backticks, spaces, commas In general, a list of items should have a space after each comma. While there are editorial styles that suggest commas inside quotations, they're horrible advice when the backticks are describing specific character for a user to enter. one off indent filters section singular backticks... word wrap long lines... spelling: macOS contributing: clarify closing case contributing: link to changelog contributing: point to git remote... contributing: split commands from descriptions contributing: grammar spelling: github grammar: comma after etc. spelling: macOS grammar: i.e. alicloud: use relative link alicloud: use backticks alicloud: bits alicloud: such as grammar: comma after etc. avoid linking periods grammar: period amazon-chroot: IOPS amazon-chroot: use backticks amazon-chroot: link to section amazon-chroot: whether-or-not; period amazon-ebs: period amazon-ebs: use relative link amazon-ebs: use backticks amazon-ebs: comma amazon-ebs: bold amazon-ebssurrogate: comma after etc. amazon-ebssurrogate: this builder amazon-instance: this builder amazon-ebssurrogate: set this amazon-ebssurrogate: whether-or-not amazon-ebssurrogate: period amazon-ebssurrogate: bold section reference amazon-ebssurrogate: backticks... amazon-ebssurrogate: commas around e.g. spelling: precedence spelling: i.e. amazon-ebssurrogate: backticks...
Packer Website
This subdirectory contains the entire source for the Packer Website. This is a Middleman project, which builds a static site from these source files.
Contributions Welcome!
If you find a typo or you feel like you can improve the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, we welcome contributions. Feel free to open issues or pull requests like any normal GitHub project, and we'll merge it in.
Running the Site Locally
- Install Docker if you have not already done so
- Clone this repo and run
make website
Then open up http://localhost:4567
. Note that some URLs you may need to append
".html" to make them work (in the navigation).