Chris Kozak f5d6df6416 Updated DigitalOcean default image id
It looks like DigitalOcean replaced the "Ubuntu 12.04" image with "Ubuntu 12.04.3".  We've updated the ImageID to point to the new image.
2013-12-17 17:41:47 +00:00

252 lines
6.2 KiB

// The digitalocean package contains a packer.Builder implementation
// that builds DigitalOcean images (snapshots).
package digitalocean
import (
// The unique id for the builder
const BuilderId = "pearkes.digitalocean"
// Configuration tells the builder the credentials
// to use while communicating with DO and describes the image
// you are creating
type config struct {
common.PackerConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
ClientID string `mapstructure:"client_id"`
APIKey string `mapstructure:"api_key"`
RegionID uint `mapstructure:"region_id"`
SizeID uint `mapstructure:"size_id"`
ImageID uint `mapstructure:"image_id"`
SnapshotName string `mapstructure:"snapshot_name"`
DropletName string `mapstructure:"droplet_name"`
SSHUsername string `mapstructure:"ssh_username"`
SSHPort uint `mapstructure:"ssh_port"`
RawSSHTimeout string `mapstructure:"ssh_timeout"`
RawStateTimeout string `mapstructure:"state_timeout"`
// These are unexported since they're set by other fields
// being set.
sshTimeout time.Duration
stateTimeout time.Duration
tpl *packer.ConfigTemplate
type Builder struct {
config config
runner multistep.Runner
func (b *Builder) Prepare(raws ...interface{}) ([]string, error) {
md, err := common.DecodeConfig(&b.config, raws...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b.config.tpl, err = packer.NewConfigTemplate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b.config.tpl.UserVars = b.config.PackerUserVars
// Accumulate any errors
errs := common.CheckUnusedConfig(md)
// Optional configuration with defaults
if b.config.APIKey == "" {
// Default to environment variable for api_key, if it exists
b.config.APIKey = os.Getenv("DIGITALOCEAN_API_KEY")
if b.config.ClientID == "" {
// Default to environment variable for client_id, if it exists
b.config.ClientID = os.Getenv("DIGITALOCEAN_CLIENT_ID")
if b.config.RegionID == 0 {
// Default to Region "New York"
b.config.RegionID = 1
if b.config.SizeID == 0 {
// Default to 512mb, the smallest droplet size
b.config.SizeID = 66
if b.config.ImageID == 0 {
// Default to base image "Ubuntu 12.04.3 x64 Server (id: 1505447)"
b.config.ImageID = 1505447
if b.config.SnapshotName == "" {
// Default to packer-{{ unix timestamp (utc) }}
b.config.SnapshotName = "packer-{{timestamp}}"
if b.config.DropletName == "" {
// Default to packer-[time-ordered-uuid]
b.config.DropletName = fmt.Sprintf("packer-%s", uuid.TimeOrderedUUID())
if b.config.SSHUsername == "" {
// Default to "root". You can override this if your
// SourceImage has a different user account then the DO default
b.config.SSHUsername = "root"
if b.config.SSHPort == 0 {
// Default to port 22 per DO default
b.config.SSHPort = 22
if b.config.RawSSHTimeout == "" {
// Default to 1 minute timeouts
b.config.RawSSHTimeout = "1m"
if b.config.RawStateTimeout == "" {
// Default to 6 minute timeouts waiting for
// desired state. i.e waiting for droplet to become active
b.config.RawStateTimeout = "6m"
templates := map[string]*string{
"client_id": &b.config.ClientID,
"api_key": &b.config.APIKey,
"snapshot_name": &b.config.SnapshotName,
"droplet_name": &b.config.DropletName,
"ssh_username": &b.config.SSHUsername,
"ssh_timeout": &b.config.RawSSHTimeout,
"state_timeout": &b.config.RawStateTimeout,
for n, ptr := range templates {
var err error
*ptr, err = b.config.tpl.Process(*ptr, nil)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Error processing %s: %s", n, err))
// Required configurations that will display errors if not set
if b.config.ClientID == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("a client_id must be specified"))
if b.config.APIKey == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("an api_key must be specified"))
sshTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(b.config.RawSSHTimeout)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Failed parsing ssh_timeout: %s", err))
b.config.sshTimeout = sshTimeout
stateTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(b.config.RawStateTimeout)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Failed parsing state_timeout: %s", err))
b.config.stateTimeout = stateTimeout
if errs != nil && len(errs.Errors) > 0 {
return nil, errs
common.ScrubConfig(b.config, b.config.ClientID, b.config.APIKey)
return nil, nil
func (b *Builder) Run(ui packer.Ui, hook packer.Hook, cache packer.Cache) (packer.Artifact, error) {
// Initialize the DO API client
client := DigitalOceanClient{}.New(b.config.ClientID, b.config.APIKey)
// Set up the state
state := new(multistep.BasicStateBag)
state.Put("config", b.config)
state.Put("client", client)
state.Put("hook", hook)
state.Put("ui", ui)
// Build the steps
steps := []multistep.Step{
SSHAddress: sshAddress,
SSHConfig: sshConfig,
SSHWaitTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
// Run the steps
if b.config.PackerDebug {
b.runner = &multistep.DebugRunner{
Steps: steps,
PauseFn: common.MultistepDebugFn(ui),
} else {
b.runner = &multistep.BasicRunner{Steps: steps}
// If there was an error, return that
if rawErr, ok := state.GetOk("error"); ok {
return nil, rawErr.(error)
if _, ok := state.GetOk("snapshot_name"); !ok {
log.Println("Failed to find snapshot_name in state. Bug?")
return nil, nil
region_id := state.Get("region_id").(uint)
regionName, err := client.RegionName(region_id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
artifact := &Artifact{
snapshotName: state.Get("snapshot_name").(string),
snapshotId: state.Get("snapshot_image_id").(uint),
regionId: region_id,
regionName: regionName,
client: client,
return artifact, nil
func (b *Builder) Cancel() {
if b.runner != nil {
log.Println("Cancelling the step runner...")