
634 lines
26 KiB

//go:generate struct-markdown
//go:generate mapstructure-to-hcl2 -type AmiFilterOptions,SecurityGroupFilterOptions,SubnetFilterOptions,VpcFilterOptions,PolicyDocument,Statement
package common
import (
var reShutdownBehavior = regexp.MustCompile("^(stop|terminate)$")
type AmiFilterOptions struct {
hcl2template.KeyValueFilter `mapstructure:",squash"`
Owners []string
MostRecent bool `mapstructure:"most_recent"`
func (d *AmiFilterOptions) GetOwners() []*string {
res := make([]*string, 0, len(d.Owners))
for _, owner := range d.Owners {
i := owner
res = append(res, &i)
return res
func (d *AmiFilterOptions) Empty() bool {
return len(d.Owners) == 0 && d.KeyValueFilter.Empty()
func (d *AmiFilterOptions) NoOwner() bool {
return len(d.Owners) == 0
type SubnetFilterOptions struct {
hcl2template.NameValueFilter `mapstructure:",squash"`
MostFree bool `mapstructure:"most_free"`
Random bool `mapstructure:"random"`
type VpcFilterOptions struct {
hcl2template.NameValueFilter `mapstructure:",squash"`
type Statement struct {
Effect string
Action []string
Resource []string
type PolicyDocument struct {
Version string
Statement []Statement
type SecurityGroupFilterOptions struct {
hcl2template.NameValueFilter `mapstructure:",squash"`
// RunConfig contains configuration for running an instance from a source
// AMI and details on how to access that launched image.
type RunConfig struct {
// If using a non-default VPC,
// public IP addresses are not provided by default. If this is true, your
// new instance will get a Public IP. default: false
AssociatePublicIpAddress bool `mapstructure:"associate_public_ip_address" required:"false"`
// Destination availability zone to launch
// instance in. Leave this empty to allow Amazon to auto-assign.
AvailabilityZone string `mapstructure:"availability_zone" required:"false"`
// Requires spot_price to be set. The
// required duration for the Spot Instances (also known as Spot blocks). This
// value must be a multiple of 60 (60, 120, 180, 240, 300, or 360). You can't
// specify an Availability Zone group or a launch group if you specify a
// duration.
BlockDurationMinutes int64 `mapstructure:"block_duration_minutes" required:"false"`
// Packer normally stops the build instance after all provisioners have
// run. For Windows instances, it is sometimes desirable to [run
// Sysprep](
// which will stop the instance for you. If this is set to `true`, Packer
// *will not* stop the instance but will assume that you will send the stop
// signal yourself through your final provisioner. You can do this with a
// [windows-shell provisioner](/docs/provisioners/windows-shell). Note that
// Packer will still wait for the instance to be stopped, and failing to
// send the stop signal yourself, when you have set this flag to `true`,
// will cause a timeout.
// An example of a valid windows shutdown command in a `windows-shell`
// provisioner is :
// ```shell-session
// ec2config.exe -sysprep
// ```
// or
// ```sell-session
// "%programfiles%\amazon\ec2configservice\"ec2config.exe -sysprep""
// ```
// -> Note: The double quotation marks in the command are not required if
// your CMD shell is already in the
// `C:\Program Files\Amazon\EC2ConfigService\` directory.
DisableStopInstance bool `mapstructure:"disable_stop_instance" required:"false"`
// Mark instance as [EBS
// Optimized](
// Default `false`.
EbsOptimized bool `mapstructure:"ebs_optimized" required:"false"`
// Enabling T2 Unlimited allows the source instance to burst additional CPU
// beyond its available [CPU
// Credits](
// for as long as the demand exists. This is in contrast to the standard
// configuration that only allows an instance to consume up to its
// available CPU Credits. See the AWS documentation for [T2
// Unlimited](
// and the **T2 Unlimited Pricing** section of the [Amazon EC2 On-Demand
// Pricing]( document for
// more information. By default this option is disabled and Packer will set
// up a [T2
// Standard](
// instance instead.
// To use T2 Unlimited you must use a T2 instance type, e.g. `t2.micro`.
// Additionally, T2 Unlimited cannot be used in conjunction with Spot
// Instances, e.g. when the `spot_price` option has been configured.
// Attempting to do so will cause an error.
// !> **Warning!** Additional costs may be incurred by enabling T2
// Unlimited - even for instances that would usually qualify for the
// [AWS Free Tier](
EnableT2Unlimited bool `mapstructure:"enable_t2_unlimited" required:"false"`
// The name of an [IAM instance
// profile](
// to launch the EC2 instance with.
