
297 lines
13 KiB

//go:generate struct-markdown
package common
import (
// AMIConfig is for common configuration related to creating AMIs.
type AMIConfig struct {
// The name of the resulting AMI that will appear when managing AMIs in the
// AWS console or via APIs. This must be unique. To help make this unique,
// use a function like timestamp (see [template
// engine](../templates/engine.html) for more info).
AMIName string `mapstructure:"ami_name" required:"true"`
// The description to set for the resulting
// AMI(s). By default this description is empty. This is a
// [template engine](/docs/templates/engine.html), see [Build template
// data](#build-template-data) for more information.
AMIDescription string `mapstructure:"ami_description" required:"false"`
// The type of virtualization for the AMI
// you are building. This option is required to register HVM images. Can be
// paravirtual (default) or hvm.
AMIVirtType string `mapstructure:"ami_virtualization_type" required:"false"`
// A list of account IDs that have access to
// launch the resulting AMI(s). By default no additional users other than the
// user creating the AMI has permissions to launch it.
AMIUsers []string `mapstructure:"ami_users" required:"false"`
// A list of groups that have access to
// launch the resulting AMI(s). By default no groups have permission to launch
// the AMI. all will make the AMI publicly accessible.
AMIGroups []string `mapstructure:"ami_groups" required:"false"`
// A list of product codes to
// associate with the AMI. By default no product codes are associated with the
// AMI.
AMIProductCodes []string `mapstructure:"ami_product_codes" required:"false"`
// A list of regions to copy the AMI to.
// Tags and attributes are copied along with the AMI. AMI copying takes time
// depending on the size of the AMI, but will generally take many minutes.
AMIRegions []string `mapstructure:"ami_regions" required:"false"`
// Set to true if you want to skip
// validation of the ami_regions configuration option. Default false.
AMISkipRegionValidation bool `mapstructure:"skip_region_validation" required:"false"`
// Tags applied to the AMI. This is a
// [template engine](/docs/templates/engine.html), see [Build template
// data](#build-template-data) for more information.
AMITags map[string]string `mapstructure:"tags" required:"false"`
// Same as [`tags`](#tags) but defined as a singular repeatable block
// containing a `name` and a `value` field. In HCL2 mode the
// [`dynamic_block`](
// will allow you to create those programatically.
AMITag hcl2template.NameValues `mapstructure:"tag" required:"false"`
// Enable enhanced networking (ENA but not SriovNetSupport) on
// HVM-compatible AMIs. If set, add `ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute` to your
// AWS IAM policy.
// Note: you must make sure enhanced networking is enabled on your
// instance. See [Amazon's documentation on enabling enhanced
// networking](
AMIENASupport config.Trilean `mapstructure:"ena_support" required:"false"`
// Enable enhanced networking (SriovNetSupport but not ENA) on
// HVM-compatible AMIs. If true, add `ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute` to your
// AWS IAM policy. Note: you must make sure enhanced networking is enabled
// on your instance. See [Amazon's documentation on enabling enhanced
// networking](
// Default `false`.
AMISriovNetSupport bool `mapstructure:"sriov_support" required:"false"`
// Force Packer to first deregister an existing
// AMI if one with the same name already exists. Default false.
AMIForceDeregister bool `mapstructure:"force_deregister" required:"false"`
// Force Packer to delete snapshots
// associated with AMIs, which have been deregistered by force_deregister.
// Default false.
AMIForceDeleteSnapshot bool `mapstructure:"force_delete_snapshot" required:"false"`
// Whether or not to encrypt the resulting AMI when
// copying a provisioned instance to an AMI. By default, Packer will keep the
// encryption setting to what it was in the source image. Setting false will
// result in an unencrypted image, and true will result in an encrypted one.
// If you have used the `launch_block_device_mappings` to set an encryption
// key and that key is the same as the one you want the image encrypted with
// at the end, then you don't need to set this field; leaving it empty will
// prevent an unnecessary extra copy step and save you some time.
