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332 lines
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package provisioneracc
import (
builderT "github.com/hashicorp/packer/packer-plugin-sdk/acctest"
packersdk "github.com/hashicorp/packer/packer-plugin-sdk/packer"
// ProvisionerTestCase is a single set of tests to run for a provisioner.
// A ProvisionerTestCase should generally map 1:1 to each test method for your
// acceptance tests.
type ProvisionerTestCase struct {
// Check is called after this step is executed in order to test that
// the step executed successfully. If this is not set, then the next
// step will be called
Check func(*exec.Cmd, string) error
// IsCompatible checks whether a provisioner is able to run against a
// given builder type and guest operating system, and returns a boolean.
// if it returns true, the test combination is okay to run. If false, the
// test combination is not okay to run.
IsCompatible func(builderType string, BuilderGuestOS string) bool
// Name is the name of the test case. Be simple but unique and descriptive.
Name string
// Setup, if non-nil, will be called once before the test case
// runs. This can be used for some setup like setting environment
// variables, or for validation prior to the
// test running. For example, you can use this to make sure certain
// binaries are installed, or text fixtures are in place.
Setup func() error
// Teardown will be called before the test case is over regardless
// of if the test succeeded or failed. This should return an error
// in the case that the test can't guarantee all resources were
// properly cleaned up.
Teardown builderT.TestTeardownFunc
// Template is the provisioner template to use.
// The provisioner template fragment must be a json-formatted string
// containing the provisioner definition but no other portions of a packer
// template. For
// example:
// ```json
// {
// "type": "shell-local",
// "inline", ["echo hello world"]
// }
// is a valid entry for "template" here, but the complete Packer template:
// ```json
// {
// "provisioners": [
// {
// "type": "shell-local",
// "inline", ["echo hello world"]
// }
// ]
// }
// ```
// is invalid as input.
// You may provide multiple provisioners in the same template. For example:
// ```json
// {
// "type": "shell-local",
// "inline", ["echo hello world"]
// },
// {
// "type": "shell-local",
// "inline", ["echo hello world 2"]
// }
// ```
Template string
// Type is the type of provisioner.
Type string
// BuilderFixtures are basic builder test configurations and metadata used
// in provisioner acceptance testing. These are frameworks to be used by
// provisioner tests, not tests in and of themselves. BuilderFixtures should
// generally be simple and not contain excessive or complex configurations.
// Instantiations of this struct are stored in the builders.go file in this
// module.
type BuilderFixture struct {
// Name is the name of the builder fixture.
// Be simple and descriptive.
Name string
// Setup creates necessary extra test fixtures, and renders their values
// into the BuilderFixture.Template.
Setup func()
// Template is the path to a builder template fragment.
// The builder template fragment must be a json-formatted file containing
// the builder definition but no other portions of a packer template. For
// example:
// ```json
// {
// "type": "null",
// "communicator", "none"
// }
// is a valid entry for "template" here, but the complete Packer template:
// ```json
// {
// "builders": [
// "type": "null",
// "communicator": "none"
// ]
// }
// ```
// is invalid as input.
// Only provide one builder template fragment per file.
TemplatePath string
// GuestOS says what guest os type the builder template fragment creates.
// Valid values are "windows", "linux" or "darwin" guests.
GuestOS string
// HostOS says what host os type the builder is capable of running on.
// Valid values are "any", windows", or "posix". If you set "posix", then
// this builder can run on a "linux" or "darwin" platform. If you set
// "any", then this builder can be used on any platform.
HostOS string
Teardown builderT.TestTeardownFunc
func fixtureDir() string {
_, file, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
return filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(file), "test-fixtures")
func LoadBuilderFragment(templateFragmentPath string) (string, error) {
dir := fixtureDir()
fragmentAbsPath := filepath.Join(dir, templateFragmentPath)
fragmentFile, err := os.Open(fragmentAbsPath)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Unable find %s", fragmentAbsPath)
defer fragmentFile.Close()
fragmentString, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fragmentFile)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Unable to read %s", fragmentAbsPath)
return string(fragmentString), nil
func RunProvisionerAccTest(testCase *ProvisionerTestCase, t *testing.T) {
TestProvisionersAgainstBuilders(testCase, t)
func TestProvisionersAgainstBuilders(testCase *ProvisionerTestCase, t *testing.T) {
// retrieve user-desired builders.
builderTypes := checkBuilders(t)
// Run this provisioner test case against each builder type requested.
for _, builderType := range builderTypes {
buildFixtures := BuildersAccTest[builderType]
// loop over individual build templates, merge with provisioner
// templates, and shell out to run test.