IamInstanceProfile string `mapstructure:"iam_instance_profile" required:"false"`
// Whether or not to check if the IAM instance profile exists. Defaults to false
SkipProfileValidation bool `mapstructure:"skip_profile_validation" required:"false"`
// Temporary IAM instance profile policy document
// If IamInstanceProfile is specified it will be used instead. Example:
// ```json
// "Version": "2012-10-17",
// "Statement": [
// {
// "Action": [
// "logs:*"
// ],
// "Effect": "Allow",
// "Resource": "*"
// }
// ]
// ```
TemporaryIamInstanceProfilePolicyDocument *PolicyDocument `mapstructure:"temporary_iam_instance_profile_policy_document" required:"false"`
// Automatically terminate instances on
// shutdown in case Packer exits ungracefully. Possible values are stop and
// terminate. Defaults to stop.
InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior string `mapstructure:"shutdown_behavior" required:"false"`
// The EC2 instance type to use while building the
// AMI, such as t2.small.
InstanceType string `mapstructure:"instance_type" required:"true"`
// Filters used to populate the `security_group_ids` field. JSON Example:
// ```json
// {
// "security_group_filter": {
// "filters": {
// "tag:Class": "packer"
// }
// }
// }
// ```
// HCL2 Example:
// ```hcl
// security_group_filter {
// filters = {
// "tag:Class": "packer"
// }
// }
// ```
// This selects the SG's with tag `Class` with the value `packer`.
// - `filters` (map of strings) - filters used to select a
// `security_group_ids`. Any filter described in the docs for
// [DescribeSecurityGroups](
// is valid.
// `security_group_ids` take precedence over this.
SecurityGroupFilter SecurityGroupFilterOptions `mapstructure:"security_group_filter" required:"false"`
// Key/value pair tags to apply to the instance that is that is *launched*
// to create the EBS volumes. This is a [template
// engine](/docs/templates/engine), see [Build template
// data](#build-template-data) for more information.
RunTags map[string]string `mapstructure:"run_tags" required:"false"`
// Same as [`run_tags`](#run_tags) but defined as a singular repeatable
// block containing a `key` and a `value` field. In HCL2 mode the
// [`dynamic_block`](/docs/configuration/from-1.5/expressions#dynamic-blocks)
// will allow you to create those programatically.
RunTag hcl2template.KeyValues `mapstructure:"run_tag" required:"false"`
// The ID (not the name) of the security
// group to assign to the instance. By default this is not set and Packer will
// automatically create a new temporary security group to allow SSH access.
// Note that if this is specified, you must be sure the security group allows
// access to the ssh_port given below.
SecurityGroupId string `mapstructure:"security_group_id" required:"false"`
// A list of security groups as
// described above. Note that if this is specified, you must omit the
// security_group_id.
SecurityGroupIds []string `mapstructure:"security_group_ids" required:"false"`
// The source AMI whose root volume will be copied and
// provisioned on the currently running instance. This must be an EBS-backed
// AMI with a root volume snapshot that you have access to. Note: this is not
// used when from_scratch is set to true.
SourceAmi string `mapstructure:"source_ami" required:"true"`
// Filters used to populate the `source_ami`
// field. JSON Example:
// ```json
// "builders" [
// {
// "type": "amazon-ebs",
// "source_ami_filter": {
// "filters": {
// "virtualization-type": "hvm",
// "name": "ubuntu/images/\*ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-\*",
// "root-device-type": "ebs"
// },
// "owners": ["099720109477"],
// "most_recent": true
// }
// }
// ]
// ```
// HCL2 example:
// ```hcl
// source "amazon-ebs" "basic-example" {
// source_ami_filter {
// filters = {
// virtualization-type = "hvm"
// name = "ubuntu/images/\*ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-\*"
// root-device-type = "ebs"
// }
// owners = ["099720109477"]
// most_recent = true
// }
// }
// ```
// This selects the most recent Ubuntu 16.04 HVM EBS AMI from Canonical. NOTE:
// This will fail unless *exactly* one AMI is returned. In the above example,
// `most_recent` will cause this to succeed by selecting the newest image.
// - `filters` (map of strings) - filters used to select a `source_ami`.
// NOTE: This will fail unless *exactly* one AMI is returned. Any filter
// described in the docs for
// [DescribeImages](
// is valid.
// - `owners` (array of strings) - Filters the images by their owner. You
// may specify one or more AWS account IDs, "self" (which will use the
// account whose credentials you are using to run Packer), or an AWS owner
// alias: for example, `amazon`, `aws-marketplace`, or `microsoft`. This
// option is required for security reasons.
// - `most_recent` (boolean) - Selects the newest created image when true.
