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// Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License (UPL) 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl or Apache License 2.0 as shown at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. You may choose either license.
package common
import (
//Region type for regions
type Region string
const (
//RegionSEA region SEA
RegionSEA Region = "sea"
//RegionCAToronto1 region for toronto
RegionCAToronto1 Region = "ca-toronto-1"
//RegionCAMontreal1 region for Montreal
RegionCAMontreal1 Region = "ca-montreal-1"
//RegionPHX region PHX
RegionPHX Region = "us-phoenix-1"
//RegionIAD region IAD
RegionIAD Region = "us-ashburn-1"
//RegionFRA region FRA
RegionFRA Region = "eu-frankfurt-1"
//RegionLHR region LHR
RegionLHR Region = "uk-london-1"
//RegionAPTokyo1 region for tokyo
RegionAPTokyo1 Region = "ap-tokyo-1"
//RegionAPOsaka1 region for Osaka
RegionAPOsaka1 Region = "ap-osaka-1"
//RegionAPSeoul1 region for seoul
RegionAPSeoul1 Region = "ap-seoul-1"
//RegionAPMumbai1 region for mumbai
RegionAPMumbai1 Region = "ap-mumbai-1"
//RegionAPMelbourne1 region for Melbourne
RegionAPMelbourne1 Region = "ap-melbourne-1"
//RegionAPSydney1 region for Sydney
RegionAPSydney1 Region = "ap-sydney-1"
//RegionMEJeddah1 region for Jeddah
RegionMEJeddah1 Region = "me-jeddah-1"
//RegionEUZurich1 region for Zurich
RegionEUZurich1 Region = "eu-zurich-1"
//RegionEUAmsterdam1 region for Amsterdam
RegionEUAmsterdam1 Region = "eu-amsterdam-1"
//RegionSASaopaulo1 region for Sao Paulo
RegionSASaopaulo1 Region = "sa-saopaulo-1"
//RegionUSLangley1 region for langley
RegionUSLangley1 Region = "us-langley-1"
//RegionUSLuke1 region for luke
RegionUSLuke1 Region = "us-luke-1"
//RegionUSGovAshburn1 region for langley
RegionUSGovAshburn1 Region = "us-gov-ashburn-1"
//RegionUSGovChicago1 region for luke
RegionUSGovChicago1 Region = "us-gov-chicago-1"
//RegionUSGovPhoenix1 region for luke
RegionUSGovPhoenix1 Region = "us-gov-phoenix-1"
//RegionUKGovLondon1 gov region London
RegionUKGovLondon1 Region = "uk-gov-london-1"
var realm = map[string]string{
"oc1": "oraclecloud.com",
"oc2": "oraclegovcloud.com",
"oc3": "oraclegovcloud.com",
"oc4": "oraclegovcloud.uk",
var regionRealm = map[Region]string{
RegionPHX: "oc1",
RegionIAD: "oc1",
RegionFRA: "oc1",
RegionLHR: "oc1",
RegionCAToronto1: "oc1",
RegionCAMontreal1: "oc1",
RegionAPTokyo1: "oc1",
RegionAPOsaka1: "oc1",
RegionAPSeoul1: "oc1",
RegionAPSydney1: "oc1",
RegionAPMumbai1: "oc1",
RegionAPMelbourne1: "oc1",
RegionMEJeddah1: "oc1",
RegionEUZurich1: "oc1",
RegionEUAmsterdam1: "oc1",
RegionSASaopaulo1: "oc1",
RegionUSLangley1: "oc2",
RegionUSLuke1: "oc2",
RegionUSGovAshburn1: "oc3",
RegionUSGovChicago1: "oc3",
RegionUSGovPhoenix1: "oc3",
RegionUKGovLondon1: "oc4",
// Endpoint returns a endpoint for a service
func (region Region) Endpoint(service string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", service, region, region.secondLevelDomain())
// EndpointForTemplate returns a endpoint for a service based on template
func (region Region) EndpointForTemplate(service string, serviceEndpointTemplate string) string {
if serviceEndpointTemplate == "" {
return region.Endpoint(service)
// replace service prefix
endpoint := strings.Replace(serviceEndpointTemplate, "{serviceEndpointPrefix}", service, 1)
// replace region
endpoint = strings.Replace(endpoint, "{region}", string(region), 1)
// replace second level domain
endpoint = strings.Replace(endpoint, "{secondLevelDomain}", region.secondLevelDomain(), 1)
return endpoint
func (region Region) secondLevelDomain() string {
if realmID, ok := regionRealm[region]; ok {
if secondLevelDomain, ok := realm[realmID]; ok {
return secondLevelDomain
Debugf("cannot find realm for region : %s, return default realm value.", region)
return realm["oc1"]
//StringToRegion convert a string to Region type
func StringToRegion(stringRegion string) (r Region) {
switch strings.ToLower(stringRegion) {
case "sea":
r = RegionSEA
case "yyz", "ca-toronto-1":
r = RegionCAToronto1
case "yul", "ca-montreal-1":
r = RegionCAMontreal1
case "phx", "us-phoenix-1":
r = RegionPHX
case "iad", "us-ashburn-1":
r = RegionIAD
case "fra", "eu-frankfurt-1":
r = RegionFRA
case "lhr", "uk-london-1":
r = RegionLHR
case "nrt", "ap-tokyo-1":
r = RegionAPTokyo1
case "kix", "ap-osaka-1":
r = RegionAPOsaka1
case "icn", "ap-seoul-1":
r = RegionAPSeoul1
case "bom", "ap-mumbai-1":
r = RegionAPMumbai1
case "mel", "ap-melbourne-1":
r = RegionAPMelbourne1
case "syd", "ap-sydney-1":
r = RegionAPSydney1
case "jed", "me-jeddah-1":
r = RegionMEJeddah1
case "zrh", "eu-zurich-1":
r = RegionEUZurich1
case "ams", "eu-amsterdam-1":
r = RegionEUAmsterdam1
case "gru", "sa-saopaulo-1":
r = RegionSASaopaulo1
case "us-langley-1":
r = RegionUSLangley1
case "us-luke-1":
r = RegionUSLuke1
case "us-gov-ashburn-1":
r = RegionUSGovAshburn1
case "us-gov-chicago-1":
r = RegionUSGovChicago1
case "us-gov-phoenix-1":
r = RegionUSGovPhoenix1
case "ltn", "uk-gov-london-1":
r = RegionUKGovLondon1
r = Region(stringRegion)
Debugf("region named: %s, is not recognized", stringRegion)
// canStringBeRegion test if the string can be a region, if it can, returns the string as is, otherwise it
// returns an error
var blankRegex = regexp.MustCompile("\\s")
func canStringBeRegion(stringRegion string) (region string, err error) {
if blankRegex.MatchString(stringRegion) || stringRegion == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("region can not be empty or have spaces")
return stringRegion, nil