation in the resty client.
// See `Client.SetTransport` for more information.
func SetTransport(transport http.RoundTripper) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetTransport(transport)
// SetScheme method sets custom scheme in the resty client.
// See `Client.SetScheme` for more information.
func SetScheme(scheme string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetScheme(scheme)
// SetCloseConnection method sets close connection value in the resty client.
// See `Client.SetCloseConnection` for more information.
func SetCloseConnection(close bool) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetCloseConnection(close)
// SetDoNotParseResponse method instructs `Resty` not to parse the response body automatically.
// See `Client.SetDoNotParseResponse` for more information.
func SetDoNotParseResponse(parse bool) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetDoNotParseResponse(parse)
// SetPathParams method sets the Request path parameter key-value pairs. See
// `Client.SetPathParams` for more information.
func SetPathParams(params map[string]string) *Client {
return DefaultClient.SetPathParams(params)
// IsProxySet method returns the true if proxy is set on client otherwise false.
// See `Client.IsProxySet` for more information.
func IsProxySet() bool {
return DefaultClient.IsProxySet()
// GetClient method returns the current `http.Client` used by the default resty client.
func GetClient() *http.Client {
return DefaultClient.httpClient
// Unexported methods
func createClient(hc *http.Client) *Client {
c := &Client{
HostURL: "",
QueryParam: url.Values{},
FormData: url.Values{},
Header: http.Header{},
UserInfo: nil,
Token: "",
Cookies: make([]*http.Cookie, 0),
Debug: false,
Log: getLogger(os.Stderr),
RetryCount: 0,
RetryWaitTime: defaultWaitTime,
RetryMaxWaitTime: defaultMaxWaitTime,
JSONMarshal: json.Marshal,
JSONUnmarshal: json.Unmarshal,
jsonEscapeHTML: true,
httpClient: hc,
debugBodySizeLimit: math.MaxInt32,
pathParams: make(map[string]string),
// Log Prefix
c.SetLogPrefix("RESTY ")
// Default redirect policy
// default before request middlewares
c.beforeRequest = []func(*Client, *Request) error{
// user defined request middlewares
c.udBeforeRequest = []func(*Client, *Request) error{}
// default after response middlewares
c.afterResponse = []func(*Client, *Response) error{
return c
func init() {
DefaultClient = New()