// This is most useful for selecting a daily distro build.
// You may set this in place of `source_ami` or in conjunction with it. If you
// set this in conjunction with `source_ami`, the `source_ami` will be added
// to the filter. The provided `source_ami` must meet all of the filtering
// criteria provided in `source_ami_filter`; this pins the AMI returned by the
// filter, but will cause Packer to fail if the `source_ami` does not exist.
SourceAmiFilter AmiFilterOptions `mapstructure:"source_ami_filter" required:"false"`
// a list of acceptable instance
// types to run your build on. We will request a spot instance using the max
// price of spot_price and the allocation strategy of "lowest price".
// Your instance will be launched on an instance type of the lowest available
// price that you have in your list. This is used in place of instance_type.
// You may only set either spot_instance_types or instance_type, not both.
// This feature exists to help prevent situations where a Packer build fails
// because a particular availability zone does not have capacity for the
// specific instance_type requested in instance_type.
SpotInstanceTypes []string `mapstructure:"spot_instance_types" required:"false"`
// With Spot Instances, you pay the Spot price that's in effect for the
// time period your instances are running. Spot Instance prices are set by
// Amazon EC2 and adjust gradually based on long-term trends in supply and
// demand for Spot Instance capacity.
// When this field is set, it represents the maximum hourly price you are
// willing to pay for a spot instance. If you do not set this value, it
// defaults to a maximum price equal to the on demand price of the
// instance. In the situation where the current Amazon-set spot price
// exceeds the value set in this field, Packer will not launch an instance
// and the build will error. In the situation where the Amazon-set spot
// price is less than the value set in this field, Packer will launch and
// you will pay the Amazon-set spot price, not this maximum value.
// For more information, see the Amazon docs on
// [spot pricing](
SpotPrice string `mapstructure:"spot_price" required:"false"`
// Required if spot_price is set to
// auto. This tells Packer what sort of AMI you're launching to find the
// best spot price. This must be one of: Linux/UNIX, SUSE Linux,
// Windows, Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC), SUSE Linux (Amazon VPC),
// Windows (Amazon VPC)
SpotPriceAutoProduct string `mapstructure:"spot_price_auto_product" required:"false" undocumented:"true"`
// Requires spot_price to be set. Key/value pair tags to apply tags to the
// spot request that is issued.
SpotTags map[string]string `mapstructure:"spot_tags" required:"false"`
// Same as [`spot_tags`](#spot_tags) but defined as a singular repeatable block
// containing a `key` and a `value` field. In HCL2 mode the
// [`dynamic_block`](/docs/configuration/from-1.5/expressions#dynamic-blocks)
// will allow you to create those programatically.
SpotTag hcl2template.KeyValues `mapstructure:"spot_tag" required:"false"`
// Filters used to populate the `subnet_id` field.
// JSON Example:
// ```json
// "builders" [
// {
// "type": "amazon-ebs",
// "subnet_filter": {
// "filters": {
// "tag:Class": "build"
// },
// "most_free": true,
// "random": false
// }
// }
// ]
// ```
// HCL2 example:
// ```hcl
// source "amazon-ebs" "basic-example" {
// subnet_filter {
// filters = {
// "tag:Class": "build"
// }
// most_free = true
// random = false
// }
// }
// ```
// This selects the Subnet with tag `Class` with the value `build`, which has
// the most free IP addresses. NOTE: This will fail unless *exactly* one
// Subnet is returned. By using `most_free` or `random` one will be selected
// from those matching the filter.
// - `filters` (map of strings) - filters used to select a `subnet_id`.
// NOTE: This will fail unless *exactly* one Subnet is returned. Any
// filter described in the docs for
// [DescribeSubnets](
// is valid.
// - `most_free` (boolean) - The Subnet with the most free IPv4 addresses
// will be used if multiple Subnets matches the filter.
// - `random` (boolean) - A random Subnet will be used if multiple Subnets
// matches the filter. `most_free` have precendence over this.
// `subnet_id` take precedence over this.
SubnetFilter SubnetFilterOptions `mapstructure:"subnet_filter" required:"false"`
// If using VPC, the ID of the subnet, such as
// subnet-12345def, where Packer will launch the EC2 instance. This field is
// required if you are using an non-default VPC.
SubnetId string `mapstructure:"subnet_id" required:"false"`
// The name of the temporary key pair to
// generate. By default, Packer generates a name that looks like
// `packer_<UUID>`, where &lt;UUID&gt; is a 36 character unique identifier.
TemporaryKeyPairName string `mapstructure:"temporary_key_pair_name" required:"false"`
// A list of IPv4 CIDR blocks to be authorized access to the instance, when
// packer is creating a temporary security group.