for _, buildFixture := range buildFixtures {
if !testCase.IsCompatible(builderType, buildFixture.GuestOS) {
testName := fmt.Sprintf("%s on %s", testCase.Name, buildFixture.Name)
if testCase.Setup != nil {
err := testCase.Setup()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("test %s setup failed: %s", testName, err)
t.Run(testName, func(t *testing.T) {
builderFragment, err := LoadBuilderFragment(buildFixture.TemplatePath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to load builder fragment: %s", err)
// Combine provisioner and builder template fragments; write to
// file.
out := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
fmt.Fprintf(out, `{"builders": [%s],"provisioners": [%s]}`,
builderFragment, testCase.Template)
templateName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s.json", builderType, testCase.Type)
templatePath := filepath.Join("./", templateName)
writeJsonTemplate(out, templatePath, t)
logfile := fmt.Sprintf("packer_log_%s_%s.txt", builderType, testCase.Type)
// Run build
buildCommand := exec.Command("packer", "build", "--machine-readable", templatePath)
buildCommand.Env = append(buildCommand.Env, os.Environ()...)
buildCommand.Env = append(buildCommand.Env, "PACKER_LOG=1",
fmt.Sprintf("PACKER_LOG_PATH=%s", logfile))
// Check for test custom pass/fail before we clean up
var checkErr error
if testCase.Check != nil {
checkErr = testCase.Check(buildCommand, logfile)
// Cleanup stuff created by builder.
cleanErr := buildFixture.Teardown()
if cleanErr != nil {
log.Printf("bad: failed to clean up builder-created resources: %s", cleanErr.Error())
// Clean up anything created in provisioner run
if testCase.Teardown != nil {
cleanErr = testCase.Teardown()
if cleanErr != nil {
log.Printf("bad: failed to clean up test-created resources: %s", cleanErr.Error())
// Fail test if check failed.
if checkErr != nil {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprint("Error running provisioner acceptance"+
" tests: %s\nLogs can be found at %s and the "+
"acceptance test template can be found at %s",
checkErr.Error(), logfile, templatePath))
} else {
// checkBuilders retrieves all of the builders that the user has requested to
// run acceptance tests against.
func checkBuilders(t *testing.T) []string {
b := os.Getenv("ACC_TEST_BUILDERS")
// validate if we want to run provisioners acc tests
if b == "" {
t.Skip("Provisioners Acceptance tests skipped unless env 'ACC_TEST_BUILDERS' is set")
// Get builders type to test provisioners against
var builders []string
for k := range BuildersAccTest {
// This will validate that only defined builders are executed against
if b != "all" && !strings.Contains(b, k) {
builders = append(builders, k)
return builders
func writeJsonTemplate(out *bytes.Buffer, filePath string, t *testing.T) {
outputFile, err := os.Create(filePath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("bad: failed to create template file: %s", err.Error())
_, err = outputFile.Write(out.Bytes())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("bad: failed to write template file: %s", err.Error())
// BuilderAcceptance is specialized tooling implemented by individual builders
// To add your builder to the provisioner testing framework, create a struct
// that implements the this interface, add it to the BuildersAccTest map below.
// TODO add this interface to the plugin server so that Packer can request it
// From the plugin rather than importing it here.
type BuilderAcceptance interface {
// GetConfigs provides a mapping of guest OS architecture to builder
// template fragment.
// The builder template fragment must be a json-formatted string containing
// the builder definition but no other portions of a packer template. For
// example:
// ```json
// {
// "type": "null",
// "communicator", "none"
// }
// is a valid entry for "template" here, but the complete Packer template:
// ```json
// {
// "builders": [
// "type": "null",
// "communicator": "none"
// ]
// }
// ```
// is invalid as input.
// Valid keys for the map are "linux" and "windows". These keys will be used
// to determine whether a given builder template is compatible with a given
// provisioner template.
GetConfigs() (map[string]string, error)
// GetBuilderStore() returns a MapOfBuilder that contains the actual builder
// struct definition being used for this test.
GetBuilderStore() packersdk.MapOfBuilder
// CleanUp cleans up any side-effects of the builder not already cleaned up
// by the builderT framework.
CleanUp() error
// Mapping of all builder fixtures defined for a given builder type.
var BuildersAccTest = map[string][]*BuilderFixture{
"virtualbox-iso": []*BuilderFixture{VirtualboxBuilderFixtureWindows},
"amazon-ebs": []*BuilderFixture{AmasonEBSBuilderFixtureLinux, AmasonEBSBuilderFixtureWindows},