This is last merge that will happen from the repository. All development is being over to this repository. The biggest change in this merge is support for Windows. There are a few other fixes as well. * If the user cancels the build, clean up any resources. * Output a reasonable build artifact. * Log requests and responses with Azure. * Support for US Government and the China clouds. * Support interrupting long running tasks. * Allow the user to set the image version. * Device login support.
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for license information.
package arm
import (
type StepDeleteOSDisk struct {
client *AzureClient
delete func(string, string) error
say func(message string)
error func(e error)
func NewStepDeleteOSDisk(client *AzureClient, ui packer.Ui) *StepDeleteOSDisk {
var step = &StepDeleteOSDisk{
client: client,
say: func(message string) { ui.Say(message) },
error: func(e error) { ui.Error(e.Error()) },
step.delete = step.deleteBlob
return step
func (s *StepDeleteOSDisk) deleteBlob(storageContainerName string, blobName string) error {
return s.client.BlobStorageClient.DeleteBlob(storageContainerName, blobName, nil)
func (s *StepDeleteOSDisk) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
s.say("Deleting the temporary OS disk ...")
var osDisk = state.Get(constants.ArmOSDiskVhd).(string)
s.say(fmt.Sprintf(" -> OS Disk : '%s'", osDisk))
u, err := url.Parse(osDisk)
if err != nil {
s.say("Failed to parse the OS Disk's VHD URI!")
return multistep.ActionHalt
xs := strings.Split(u.Path, "/")
var storageAccountName = xs[1]
var blobName = strings.Join(xs[2:], "/")
err = s.delete(storageAccountName, blobName)
return processStepResult(err, s.error, state)
func (*StepDeleteOSDisk) Cleanup(multistep.StateBag) {