Chris Bednarski 1a775c05d9 Update calls to amazon to match the upstream
- see
- run awsmigrate-renamer on each amazon module (chroot, instance, etc.)
2015-08-17 17:44:01 -07:00

111 lines
3.2 KiB

package chroot
import (
awscommon ""
// StepRegisterAMI creates the AMI.
type StepRegisterAMI struct {
RootVolumeSize int64
func (s *StepRegisterAMI) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
config := state.Get("config").(*Config)
ec2conn := state.Get("ec2").(*ec2.EC2)
image := state.Get("source_image").(*ec2.Image)
snapshotId := state.Get("snapshot_id").(string)
ui := state.Get("ui").(packer.Ui)
ui.Say("Registering the AMI...")
blockDevices := make([]*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping, len(image.BlockDeviceMappings))
for i, device := range image.BlockDeviceMappings {
newDevice := device
if *newDevice.DeviceName == *image.RootDeviceName {
if newDevice.Ebs != nil {
newDevice.Ebs.SnapshotId = aws.String(snapshotId)
} else {
newDevice.Ebs = &ec2.EbsBlockDevice{SnapshotId: aws.String(snapshotId)}
if s.RootVolumeSize > *newDevice.Ebs.VolumeSize {
newDevice.Ebs.VolumeSize = aws.Int64(s.RootVolumeSize)
// assume working from a snapshot, so we unset the Encrypted field if set,
// otherwise AWS API will return InvalidParameter
if newDevice.Ebs != nil && newDevice.Ebs.Encrypted != nil {
newDevice.Ebs.Encrypted = nil
blockDevices[i] = newDevice
registerOpts := buildRegisterOpts(config, image, blockDevices)
// Set SriovNetSupport to "simple". See
if config.AMIEnhancedNetworking {
registerOpts.SriovNetSupport = aws.String("simple")
registerResp, err := ec2conn.RegisterImage(registerOpts)
if err != nil {
state.Put("error", fmt.Errorf("Error registering AMI: %s", err))
return multistep.ActionHalt
// Set the AMI ID in the state
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("AMI: %s", *registerResp.ImageId))
amis := make(map[string]string)
amis[*ec2conn.Config.Region] = *registerResp.ImageId
state.Put("amis", amis)
// Wait for the image to become ready
stateChange := awscommon.StateChangeConf{
Pending: []string{"pending"},
Target: "available",
Refresh: awscommon.AMIStateRefreshFunc(ec2conn, *registerResp.ImageId),
StepState: state,
ui.Say("Waiting for AMI to become ready...")
if _, err := awscommon.WaitForState(&stateChange); err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error waiting for AMI: %s", err)
state.Put("error", err)
return multistep.ActionHalt
return multistep.ActionContinue
func (s *StepRegisterAMI) Cleanup(state multistep.StateBag) {}
func buildRegisterOpts(config *Config, image *ec2.Image, blockDevices []*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping) *ec2.RegisterImageInput {
registerOpts := &ec2.RegisterImageInput{
Name: &config.AMIName,
Architecture: image.Architecture,
RootDeviceName: image.RootDeviceName,
BlockDeviceMappings: blockDevices,
VirtualizationType: image.VirtualizationType,
if config.AMIVirtType != "" {
registerOpts.VirtualizationType = aws.String(config.AMIVirtType)
if config.AMIVirtType != "hvm" {
registerOpts.KernelId = image.KernelId
registerOpts.RamdiskId = image.RamdiskId
return registerOpts