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127 lines
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package common
import (
// Define a mock struct to be used in unit tests for common aws steps.
type mockEC2ConnSpot struct {
Config *aws.Config
// Counters to figure out what code path was taken
describeSpotPriceHistoryCount int
// Generates fake SpotPriceHistory data and returns it in the expected output
// format. Also increments a
func (m *mockEC2ConnSpot) DescribeSpotPriceHistory(copyInput *ec2.DescribeSpotPriceHistoryInput) (*ec2.DescribeSpotPriceHistoryOutput, error) {
testTime := time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Hour)
sp := []*ec2.SpotPrice{
AvailabilityZone: aws.String("us-east-1c"),
InstanceType: aws.String("t2.micro"),
ProductDescription: aws.String("Linux/UNIX"),
SpotPrice: aws.String("0.003500"),
Timestamp: &testTime,
AvailabilityZone: aws.String("us-east-1f"),
InstanceType: aws.String("t2.micro"),
ProductDescription: aws.String("Linux/UNIX"),
SpotPrice: aws.String("0.003500"),
Timestamp: &testTime,
AvailabilityZone: aws.String("us-east-1b"),
InstanceType: aws.String("t2.micro"),
ProductDescription: aws.String("Linux/UNIX"),
SpotPrice: aws.String("0.003500"),
Timestamp: &testTime,
output := &ec2.DescribeSpotPriceHistoryOutput{SpotPriceHistory: sp}
return output, nil
func getMockConnSpot() ec2iface.EC2API {
mockConn := &mockEC2ConnSpot{
Config: aws.NewConfig(),
return mockConn
// Create statebag for running test
func tStateSpot() multistep.StateBag {
state := new(multistep.BasicStateBag)
state.Put("ui", &packer.BasicUi{
Reader: new(bytes.Buffer),
Writer: new(bytes.Buffer),
state.Put("availability_zone", "us-east-1c")
state.Put("securityGroupIds", []string{"sg-0b8984db72f213dc3"})
state.Put("subnet_id", "subnet-077fde4e")
state.Put("source_image", "")
return state
func getBasicStep() *StepRunSpotInstance {
stepRunSpotInstance := StepRunSpotInstance{
AssociatePublicIpAddress: false,
LaunchMappings: []BlockDevice(nil),
BlockDurationMinutes: 0,
Debug: false,
Comm: &communicator.Config{
SSH: communicator.SSH{
SSHKeyPairName: "foo",
EbsOptimized: false,
ExpectedRootDevice: "ebs",
IamInstanceProfile: "",
InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: "stop",
InstanceType: "t2.micro",
SourceAMI: "",
SpotPrice: "auto",
SpotPriceProduct: "Linux/UNIX",
SpotTags: TagMap(nil),
Tags: TagMap{},
VolumeTags: TagMap(nil),
UserData: "",
UserDataFile: "",
return &stepRunSpotInstance
func TestCalculateSpotPrice(t *testing.T) {
stepRunSpotInstance := getBasicStep()
// Set spot price and spot price product
stepRunSpotInstance.SpotPrice = "auto"
stepRunSpotInstance.SpotPriceProduct = "Linux/UNIX"
ec2conn := getMockConnSpot()
// state := tStateSpot()
spotPrice, err := stepRunSpotInstance.CalculateSpotPrice("", ec2conn)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Should not have had an error calculating spot price")
sp, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(spotPrice, 64)
expected := 0.008500
if sp != expected { // 0.003500 (from spot history) + .005
t.Fatalf("Expected spot price of \"0.008500\", not %s", spotPrice)