Previously, groups were granted launch permissions by submitting a ModifyImageAttribute request with the UserGroups parameter set appropriately. This is no longer valid, as the LaunchPermission parameter must be set.
226 lines
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226 lines
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package ebs
import (
builderT ""
func TestBuilderAcc_basic(t *testing.T) {
builderT.Test(t, builderT.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Builder: &Builder{},
Template: testBuilderAccBasic,
func TestBuilderAcc_regionCopy(t *testing.T) {
builderT.Test(t, builderT.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Builder: &Builder{},
Template: testBuilderAccRegionCopy,
Check: checkRegionCopy([]string{"us-east-1", "us-west-2"}),
func TestBuilderAcc_forceDeregister(t *testing.T) {
// Build the same AMI name twice, with force_deregister on the second run
builderT.Test(t, builderT.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Builder: &Builder{},
Template: buildForceDeregisterConfig("false", "dereg"),
SkipArtifactTeardown: true,
builderT.Test(t, builderT.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Builder: &Builder{},
Template: buildForceDeregisterConfig("true", "dereg"),
func TestBuilderAcc_amiSharing(t *testing.T) {
builderT.Test(t, builderT.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Builder: &Builder{},
Template: testBuilderAccSharing,
Check: checkAMISharing(2, "932021504756", "all"),
func checkAMISharing(count int, uid, group string) builderT.TestCheckFunc {
return func(artifacts []packer.Artifact) error {
if len(artifacts) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("more than 1 artifact")
// Get the actual *Artifact pointer so we can access the AMIs directly
artifactRaw := artifacts[0]
artifact, ok := artifactRaw.(*common.Artifact)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown artifact: %#v", artifactRaw)
// describe the image, get block devices with a snapshot
ec2conn, _ := testEC2Conn()
imageResp, err := ec2conn.DescribeImageAttribute(&ec2.DescribeImageAttributeInput{
Attribute: aws.String("launchPermission"),
ImageID: aws.String(artifact.Amis["us-east-1"]),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving Image Attributes for AMI Artifact (%#v) in AMI Sharing Test: %s", artifact, err)
// Launch Permissions are in addition to the userid that created it, so if
// you add 3 additional ami_users, you expect 2 Launch Permissions here
if len(imageResp.LaunchPermissions) != count {
return fmt.Errorf("Error in Image Attributes, expected (%d) Launch Permissions, got (%d)", count, len(imageResp.LaunchPermissions))
userFound := false
for _, lp := range imageResp.LaunchPermissions {
if lp.UserID != nil && uid == *lp.UserID {
userFound = true
if !userFound {
return fmt.Errorf("Error in Image Attributes, expected User ID (%s) to have Launch Permissions, but was not found", uid)
groupFound := false
for _, lp := range imageResp.LaunchPermissions {
if lp.Group != nil && group == *lp.Group {
groupFound = true
if !groupFound {
return fmt.Errorf("Error in Image Attributes, expected Group ID (%s) to have Launch Permissions, but was not found", group)
return nil
func checkRegionCopy(regions []string) builderT.TestCheckFunc {
return func(artifacts []packer.Artifact) error {
if len(artifacts) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("more than 1 artifact")
// Get the actual *Artifact pointer so we can access the AMIs directly
artifactRaw := artifacts[0]
artifact, ok := artifactRaw.(*common.Artifact)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown artifact: %#v", artifactRaw)
// Verify that we copied to only the regions given
regionSet := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, r := range regions {
regionSet[r] = struct{}{}
for r, _ := range artifact.Amis {
if _, ok := regionSet[r]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown region: %s", r)
delete(regionSet, r)
if len(regionSet) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("didn't copy to: %#v", regionSet)
return nil
func testAccPreCheck(t *testing.T) {
if v := os.Getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"); v == "" {
t.Fatal("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID must be set for acceptance tests")
if v := os.Getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"); v == "" {
t.Fatal("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY must be set for acceptance tests")
func testEC2Conn() (*ec2.EC2, error) {
access := &common.AccessConfig{RawRegion: "us-east-1"}
config, err := access.Config()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ec2.New(config), nil
const testBuilderAccBasic = `
"builders": [{
"type": "test",
"region": "us-east-1",
"instance_type": "m3.medium",
"source_ami": "ami-76b2a71e",
"ssh_username": "ubuntu",
"ami_name": "packer-test {{timestamp}}"
const testBuilderAccRegionCopy = `
"builders": [{
"type": "test",
"region": "us-east-1",
"instance_type": "m3.medium",
"source_ami": "ami-76b2a71e",
"ssh_username": "ubuntu",
"ami_name": "packer-test {{timestamp}}",
"ami_regions": ["us-east-1", "us-west-2"]
const testBuilderAccForceDeregister = `
"builders": [{
"type": "test",
"region": "us-east-1",
"instance_type": "m3.medium",
"source_ami": "ami-76b2a71e",
"ssh_username": "ubuntu",
"force_deregister": "%s",
"ami_name": "packer-test-%s"
// share with catsby
const testBuilderAccSharing = `
"builders": [{
"type": "test",
"region": "us-east-1",
"instance_type": "m3.medium",
"source_ami": "ami-76b2a71e",
"ssh_username": "ubuntu",
"ami_name": "packer-test {{timestamp}}",
func buildForceDeregisterConfig(name, flag string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(testBuilderAccForceDeregister, name, flag)