// The default is [``] (i.e., allow any IPv4 source). This is only
// used when `security_group_id` or `security_group_ids` is not specified.
TemporarySGSourceCidrs []string `mapstructure:"temporary_security_group_source_cidrs" required:"false"`
// User data to apply when launching the instance. Note
// that you need to be careful about escaping characters due to the templates
// being JSON. It is often more convenient to use user_data_file, instead.
// Packer will not automatically wait for a user script to finish before
// shutting down the instance this must be handled in a provisioner.
UserData string `mapstructure:"user_data" required:"false"`
// Path to a file that will be used for the user
// data when launching the instance.
UserDataFile string `mapstructure:"user_data_file" required:"false"`
// Filters used to populate the `vpc_id` field.
// JSON Example:
// ```json
// "builders" [
// {
// "type": "amazon-ebs",
// "vpc_filter": {
// "filters": {
// "tag:Class": "build",
// "isDefault": "false",
// "cidr": "/24"
// }
// }
// }
// ]
// ```
// HCL2 example:
// ```hcl
// source "amazon-ebs" "basic-example" {
// vpc_filter {
// filters = {
// "tag:Class": "build",
// "isDefault": "false",
// "cidr": "/24"
// }
// }
// }
// ```
// This selects the VPC with tag `Class` with the value `build`, which is not
// the default VPC, and have a IPv4 CIDR block of `/24`. NOTE: This will fail
// unless *exactly* one VPC is returned.
// - `filters` (map of strings) - filters used to select a `vpc_id`. NOTE:
// This will fail unless *exactly* one VPC is returned. Any filter
// described in the docs for
// [DescribeVpcs](
// is valid.
// `vpc_id` take precedence over this.
VpcFilter VpcFilterOptions `mapstructure:"vpc_filter" required:"false"`
// If launching into a VPC subnet, Packer needs the VPC ID
// in order to create a temporary security group within the VPC. Requires
// subnet_id to be set. If this field is left blank, Packer will try to get
// the VPC ID from the subnet_id.
VpcId string `mapstructure:"vpc_id" required:"false"`
// The timeout for waiting for a Windows
// password for Windows instances. Defaults to 20 minutes. Example value:
// 10m
WindowsPasswordTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"windows_password_timeout" required:"false"`
// Communicator settings
Comm communicator.Config `mapstructure:",squash"`
// One of `public_ip`, `private_ip`, `public_dns`, `private_dns` or `session_manager`.
// If set, either the public IP address, private IP address, public DNS name
// or private DNS name will be used as the host for SSH. The default behaviour
// if inside a VPC is to use the public IP address if available, otherwise
// the private IP address will be used. If not in a VPC the public DNS name
// will be used. Also works for WinRM.
// Where Packer is configured for an outbound proxy but WinRM traffic
// should be direct, `ssh_interface` must be set to `private_dns` and
// `<region>.compute.internal` included in the `NO_PROXY` environment
// variable.
// When using `session_manager` the machine running Packer must have
// the AWS Session Manager Plugin installed and within the users' system path.
// Connectivity via the `session_manager` interface establishes a secure tunnel
// between the local host and the remote host on an available local port to the specified `ssh_port`.
// See [Session Manager Connections](#session-manager-connections) for more information.
// - Session manager connectivity is currently only implemented for the SSH communicator, not the WinRM communicator.
// - Upon termination the secure tunnel will be terminated automatically, if however there is a failure in
// terminating the tunnel it will automatically terminate itself after 20 minutes of inactivity.
SSHInterface string `mapstructure:"ssh_interface"`
// Which port to connect the local end of the session tunnel to. If
// left blank, Packer will choose a port for you from available ports.
// This option is only used when `ssh_interface` is set `session_manager`.
SessionManagerPort int `mapstructure:"session_manager_port"`
func (c *RunConfig) Prepare(ctx *interpolate.Context) []error {
// If we are not given an explicit ssh_keypair_name or
// ssh_private_key_file, then create a temporary one, but only if the
// temporary_key_pair_name has not been provided and we are not using
// ssh_password.
if c.Comm.SSHKeyPairName == "" && c.Comm.SSHTemporaryKeyPairName == "" &&
c.Comm.SSHPrivateKeyFile == "" && c.Comm.SSHPassword == "" {
c.Comm.SSHTemporaryKeyPairName = fmt.Sprintf("packer_%s", uuid.TimeOrderedUUID())
if c.WindowsPasswordTimeout == 0 {
c.WindowsPasswordTimeout = 20 * time.Minute
if c.RunTags == nil {
c.RunTags = make(map[string]string)
// Validation
errs := c.Comm.Prepare(ctx)
// Copy singular tag maps
errs = append(errs, c.RunTag.CopyOn(&c.RunTags)...)
errs = append(errs, c.SpotTag.CopyOn(&c.SpotTags)...)
for _, preparer := range []interface{ Prepare() []error }{
} {
errs = append(errs, preparer.Prepare()...)
