Scaleway config
Recommended config file:
# get your credentials on
secret_key: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
default_organization_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
default_region: fr-par
default_zone: fr-par-1
Config file path
The function GetConfigPath
will try to locate the config file in the following ways:
- Custom directory:
- XDG base directory:
- Unix home directory:
- Windows home directory:
V1 config (DEPRECATED)
The V1 config (AKA legacy config) .scwrc
is deprecated.
To migrate the V1 config to the new format use the function MigrateLegacyConfig
, this will create a proper config file the new config file path.
Reading config order
ClientOption ordering will decide the order in which the config should apply:
p, _ := scw.MustLoadConfig().GetActiveProfile()
scw.WithProfile(p), // active profile applies first
scw.WithEnv(), // existing env variables may overwrite active profile
scw.WithDefaultRegion(scw.RegionFrPar) // any prior region set will be discarded to usr the new one
Environment variables
Variable | Description | Legacy variables |
Access key of a token (get yours) | $SCALEWAY_ACCESS_KEY (used by terraform) |
Secret key of a token (get yours) | $SCW_TOKEN (used by cli), $SCALEWAY_TOKEN (used by terraform), $SCALEWAY_ACCESS_KEY (used by terraform) |
Your default organization ID, if you don't have one use your organization ID (get yours) | $SCW_ORGANIZATION (used by cli),$SCALEWAY_ORGANIZATION (used by terraform) |
Your default region | $SCW_REGION (used by cli),$SCALEWAY_REGION (used by terraform) |
Your default availability zone | $SCW_ZONE (used by cli),$SCALEWAY_ZONE (used by terraform) |
Url of the API | - |
Set this to true to enable the insecure mode |
$SCW_TLSVERIFY (inverse flag used by the cli) |
Set the config profile to use | - |