Wilken Rivera 9ec8b67392
Add golangci-lint to project (#8686)
* Add golangci-lint as linting tool

* Disable failing staticchecks to start; GitHub issue to handle coming soon

* Run `goimports -w` to repair all source files that have improperly
formatted imports

* makefile: Add ci-lint target to run on travis

This change adds a new make target for running golangci-lint on newly
added Go files only. This target is expected to run during Packer ci builds.

* .github/contributing: Add code linting instructions

* travis: Update job configuration to run parallel builds
2020-02-14 11:42:29 -05:00

373 lines
14 KiB

//go:generate struct-markdown
//go:generate mapstructure-to-hcl2 -type Config,RootBlockDevice,BlockDevice
// The ebssurrogate package contains a packer.Builder implementation that
// builds a new EBS-backed AMI using an ephemeral instance.
package ebssurrogate
import (
awscommon "github.com/hashicorp/packer/builder/amazon/common"
const BuilderId = "mitchellh.amazon.ebssurrogate"
type Config struct {
common.PackerConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
awscommon.AccessConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
awscommon.RunConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
awscommon.AMIConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
// Add one or more block device mappings to the AMI. These will be attached
// when booting a new instance from your AMI. To add a block device during
// the Packer build see `launch_block_device_mappings` below. Your options
// here may vary depending on the type of VM you use. See the
// [BlockDevices](#block-devices-configuration) documentation for fields.
AMIMappings awscommon.BlockDevices `mapstructure:"ami_block_device_mappings" required:"false"`
// Add one or more block devices before the Packer build starts. If you add
// instance store volumes or EBS volumes in addition to the root device
// volume, the created AMI will contain block device mapping information
// for those volumes. Amazon creates snapshots of the source instance's
// root volume and any other EBS volumes described here. When you launch an
// instance from this new AMI, the instance automatically launches with
// these additional volumes, and will restore them from snapshots taken
// from the source instance. See the
// [BlockDevices](#block-devices-configuration) documentation for fields.
LaunchMappings BlockDevices `mapstructure:"launch_block_device_mappings" required:"false"`
// A block device mapping describing the root device of the AMI. This looks
// like the mappings in `ami_block_device_mapping`, except with an
// additional field:
// - `source_device_name` (string) - The device name of the block device on
// the source instance to be used as the root device for the AMI. This
// must correspond to a block device in `launch_block_device_mapping`.
RootDevice RootBlockDevice `mapstructure:"ami_root_device" required:"true"`
// Tags to apply to the volumes that are *launched* to create the AMI.
// These tags are *not* applied to the resulting AMI unless they're
// duplicated in `tags`. This is a [template
// engine](/docs/templates/engine.html), see [Build template
// data](#build-template-data) for more information.
VolumeRunTags awscommon.TagMap `mapstructure:"run_volume_tags"`
// what architecture to use when registering the
// final AMI; valid options are "x86_64" or "arm64". Defaults to "x86_64".
Architecture string `mapstructure:"ami_architecture" required:"false"`
ctx interpolate.Context
type Builder struct {
config Config
runner multistep.Runner
func (b *Builder) ConfigSpec() hcldec.ObjectSpec { return b.config.FlatMapstructure().HCL2Spec() }
func (b *Builder) Prepare(raws ...interface{}) ([]string, []string, error) {
b.config.ctx.Funcs = awscommon.TemplateFuncs
err := config.Decode(&b.config, &config.DecodeOpts{
Interpolate: true,
InterpolateContext: &b.config.ctx,
InterpolateFilter: &interpolate.RenderFilter{
Exclude: []string{
}, raws...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if b.config.PackerConfig.PackerForce {