// Validating ssh_interface
if c.SSHInterface != "public_ip" &&
c.SSHInterface != "private_ip" &&
c.SSHInterface != "public_dns" &&
c.SSHInterface != "private_dns" &&
c.SSHInterface != "session_manager" &&
c.SSHInterface != "" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Unknown interface type: %s", c.SSHInterface))
// Connectivity via Session Manager has a few requirements
if c.SSHInterface == "session_manager" {
if c.Comm.Type == "winrm" {
msg := fmt.Errorf(`session_manager connectivity is not supported with the "winrm" communicator; please use "ssh"`)
errs = append(errs, msg)
if c.IamInstanceProfile == "" && c.TemporaryIamInstanceProfilePolicyDocument == nil {
msg := fmt.Errorf(`no iam_instance_profile defined; session_manager connectivity requires a valid instance profile with AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore permissions. Alternatively a temporary_iam_instance_profile_policy_document can be used.`)
errs = append(errs, msg)
if c.Comm.SSHKeyPairName != "" {
if c.Comm.Type == "winrm" && c.Comm.WinRMPassword == "" && c.Comm.SSHPrivateKeyFile == "" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("ssh_private_key_file must be provided to retrieve the winrm password when using ssh_keypair_name."))
} else if c.Comm.SSHPrivateKeyFile == "" && !c.Comm.SSHAgentAuth {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("ssh_private_key_file must be provided or ssh_agent_auth enabled when ssh_keypair_name is specified."))
if c.SourceAmi == "" && c.SourceAmiFilter.Empty() {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("A source_ami or source_ami_filter must be specified"))
if c.SourceAmi == "" && c.SourceAmiFilter.NoOwner() {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("For security reasons, your source AMI filter must declare an owner."))
if c.InstanceType == "" && len(c.SpotInstanceTypes) == 0 {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("either instance_type or "+
"spot_instance_types must be specified"))
if c.InstanceType != "" && len(c.SpotInstanceTypes) > 0 {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("either instance_type or "+
"spot_instance_types must be specified, not both"))
if c.BlockDurationMinutes%60 != 0 {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf(
"block_duration_minutes must be multiple of 60"))
if c.SpotTags != nil {
if c.SpotPrice == "" || c.SpotPrice == "0" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf(
"spot_tags should not be set when not requesting a spot instance"))
if c.UserData != "" && c.UserDataFile != "" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Only one of user_data or user_data_file can be specified."))
} else if c.UserDataFile != "" {
if _, err := os.Stat(c.UserDataFile); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("user_data_file not found: %s", c.UserDataFile))
if c.SecurityGroupId != "" {
if len(c.SecurityGroupIds) > 0 {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Only one of security_group_id or security_group_ids can be specified."))
} else {
c.SecurityGroupIds = []string{c.SecurityGroupId}
c.SecurityGroupId = ""
if len(c.TemporarySGSourceCidrs) == 0 {
c.TemporarySGSourceCidrs = []string{""}
} else {
for _, cidr := range c.TemporarySGSourceCidrs {
if _, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidr); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing CIDR in temporary_security_group_source_cidrs: %s", err.Error()))
if c.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior == "" {
c.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior = "stop"
} else if !reShutdownBehavior.MatchString(c.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior) {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("shutdown_behavior only accepts 'stop' or 'terminate' values."))
if c.EnableT2Unlimited {
if c.SpotPrice != "" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Error: T2 Unlimited cannot be used in conjunction with Spot Instances"))
firstDotIndex := strings.Index(c.InstanceType, ".")
if firstDotIndex == -1 {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Error determining main Instance Type from: %s", c.InstanceType))
} else if c.InstanceType[0:firstDotIndex] != "t2" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Error: T2 Unlimited enabled with a non-T2 Instance Type: %s", c.InstanceType))
return errs
func (c *RunConfig) IsSpotInstance() bool {
return c.SpotPrice != "" && c.SpotPrice != "0"
func (c *RunConfig) SSMAgentEnabled() bool {
hasIamInstanceProfile := c.IamInstanceProfile != "" || c.TemporaryIamInstanceProfilePolicyDocument != nil
return c.SSHInterface == "session_manager" && hasIamInstanceProfile