AMIEncryptBootVolume config.Trilean `mapstructure:"encrypt_boot" required:"false"`
// ID, alias or ARN of the KMS key to use for boot volume encryption. This
// only applies to the main `region`, other regions where the AMI will be
// copied will be encrypted by the default EBS KMS key. For valid formats
// see *KmsKeyId* in the [AWS API docs -
// CopyImage](
// This field is validated by Packer, when using an alias, you will have to
// prefix `kms_key_id` with `alias/`.
AMIKmsKeyId string `mapstructure:"kms_key_id" required:"false"`
// regions to copy the ami to, along with the custom kms key id (alias or
// arn) to use for encryption for that region. Keys must match the regions
// provided in `ami_regions`. If you just want to encrypt using a default
// ID, you can stick with `kms_key_id` and `ami_regions`. If you want a
// region to be encrypted with that region's default key ID, you can use an
// empty string `""` instead of a key id in this map. (e.g. `"us-east-1":
// ""`) However, you cannot use default key IDs if you are using this in
// conjunction with `snapshot_users` -- in that situation you must use
// custom keys. For valid formats see *KmsKeyId* in the [AWS API docs -
// CopyImage](
// This option supercedes the `kms_key_id` option -- if you set both, and
// they are different, Packer will respect the value in
// `region_kms_key_ids` for your build region and silently disregard the
// value provided in `kms_key_id`.
AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs map[string]string `mapstructure:"region_kms_key_ids" required:"false"`
// If true, Packer will not check whether an AMI with the `ami_name` exists
// in the region it is building in. It will use an intermediary AMI name,
// which it will not convert to an AMI in the build region. It will copy
// the intermediary AMI into any regions provided in `ami_regions`, then
// delete the intermediary AMI. Default `false`.
AMISkipBuildRegion bool `mapstructure:"skip_save_build_region"`
// Tags to apply to snapshot.
// They will override AMI tags if already applied to snapshot. This is a
// [template engine](../templates/engine.html), see [Build template
// data](#build-template-data) for more information.
SnapshotTags map[string]string `mapstructure:"snapshot_tags" required:"false"`
// Same as [`snapshot_tags`](#snapshot_tags) but defined as a singular
// repeatable block containing a `name` and a `value` field. In HCL2 mode the
// [`dynamic_block`](
// will allow you to create those programatically.
SnapshotTag hcl2template.NameValues `mapstructure:"snapshot_tag" required:"false"`
// A list of account IDs that have
// access to create volumes from the snapshot(s). By default no additional
// users other than the user creating the AMI has permissions to create
// volumes from the backing snapshot(s).
SnapshotUsers []string `mapstructure:"snapshot_users" required:"false"`
// A list of groups that have access to
// create volumes from the snapshot(s). By default no groups have permission
// to create volumes from the snapshot(s). all will make the snapshot
// publicly accessible.
SnapshotGroups []string `mapstructure:"snapshot_groups" required:"false"`
func stringInSlice(s []string, searchstr string) bool {
for _, item := range s {
if item == searchstr {
return true
return false
func (c *AMIConfig) Prepare(accessConfig *AccessConfig, ctx *interpolate.Context) []error {
var errs []error
errs = append(errs, c.SnapshotTag.CopyOn(&c.SnapshotTags)...)
errs = append(errs, c.AMITag.CopyOn(&c.AMITags)...)
if c.AMIName == "" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("ami_name must be specified"))
// Make sure that if we have region_kms_key_ids defined,
// the regions in region_kms_key_ids are also in ami_regions
if len(c.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs) > 0 {
for kmsKeyRegion := range c.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs {
if !stringInSlice(c.AMIRegions, kmsKeyRegion) {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Region %s is in region_kms_key_ids but not in ami_regions", kmsKeyRegion))
errs = append(errs, c.prepareRegions(accessConfig)...)