b.config.AMIForceDeregister = true
// Accumulate any errors
var errs *packer.MultiError
var warns []string
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.AccessConfig.Prepare(&b.config.ctx)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.RunConfig.Prepare(&b.config.ctx)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
b.config.AMIConfig.Prepare(&b.config.AccessConfig, &b.config.ctx)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.AMIMappings.Prepare(&b.config.ctx)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.LaunchMappings.Prepare(&b.config.ctx)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.RootDevice.Prepare(&b.config.ctx)...)
if b.config.AMIVirtType == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, errors.New("ami_virtualization_type is required."))
foundRootVolume := false
for _, launchDevice := range b.config.LaunchMappings {
if launchDevice.DeviceName == b.config.RootDevice.SourceDeviceName {
foundRootVolume = true
if launchDevice.OmitFromArtifact {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, fmt.Errorf("You cannot set \"omit_from_artifact\": \"true\" for the root volume."))
if !foundRootVolume {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, fmt.Errorf("no volume with name '%s' is found", b.config.RootDevice.SourceDeviceName))
if b.config.RunConfig.SpotPriceAutoProduct != "" {
warns = append(warns, "spot_price_auto_product is deprecated and no "+
"longer necessary for Packer builds. In future versions of "+
"Packer, inclusion of spot_price_auto_product will error your "+
"builds. Please take a look at our current documentation to "+
"understand how Packer requests Spot instances.")
if b.config.Architecture == "" {
b.config.Architecture = "x86_64"
valid := false
for _, validArch := range []string{"x86_64", "arm64"} {
if validArch == b.config.Architecture {
valid = true
if !valid {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, errors.New(`The only valid ami_architecture values are "x86_64" and "arm64"`))
if errs != nil && len(errs.Errors) > 0 {
return nil, warns, errs
packer.LogSecretFilter.Set(b.config.AccessKey, b.config.SecretKey, b.config.Token)
generatedData := []string{"SourceAMIName"}
return generatedData, warns, nil
func (b *Builder) Run(ctx context.Context, ui packer.Ui, hook packer.Hook) (packer.Artifact, error) {
session, err := b.config.Session()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ec2conn := ec2.New(session)
iam := iam.New(session)
// Setup the state bag and initial state for the steps
state := new(multistep.BasicStateBag)
state.Put("config", &b.config)
state.Put("access_config", &b.config.AccessConfig)
state.Put("ami_config", &b.config.AMIConfig)
state.Put("ec2", ec2conn)
state.Put("iam", iam)
state.Put("awsSession", session)
state.Put("hook", hook)
state.Put("ui", ui)
generatedData := &builder.GeneratedData{State: state}
var instanceStep multistep.Step
if b.config.IsSpotInstance() {
instanceStep = &awscommon.StepRunSpotInstance{
AssociatePublicIpAddress: b.config.AssociatePublicIpAddress,
LaunchMappings: b.config.LaunchMappings,
BlockDurationMinutes: b.config.BlockDurationMinutes,
Ctx: b.config.ctx,
Comm: &b.config.RunConfig.Comm,
Debug: b.config.PackerDebug,
EbsOptimized: b.config.EbsOptimized,
ExpectedRootDevice: "ebs",
InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: b.config.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior,
InstanceType: b.config.InstanceType,
SourceAMI: b.config.SourceAmi,
SpotPrice: b.config.SpotPrice,
SpotInstanceTypes: b.config.SpotInstanceTypes,
SpotTags: b.config.SpotTags,
Tags: b.config.RunTags,
UserData: b.config.UserData,
UserDataFile: b.config.UserDataFile,
VolumeTags: b.config.VolumeRunTags,
} else {
instanceStep = &awscommon.StepRunSourceInstance{
AssociatePublicIpAddress: b.config.AssociatePublicIpAddress,
LaunchMappings: b.config.LaunchMappings,
Comm: &b.config.RunConfig.Comm,
Ctx: b.config.ctx,
Debug: b.config.PackerDebug,
EbsOptimized: b.config.EbsOptimized,
EnableT2Unlimited: b.config.EnableT2Unlimited,