// Prevent sharing of default KMS key encrypted volumes with other aws users
if len(c.AMIUsers) > 0 {
if len(c.AMIKmsKeyId) == 0 && c.AMIEncryptBootVolume.True() {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Cannot share AMI encrypted with default KMS key"))
if len(c.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs) > 0 {
for _, kmsKey := range c.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs {
if len(kmsKey) == 0 {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Cannot share AMI encrypted with default KMS key for other regions"))
kmsKeys := make([]string, 0)
if len(c.AMIKmsKeyId) > 0 {
kmsKeys = append(kmsKeys, c.AMIKmsKeyId)
if len(c.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs) > 0 {
for _, kmsKey := range c.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs {
if len(kmsKey) > 0 {
kmsKeys = append(kmsKeys, kmsKey)
if len(kmsKeys) > 0 && !c.AMIEncryptBootVolume.True() {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("If you have set either "+
"region_kms_key_ids or kms_key_id, encrypt_boot must also be true."))
for _, kmsKey := range kmsKeys {
if !validateKmsKey(kmsKey) {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("%q is not a valid KMS Key Id.", kmsKey))
if len(c.SnapshotUsers) > 0 {
if len(c.AMIKmsKeyId) == 0 && len(c.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs) == 0 && c.AMIEncryptBootVolume.True() {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Cannot share snapshot encrypted "+
"with default KMS key, see for more information"))
if len(c.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs) > 0 {
for _, kmsKey := range c.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs {
if len(kmsKey) == 0 {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Cannot share snapshot encrypted with default KMS key"))
if len(c.AMIName) < 3 || len(c.AMIName) > 128 {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("ami_name must be between 3 and 128 characters long"))
if c.AMIName != templateCleanAMIName(c.AMIName) {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("AMIName should only contain "+
"alphanumeric characters, parentheses (()), square brackets ([]), spaces "+
"( ), periods (.), slashes (/), dashes (-), single quotes ('), at-signs "+
"(@), or underscores(_). You can use the `clean_resource_name` template "+
"filter to automatically clean your ami name."))
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
return nil
func (c *AMIConfig) prepareRegions(accessConfig *AccessConfig) (errs []error) {
if len(c.AMIRegions) > 0 {
regionSet := make(map[string]struct{})
regions := make([]string, 0, len(c.AMIRegions))
for _, region := range c.AMIRegions {
// If we already saw the region, then don't look again
if _, ok := regionSet[region]; ok {
// Mark that we saw the region
regionSet[region] = struct{}{}
// Make sure that if we have region_kms_key_ids defined,
// the regions in ami_regions are also in region_kms_key_ids
if len(c.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs) > 0 {
if _, ok := c.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs[region]; !ok {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Region %s is in ami_regions but not in region_kms_key_ids", region))
if (accessConfig != nil) && (region == accessConfig.RawRegion) {
// make sure we don't try to copy to the region we originally
// create the AMI in.
log.Printf("Cannot copy AMI to AWS session region '%s', deleting it from `ami_regions`.", region)
regions = append(regions, region)
c.AMIRegions = regions
return errs
// See
func validateKmsKey(kmsKey string) (valid bool) {
kmsKeyIdPattern := `[a-f0-9-]+$`
aliasPattern := `alias/[a-zA-Z0-9:/_-]+$`
kmsArnStartPattern := `^arn:aws(-us-gov)?:kms:([a-z]{2}-(gov-)?[a-z]+-\d{1})?:(\d{12}):`
if regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("^%s", kmsKeyIdPattern)).MatchString(kmsKey) {
return true
if regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("^%s", aliasPattern)).MatchString(kmsKey) {
return true
if regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("%skey/%s", kmsArnStartPattern, kmsKeyIdPattern)).MatchString(kmsKey) {
return true
if regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", kmsArnStartPattern, aliasPattern)).MatchString(kmsKey) {
return true
return false