ExpectedRootDevice: "ebs",
InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: b.config.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior,
InstanceType: b.config.InstanceType,
IsRestricted: b.config.IsChinaCloud() || b.config.IsGovCloud(),
SourceAMI: b.config.SourceAmi,
Tags: b.config.RunTags,
UserData: b.config.UserData,
UserDataFile: b.config.UserDataFile,
VolumeTags: b.config.VolumeRunTags,
amiDevices := b.config.AMIMappings.BuildEC2BlockDeviceMappings()
launchDevices := b.config.LaunchMappings.BuildEC2BlockDeviceMappings()
// Build the steps
steps := []multistep.Step{
DestAmiName: b.config.AMIName,
ForceDeregister: b.config.AMIForceDeregister,
VpcId: b.config.VpcId,
SubnetId: b.config.SubnetId,
HasSubnetFilter: len(b.config.SubnetFilter.Filters) > 0,
SourceAmi: b.config.SourceAmi,
EnableAMISriovNetSupport: b.config.AMISriovNetSupport,
EnableAMIENASupport: b.config.AMIENASupport,
AmiFilters: b.config.SourceAmiFilter,
AMIVirtType: b.config.AMIVirtType,
VpcId: b.config.VpcId,
VpcFilter: b.config.VpcFilter,
SecurityGroupIds: b.config.SecurityGroupIds,
SecurityGroupFilter: b.config.SecurityGroupFilter,
SubnetId: b.config.SubnetId,
SubnetFilter: b.config.SubnetFilter,
AvailabilityZone: b.config.AvailabilityZone,
Debug: b.config.PackerDebug,
Comm: &b.config.RunConfig.Comm,
DebugKeyPath: fmt.Sprintf("ec2_%s.pem", b.config.PackerBuildName),
SecurityGroupFilter: b.config.SecurityGroupFilter,
SecurityGroupIds: b.config.SecurityGroupIds,
CommConfig: &b.config.RunConfig.Comm,
TemporarySGSourceCidrs: b.config.TemporarySGSourceCidrs,
IamInstanceProfile: b.config.IamInstanceProfile,
SkipProfileValidation: b.config.SkipProfileValidation,
TemporaryIamInstanceProfilePolicyDocument: b.config.TemporaryIamInstanceProfilePolicyDocument,
LaunchMappings: b.config.LaunchMappings.Common(),
Debug: b.config.PackerDebug,
Comm: &b.config.RunConfig.Comm,
Timeout: b.config.WindowsPasswordTimeout,
BuildName: b.config.PackerBuildName,
Config: &b.config.RunConfig.Comm,
Host: awscommon.SSHHost(
SSHConfig: b.config.RunConfig.Comm.SSHConfigFunc(),
Comm: &b.config.RunConfig.Comm,
Skip: b.config.IsSpotInstance(),
DisableStopInstance: b.config.DisableStopInstance,
Skip: b.config.IsSpotInstance(),
EnableAMISriovNetSupport: b.config.AMISriovNetSupport,
EnableAMIENASupport: b.config.AMIENASupport,
LaunchDevices: launchDevices,
SnapshotOmitMap: b.config.LaunchMappings.GetOmissions(),
AccessConfig: &b.config.AccessConfig,
ForceDeregister: b.config.AMIForceDeregister,
ForceDeleteSnapshot: b.config.AMIForceDeleteSnapshot,
AMIName: b.config.AMIName,
Regions: b.config.AMIRegions,
RootDevice: b.config.RootDevice,
AMIDevices: amiDevices,
LaunchDevices: launchDevices,
EnableAMISriovNetSupport: b.config.AMISriovNetSupport,
EnableAMIENASupport: b.config.AMIENASupport,
Architecture: b.config.Architecture,
LaunchOmitMap: b.config.LaunchMappings.GetOmissions(),
AMISkipBuildRegion: b.config.AMISkipBuildRegion,
AccessConfig: &b.config.AccessConfig,
Regions: b.config.AMIRegions,
AMIKmsKeyId: b.config.AMIKmsKeyId,
RegionKeyIds: b.config.AMIRegionKMSKeyIDs,
EncryptBootVolume: b.config.AMIEncryptBootVolume,
Name: b.config.AMIName,
OriginalRegion: *ec2conn.Config.Region,
Description: b.config.AMIDescription,
Users: b.config.AMIUsers,
Groups: b.config.AMIGroups,
ProductCodes: b.config.AMIProductCodes,
SnapshotUsers: b.config.SnapshotUsers,
SnapshotGroups: b.config.SnapshotGroups,
Ctx: b.config.ctx,
GeneratedData: generatedData,
Tags: b.config.AMITags,
SnapshotTags: b.config.SnapshotTags,
Ctx: b.config.ctx,
// Run!
b.runner = common.NewRunner(steps, b.config.PackerConfig, ui)
b.runner.Run(ctx, state)
// If there was an error, return that
if rawErr, ok := state.GetOk("error"); ok {
return nil, rawErr.(error)
if amis, ok := state.GetOk("amis"); ok {
// Build the artifact and return it
artifact := &awscommon.Artifact{
Amis: amis.(map[string]string),
BuilderIdValue: BuilderId,
Session: session,
StateData: map[string]interface{}{"generated_data": state.Get("generated_data")},
return artifact, nil
return nil, nil